camp BURNING GOLD // decision

// this is the night of the Gathering after the cats attending have already left!
Interacting with @badgerstripe @PALEFIRE @Lightflower @phloxdawn

Howlingstar lays in her den, nest dusty and unkempt as she hasn’t had the chance to fix it up. Her wounds from the day prior ache, but the bleeding has long stopped, thankfully. Now, as they scab over, fresh cobwebs and poultices enwrap her shoulder blades courtesy of Gentlestorm earlier that day.

With an empty den on this night, and the camp silent as ever with so many cats at the Gathering, the tabby is left to her own thoughts. She replays the run to the gorge over and over again, the gnashing teeth of the wolves and blood painting the ground. She replays the attack on camp, seeing Sunfreckle’s body be torn to shreds. Grief stings her heart as she squeezes her eyes shut. None of it would have happened if only those warriors had done what they’d been told. Stars, why couldn’t they had just followed orders? If they had, they’d have been able to warn the clan about the wolves. Everyone would have been able to evacuate up the ravine in time; Sunfreckle wouldn’t have had to sacrifice himself to save the queens and kits, and Badgerstrike wouldn’t have lose her tail trying to escape.

And then her mind wanders more. Why didn’t they listen? Did they not understand the weight of what being a warrior means? The responsibility on their shoulders? Had this all been some game to them? Earning their warrior names, was it just a milestone to reach and not the most significant oath a cat could make to them?

Something had to change.

Her eyes flash with something, determination, maybe. Gritting her teeth, she gets to her paws, grunting at the pain but pushing out of her den anyway. It’s a good thing she’d just taken a fresh dose of poppy seeds. Otherwise, she’d probably never be able to make the walk ahead of her. Her eyes quickly find a group of cats sitting together, and it just so happens to be the young warriors who had broken their night guard. “You four. Help me to Fourtrees,” She orders calmly, already limping towards the bramble entrance.​
Empty eyes stared down at the untouched prey in front of her. She knew everyone had eaten by now. Most had either retired to their nests or were about to. Lightflower had no interest in eating the mouse. No appetite, she assumed would go away soon. Until then. StarClan only knows, really.

Howlingstar's voice cut through her train of thought as she snapped her head up. "You four. Help me to Fourtrees." A direct order. She could listen to a direct order. She, without hesitation, leapt to her paws to fall beside her leader. More than willing to support when inevitably needed. She didn't feel as though words were needed in this instance.

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Amongst the gathered group of friends, Badgerstripe was an outlier. She sat, noticeably, a tail-length or two away, staring off into the distance anywhere but towards them. Ever since their vigil, the same scenario of that night had repeated in her head on loop, an endless torment to punish her. Now, she wondered if their latest deaths would be announced at the gathering that they could not attend. If Badgerstripe and her friends would be announced as the cause.

Howlingstar's approach and order startled her, and for a moment she stared dumbfounded even as Lightflower quickly leaped to her feet. Soon enough, she followed and took her place at Howlingstar's side, pressing into her to support her wary paws. "Are you.. sure?" she responds, meekly - hardly more than a whisper. It's a question that doesn't need answering, and she knows this. Without another word, Badgerstripe prepares for the uneasy walk ahead of them, fearful of what's to come.

  • badger.png
  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 12 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Sad
Reactions: Lightflower

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm had been unable to rest due to grief that flooded his mind and the sadness that tugged at his heart, he had finished patching up Howlingstar after she had returned though the same could not be said for those that had died at the jaws of the wolves. His eyes half closed while he lays in his nest unmoving but the sound of pawsteps outside is enough to make his ears twitch and a frown forms on his face. It only grows when he realizes whose unsteady pawsteps they belong to and the medicine cat rises from his nest already making his way out of his den. The mountain of fur emerges from the fern tunnel with his dark honey eyes locking onto the group of warriors then turning to Howlingstar who was walking about when she should be resting. "Howlingstar," He begins to speak coolly remembering when his late mentor had told him to be strict with his patients and it would be a lesson that he would follow dutifully, "When you return I expect you to rest." Any other time perhaps he would've been more insistent on her staying in her den but it seems that she had something on her mind and he would not hold her back from it.

Gentlestorm turns to the warriors that had not guarded camp and he feels mixed emotions towards the four warriors yet he doesn't let that slip from his facial expression or eyes. He must be professional even if he felt grief wearing down at him and anger all at once "One of you, let her lean against you for support, keep her safe, and when you get back make sure that she gets to her den." His gaze is stern. There would be no buts or ifs, they would ensure the safety of their leader since they had already failed in keeping the rest of their clanmates and camp safe.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
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Roeflame and Moonwhisper both looked like at any moment they could burst. In one fell swoop he would be an uncle and a father and he had vowed to himself that all the mice in the forest would not cause him to miss such an event. It is why he had chosen to stay home from this gathering. He would never forgive himself if either his sister or his mate started kitting and he was not present to greet the newborns into this world. He is sitting just outside of the nursery now, tongue working diligintly to untangle the knots from his silky pelt when all of a sudden movement catches the corners of his vision.

