camp BURNING, BLAZING ☀️ coming out


Jun 20, 2023

Sunfreckle is gone. That's the word everyone had kept saying: gone, gone, gone, as though his pa was a dropped piece of prey or a lost kit. He'll be back, though. Emberpaw's sure of it. He's been bringing wildflowers to his not-yet-stale nest and sitting up at night in case Sunfreckle comes back. In case he's confused or lost or needs Emberpaw to go help him. He watches his siblings carefully and tries to console moody Mousenose and works extra hard in training even if he's tired from staying up. Because—Because surely if he just tries, Sunfreckle will come back.

In the meantime, though, he has something to tell Rabbitnose. And, he supposes, his family, and the rest of the clan. Or rather, she supposes. Call his timing inopportune, but Emberpaw had been parsing this out for sunrises. Moons, maybe, even.

"Dad?" She seeks Rabbitnose out in the camp, watching him with soft blue eyes. He's been taking this as hard as any of them, and while Emberpaw doesn't want to interrupt whatever he's doing, she's resolved to do this. Once he has Rabbitnose's attention, he shuffles his paws and mews, "I was wondering, um—I've been thinking—" she stammers out. "If, uh, you and—and everyone else can call me he and she?"


  • @Rabbitnose but no need to wait!
  • SL6r4RD.png
    emberpaw ; apprentice of thunderclan
    x. he/she ; 5 moons ; tags
    x. fluffy, broad-shouldered golden tabby with baby blue eyes
    x. son to sunfreckle and rabbitnose ; adopted brother to rainbowpaw, sunshinepaw, & pigeonpaw ; younger brother to mousenose, freckleflame, sparkwing, mossypaw, & dovekit. mentored by wolfwind.
    x. played by dejavu

Rabbitnose has not been the same since Sunfreckle was captured. He has not smiled or spoken much at all, and has been keeping close to his kits most of the time. He doesn't know who to go to for comfort, or if such a thing is even possible to have. Sunfreckle is lost to him, who is he supposed to go to? Who is he supposed to hold at night? The nights are colder without him, and Rabbitnose has lost sleep staring at the empty spot beside him

But he chokes back the crushing urge to break. He cant, he has to be strong. He has to be there for his kits, they need his support. Neglecting himself only makes him feel colder inside. Brittle, more easily broken.

But when Emberpaw comes up to him, he manages a small smile. "Yes?"

Emberpaw goes on to say that he's been thinking, and he sees him shuffle his paws. What has him so nervous? Soon enough, Rabbitnose has his answer.

His smile widens and he leans his head down to give Emberpaw a lick on the head. "Of course I can, and I'm sure everyone else will too. No matter what, you're still my kit and I love you." Rabbitnose says warmly, despite the desolate cold that he feels inside.​

Sunfreckles absence is like a deep wound to ThunderClan. They were missing a lead warrior but more than that they were missing a father, a friend, a presence that, until this moment seemed to deeply rooted to ThunderClan, as if he had been here since the beginning of time and would continue to be until the end of it. Little Wolf had felt that way to him too, but now she was gone and so was Sunfreckle and nothing felt right. Everything was changing around him and he is uncertain how in the world he would ever hope to keep up.

Another change comes today, though this one is of little consequence to him. He is settled down nearby when Emberpaw approaches Rabbitnose and proclaims that from now on they would like to be referred to as a he and a she. Rabbitnose assures her that indeed he can, as can everyone else and though he is not being spoken to directly he finds himself nodding in agreement. "Easy enough" he says with a slight shrug and a light smile.

The hole that lies amidst ThunderClan’s lead warriors is Sunfreckle-shaped, and though not bound by blood to the three-legged tom, Falconpaw feels his absence all the same. He’d grown up knowing Sunfreckle as a lead warrior of the clan, and now that he’s not around anymore, everything feels… off. But life moves on despite the loss, and though the cream tabby is unsure how he feels about it. On one end, it’s easy to shed the pain of loss, but on the other end it feels as though there is no time to grieve. The clan is preparing for the cold months, and they don’t have the time to do anything but continue on.

He tips his head as Emberpaw asks to be called both he and she. Falconpaw isn’t the intended audience, but still he looks subtly on as Rabbitnose responds. Of course the pale-furred warrior voices his agreement, his support—Falconpaw looks to Burnstorm as his mentor easily agrees as well. He has never questioned the terms that he’s always been called, but it’s nice to see that his clanmates are eager to reassure Emberpaw. From his place beside Burnstorm, the cream-striped apprentice asks, "He and she, that’s cool. So we could call you a tom and a she-cat?"
[ find me way out there ]

I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — Snowy paws slip out from the medicine den, one of them lifting to pick away at the debris that clung to his coat, and his earthy gaze turns in the direction of Rabbitnose and their kitten wondering how they were holding up with the disappearance of Sunfreckle. He's hopeful like Emberpaw that the russet furred lead warrior would return to them and hopefully in one piece if not he's certain that him and Berryheart would do their best to ensure that the tom makes a swift recovery. There's still a chance that he's alive out there and Starclan was watching over him, Little Wolf would as well, for now... Hailstorm can only pray for the return of his friend as a soft breath escapes his slightly parted jaws deciding to focus on the conversation between father and kit, both ears pricked forward to hear Emberpaw ask that everyone calls him by she and he, it seems easy enough and whatever made her comfortable. A single thought budding in his mind wondering if he had ever had kits of his own would they come to him with such matters, he plucks it out from his mind like a pesky weed not wishing to dwell and ponder what ifs. Falconpaw speaks up next asking if Emberpaw could be called a tom and a molly, Hailstorm listens with a small nod of his own head.

He draws closer to his clanmates offering Rabbitnose a kind gaze then to Emberpaw with a small yet warm smile "Whatever makes you happiest and I'll be sure to remember," There is a small uncertainty of what else he could say to give her a little more ease but there is none considering how everyone within Thunderclan is generally accepting, he flicks his ear and decides to take a seat only briefly glancing behind his shoulder to see if Berryheart had followed him or was searching for him to perform a few needed chores or tasks.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    50 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
It seemed even in times of lesser woes, the tension would spike in the most random of situations. An abduction was assuredly terrifying and more so when you had no clue where the other had been abducted. The absence of Sunfreckle was a large one and the passing frame of Emberpaw was a plain reminder of it. Blue eyes softened significantly as the youth sought out their father's council. Said tom was sulking not too far and her heart thrummed with empathy. Rarely did she take the chance to eavesdrop, but her mind had already decided. Her ears perked high at the soft exchange and the earlier ache bloomed warmly.

Honeydapple had never felt the desire to change her descriptors or gender, but she could respect it. Said respect was rightfully earned by none other than Rabbitnose and the incoming group of clanmates chiming in their support. Dropping the facade of feigned ignorance, the pointed moggy strode near the hulking frame of Hailstorm. Her soft voice piped in melodically to the youth. "That's wonderful to hear, and I'll take care to respect your wishes." A kind smile danced lightly on her maw. Using both seemed simple enough to the Thunderclanner.
✦  .   ˚ .   "It's a little scary, isn't it?" His voice is quiet but his nose and eyes crinkle with kind amusement. He hadn't meant to intrude, but training with Nightbird had steadily built the apprentice's strength back up and he knows that he needs to use it more– he'd been walking about camp and speaking to his clanmates rather than simply resting in a puddle of pure exhaustion. He hadn't processed anything, it seemed like, not since the cats had returned from the mountains with news of his mother's death. Sunfreckle...isn't his mom. Astute, he knows. But it's still close enough that being here stabs something right through his heart. It's a distraction, thinking of Berryheart and that moment in his spare nest, then sitting before the clan.

Quickly, Duskpaw picks up the string of his thoughts. "Even if you know that it will be fine. Good job being brave." His nod becomes sharp, warrior to warrior even though neither of them are to be called such just yet. But they still have much in common in this moment. Family, questions, and something that is terribly, achingly, missing. He can only hope that Emberpaw would find hers soon, and truly everything would be okay again.

  • OOC.
    ——  a lanky apprentice with mostly dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. his eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red, often somewhat critical and cautious but not unkind in expression. he is not terribly tall, but his shoulders are broadening with age and training.
  • "speech"