private BURNING BRIDGES [🌘] SHC kits

Sootstar pokes her head into the gorse-protected nursery, a plump bird one of the moor runners had been lucky to catch dangling in her jaws. She drops it and meows, ”Larkkit, Ouzelkit, come and eat.” The nursery had become drastically empty since the two kitten’s arrival. All of Wolfsong and Brightshine’s kits had just been apprenticed leaving Moonwhisker and the two former ShadowClan kittens to their lonesome. They’ve grown quite bored over the last couple days, or at least that’s the impression Sootstar had picked up on.

It was hard to say when she’d be able to apprentice them both, ShadowClan scent still mingled vaguely in their fur and the two were still under the impression this was a game. A temporary stay. Today she would test them and see where they were at and how much longer it would be until they were ready to truly declare WindClan as their new home.

”How have you two been doing? Are you being treated well?” Their welcome into the clan had not been a warm one, she hope it has not off-put the kits from a life in WindClan.
  • >> @Halfkit @TANGLEKIT
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Pink-kit was Pinkpaw now, Bearkit too had moved on to begin his training and once again Halfkit finds that she is in the predicament she had been in that had led her to follow Granitepelt to the tunnels to begin with. Boredom. She is SO bored. Tanglekit is fun, of course, but she misses Pinkpaw. More than that though she misses Nettlepaw. No matter how busy the cinnamon furred apprentice seemed to be he always made time to play with her, even if the games she requested were kit-ish. It was not above him to indulge her. And of course there was Garlicpaw, the only one of her siblings who had never looked in their direction with barely disguised disdain, who had never uttered a venomous word in their direction. The game was getting boring and she was starting to miss the few cats who she cared for back in the pines.

She has not forgotten how the clan reacted when her and her sister were first introduced to the clan. Their gazes and their words made her feel bad in the same way she feels whenever Ashenpaw speaks to her. Bad. Like she had done something wrong but she had no idea what. Perhaps the rest of the clan was not in on the game. Perhaps there was never a game to begin with.

When Sootstar pokes her head into the den a wave of relief washes over her. The ash colored leader surely was here to tell them the game was over - that they had done good and it was time to go home and that she could visit anytime - see Pinkpaw and Bearpaw and all her other friends whenever she wanted because a part of her would always be here in WindClan. She visibly brightens at the presence of the leader and she practically floats to her summons.

She asks them how they've been treated and images of friendly faces conjure in her mind. Sunstride's gentle encouragements, Rattleheart and Cottonpaw and Rumblepaw all speaking nicely to her, all the games she had played with Pinkpaw before suddenly the calico was so busy with training that she couldn't just hang out with her all day anymore. "Everyone has been super nice! Sunstride even showed me how to hunt better" Better because she refused to admit that before she only had a vague idea of what she had been doing. "But uhm I think that Miststep and Garlicpaw and Frostbite and Starlingheart and Birdkit are probably wondering where we are right now... Do they know we're here? We should probably go home soon..." She feeels a brief twinge of guilt when she thinks of all the cats who were probably worried about her and Tanglekit, how Birdkit must feel that they had left her behind and hadn't returned yet but surely Granitepelt had told the clan where they had gone... right?

Ouzelkit had not adjusted as easily as her sister. She had become overwhelmed with the WindClan cat's mixed reactions to their arrival. She had not had the same friendships with the other kits as Halfkit had when the Clans shared their nursery. On the contrary, she had disliked it. In her melancholy, however, she had felt a strike of jealousy seeing Halfkit become so excited over spending time with Pinkpaw. The three sisters, Ouzelkit had perceived, were close. Far closer to each other than some other calico kit.

Day by day in WindClan made Ouzelkit feel more helpless and more insecure with herself in a way she was far too young to describe. All she could feel was hurt and exhaustion. The game was up—she wanted to go home. Or, at the very least, cling to some stability.

Ouzelkit glanced up at the WindClan leader, letting Lark-kit speak, as it was often done. Her amber eyes traced Sootstar's regal, but small figure. She was surprised to admit that she felt little fear or apprehension now in front of the leader. Despite the mixed welcome, Ouzelkit recognized that to be personally visited by the leader herself meant there was something special with her or with Lark-kit. Ouzelkit clung to that hope and suddenly that made all the difference.

"Why were they angry at us...?" Ouzelkit asked—having been unable to discern that the anger had rather been directed at Sootstar than the kits themselves. When one is so little, things can go above the head so easily.

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Her whiskers quiver, she had not realized Sunstride had spent time with the kits. It was probably a good thing, the more bonds they can make in WindClan the better, Sootstar needed them to want to stay.

Larkkit rambles off some names, declaring that they must be missed and should go home soon. Sootstar tenses, ”You don’t need to worry about them. I’m sure Granitepelt has everything under control for the both of you there.” This was going to be trickier than she thought, every word she speaks feels like she’s treading at the edge of the gorge. ”If you ask me, ShadowClan doesn’t seem too worried about you two.” She shrugs.

Ouzelkit, the quieter one, questions why WindClan had been so mad at the kits. Little do they know the clan had been mad at her, not them. ”Oh Ouzelkit, you must pardon them. They are tired and only just recovering from the rogues and the sickness.” She lies through her teeth with no hesitation, ”They’ll accept you both for the WindClan cats you now are soon enough. Sunstride teaching you how to hunt is a good sign.” She looks at Larkkit and smiles.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Sootstars words only assuage her a little. Even if they were not worried about her thanks to Granitepelt she still misses them. "Do you think I'll be able to see them soon?" she asks, her voice genuine. Perhaps WindClan could be like her second home and she could go back and forth between here and the pines. That would be nice right? She could use the secret tunnel that Granitepelt had showed to them and come and live here for a moon then go and do the same in ShadowClan. That way she wouldn't have to give up the friends she had made both here and in her old home. In her mind, it is the perfect solution, the obvious one that Sootstar would also assuredly and no doubt come to as well.

"I'll be the greatest warrior ever one day" she assures the molly with a prideful puff of her chest. Sunstride was a good cat, she is certain of it and perhaps when she was made an apprentice he would even be her mentor. Wouldn't that be cool? She would like that a lot, she thinks. "It's okay Ouzelkit we'll show everyone how awesome you are then they'll have no choice but to love you" that was the plan for herself, but she supposes it wouldn't hurt to let her sister tag onto it as well. She wanted her blue-furred kin to be happy too, after all.