He watches as Howlingstar stumbles from her den, demands that the new warriors take her to fourtrees. Instantly, Burnstorm is on his feet, eyebrows knitted together as he moves purposefully towards his grandmother, shooting Badgerstripe and Lightflower a dissaproving look. "You can't" he states simply, though it comes out more whiny than he had intended. He sounds like a kit again, begging for just one more story before she left the nursery. He clears his throat and tries again, squaring his shoulders and standing a little taller this time. "You're still injured Howlingstar, and besides" he adds, quieter "Moonwhisper and Roeflame could both give birth at any moment. You can't leave. We- I] want you to be there. I mean... I would really like it if you were" a heavy sigh escapes his lips and he looks away.

"You can't be serious Gentlestorm" he says, incredulous as the healer actually okays this hare-brained mission. But... "Fine, if you're so determined to go then fine. But don't come crying to me when you loose a life on the way there or if your great grandkits happen to be born while you're gone and you miss it." he says with a huff.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
Antlerpaw had been horrified when the only maternal figure she had left was injured. No, not just injured, from what she knew- Antlerpaw knew she had been murdered by the wolves, viscous things. Duskbird gave his life to ensure that she could keep living. As much as she wanted to become stronger, like her sister, stand up for what's right, be a strong warrior? All things considered, everything was pointing at Antlerpaw to get back in the bush where she had grown up under her mother's talon.

Worry was tangible, hanging heavy around Antlerpaw that evening. She hadn't gone to the Gathering, as her mentor was resting- as she should be- so she was focused on kneading some old moss together to keep her paws busy. Sleeping wasn't easy these days, with flickers of thoughts, claws over eyes, wolf fangs in pelts.

Seriously, she'd like to stop thinking about that.

A small commotion had Antlerpaw picked her head up, and a sharp- tiny- gasp leave her lips. She was on her paws in and instant, golden eyes staring up at her mentor. "Miss Howling- are you sure?" This wasn't a question of her strength, or if she'd be able to make it- Stars, if she couldn't make it, four warriors was adequate enough to carry her. No, this was about some ingrained deeper worry of Antlerpaw's. I don't want to lose you like everyone else lost their... their family. Burnstorm's words didn't help, her ears twitched and laying flat.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.
Palefire hadn't slept since the night it all happened. She was completely exhausted, but incapable of finding any sort of rest in the face of what she'd done. She knew there would be a reckoning coming, eventually, and part of her welcomed the idea of punishment. She deserved it, and being made to face what she'd done might almost make her feel better, in some sick way. She waited motionless on the ground in the center of camp with her friends, to whom she'd not said a word since the night they received their names. What was there to say now? She lay with her paws tucked tight under her chest, her forehead pressed into the dirt so she wouldn't have to look at anyone.

And she didn't look up, not once, until she heard Howlingstar's voice suddenly commanding them from above. Palefire's head jerked sharply to turn towards their leader, wide blue eyes meeting hers of forest green. Was she serious? They were going to Fourtrees now, with the condition she was in? The young warrior had been there just after Howlingstar had been attacked by the wolves, she'd seen her eyes open briefly and then close again before finally opening for good. She'd lost two lives, was barely healed at all and now she wanted to walk all the way to the gathering? What if her wounds opened up on the way and she lost another life to blood loss?

All these thoughts were raging in her mind as her clanmates voices droned on around her, trying to convince the dark tabby to stay put. But Palefire could see it in her eyes; Howlingstar had made up her mind, they were going. She was almost certain that whatever was going to be said would not be good for her or her friends, but it didn't matter. It was time to face the reality of what they'd done. She had no idea what exactly her leader's plan was, but if she needed help getting there then Palefire would not fail her again. The lilac molly steadily rose to her paws, giving a subtle nod to the injured she-cat. "Okay." At Gentlestorm's instruction she shuffled to Howlingstar's side, using her shoulder to gently offer herself as a crutch. They would get her there, and back, safely.
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  • Sad
Reactions: Lightflower
Softpaw wasn't so sure that Howlingstar should try to attend the gathering - she had just been through a lot, and she was clearly still recovering, as Gentlestorm's words further implied. Still, Softpaw supposed there was little to be done if the leader decided to go on; after all, she was the highest authority there was. Softpaw found it odd that she would take the absent warriors with her; Softpaw hadn't a solid opinion on the new warriors, but their disappearance from their posts had cost them precious time that might have saved lives during the wolf attack.

No, Softpaw was disappointed in those warriors, as thankful as she was that they hadn't been killed by the wolves in the aftermath of the attack. They'd abandoned their posts when they were needed most, and that wasn't something she could overlook easily. All the same, they were Clanmates, and ostracizing them for something that clearly weighed on their minds wouldn't do any good. The albino kept her thoughts private, watching quietly from the apprentices' den as Howlingstar directed her entourage towards the entrance.​
Howlingstar regards the warriors with a grateful look as they listen, only Badgerstripe questioning her meekly. "Yes. There is something I must do," She tells the young warrior, already looking to Gentlestorm as he approaches. Her eyes are narrowed, both in pain and in determination. She expects argument from the medicine cat and prepares to order him to back down, but instead he relinquishes her, only telling her to rest when she returns. She nods to him in understanding, the fire in her eyes not yet dying. "I will sleep the moon away, if I must."

As she accepts Palefire's aid by leaning into her shoulder, she looks to Burnstorm, who tries to keep her back. "And they are in good paws, my grandson. There is somewhere I must be tonight," She tells him, her tone leaving little room for argument. He eventually concedes, making a rather dark joke about her losing yet another life, and she huffs in response. "Watch over them extra carefully for me tonight, then," She murmurs softly. She does cast a look to the nursery...Roeflame and Moonwhisper are both heavy with kits, and she prays they'll hold on for the night. But...she must go.

A small voice pipes up. It belongs to her apprentice, and her gaze softens slightly as she gazes at her. "I will be fine, Antlerpaw. You stay here with your sisters. These four will make sure I make it back alright - won't you?" She trills in a more lighthearted tone towards Palefire, Badgerstripe, Lightflower and Phloxdawn. With that, she presses onward, unable to let herself be stopped. She has a Gathering to get to.

Bigfang was never one to speak out against Emberstar, never one to speak out against Howlingstar either. The brown tabby had always seemed infinitely wise to him, there had never been a time he questioned her judgement until now. Injured with herb poultices and cobwebs bandaging her body she insists to be taken to fourtrees, insists the warriors who escort her are the ones who just recently failed their first responsibility as warriors costing the clan life.

Howlingstar assures those who voice their doubts she’ll be alright, that the four warriors will make sure she gets back safely. Bigfang cannot help but scoff, Those four will run off and leave you in the dust at the sight of a squirrel.” He scoffs disapprovingly and insultingly towards the the new warriors. The tabby leader is already pressing onward, the heels of her back legs forward him.

He looks to Hailstorm in pure disbelief, ”Why didn’t you stop her?” His question is not challenging, but he is baffled.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Palefire felt her chest tighten as Howlingstar leaned on her, and saw there was still a measure of trust in her eyes. It was more than likely that their leader wanted the four of them along to make examples out of them at the gathering, which left her feeling a bit hesitant to go. But ultimately, she had to. She needed to face the music and own up to the mistakes she's made. If Howlingstar wanted them to stand in front of all the clans tonight and admit to what they'd done, then she would do it and try to hold her head up while she did. If this was the path forward to redemption, she would gladly walk through the gauntlet of ridicule and embarrassment. "We'll take good care of her."

A small, wobbly smile traced her lips as Howlingstar addressed them, putting her faith in them that they would make sure she was safe. We will. I'll make sure she returns. As they began to move towards the camp's entrance, she heard Bigfang's cynical voice sneering after them. For some reason, the elder tomcat in particular had a notable problem with herself and the other young warriors who had left their post that night. She could understand the clans' anger towards them to an extent, but at his harsh accusation she met his gaze calmly. "You're wrong." He thought that she was a coward and had run at the sight of the wolves, and would do so again at the expense of Howlingstar's life. But he couldn't be more wrong. She would gladly give her life for Thunderclan and their leader, and if it came to that tonight, she was ready. He doesn't know what really happened. None of them do. With that, she slowly made her way out of the clearing at Howlingstar's side.

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 13 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender. built for speed and agility.
    currently emotionally volatile, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK"I'll take your word and I'll await for your return to patch you up once more." He says to her with a curt nod of his head though his ears twitch and adds on with a more firm tone, "There won't be a next time that you leave camp, I expect you to stay and rest so you heal." His attention turns to Burnstorm hearing how the tom was rather shocked that he was allowing their injured leader to leave camp and chooses not to answer quite yet knowing that the fire burning in Howlingstar's eyes would not be extinguished by anyone currently present. Perhaps Berryheart would've had more luck though he silently doubts that his late friend would stop the tabbied molly from leaving either. His faith in the four warriors may be hindered from what has happened to them in the last few days but if his leader decided to put faith in them then why shouldn't he? A low breath escapes him giving a farewell nod in the direction of Palefire and the rest of the group that now helped Howlingstar get to the gathering safely. Gentlestorm would've taken her himself if he could but with Moonwhisper and Roeflame heavy with kits and due any moment, he could not risk their well-being. "Starclan, watch over them and ensure their safety." A quiet prayer to those that rest amongst the starlit skies that hung overhead and he begins to turn from the entrance to possibly prepare for her return.

Bigfang's question is enough to stop him in his tracks as his copper gaze focuses on the large russet warrior and blinks at him, Gentlestorm seems thoughtful for a moment then shrugs lightly "She would've told me to stand down... There was no stopping her not when her mind is made up." A small half smile forms on his maw as he adds on "She'll stay in her den for nearly a moon and I'll ensure that." A promise. His eyes linger on the other cats there but instead of entertaining any other conversation, he pads away to his den to get ready for either the return of Howlingstar or if the queens end up having their kits.

/ out unless stopped


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking