camp burning up | PATROL ASSIGNMENTS


"Gather 'round, SkyClan, it's time for your upcoming assignments." Orangeblossom calls as she trots through the camp, drawing curious eyes towards her as she settles in her usual spot. It's sunhigh, beating down mercilessly in the gaps between trees, and the last thing that they need is more work; but duty calls regardless.

"Firstly, the dawn patrol to RiverClan." Brown eyes seek her sister's in the crowd. "Apple Stem, if you're able to stay overnight, that may make this easier. Mallowlark, Dawnglare and Fireflypaw will be going as well." She dreads her next words, and it's clear before she speaks from the way her expression recoils in a mild grimace, but knows she has to say them: "I will be leading this patrol."

Quickly, before that absolute wreck of a patrol waiting to happen can click in other cats' minds, she seeks out mismatched eyes in the crowd. "Silversmoke, you're to meet Chalk and Hazelbeam at the unclaimed border for the dawn patrol along there. If you two need to stay overnight, you may. Butterflytuft." For the second time in as many moons, she seeks out the familiar tortoiseshell among the crowd to lead a group. It's high time she led a border patrol, Orangeblossom thinks. "You're off to ThunderClan at dusk. Take Jaggedstorm, Momowhisker and Cinderpaw. Lupinepaw, you'll go with them too." Truthfully, she'd initially hoped that Dandelionwish would be feeling well enough to join his mate and apprentice on this venture, but there would always be more patrols once he had recovered.

"Twitchbolt, Sweetybee, and Greeneyes will be taking the other dusk patrol to Twolegplace with your apprentices." She's struck with the strangest sense of living this moment before; hadn't this grouping been similar to their last twolegplace patrol? Oh, whatever. It would probably be good for Doompaw. "Howlfire, it's your turn for warrior training. Pick a skill, make sure the rest of us are up to scratch on it." She trusts the young warrior will pick something good; Howlfire has always shown a great degree of promise, and she's growing into that hope as a warrior.

"Coyotecrest and Johnnyflame will be taking out our next hunting patrols." She beckons the two toms over as the already-assigned SkyClanners begin to disperse. "You'll be picking your patrol members separately, but take your apprentices. Coyotecrest, I want your patrol to hunt near tallpine. Johnnyflame, see if the area close to Twolegplace brings any luck."

Looking past them now, she pitches her meow to her lingering Clanmates. "Dismissed."

Patrol leaders (listed first) are in charge of making their threads and tagging the participants!

RiverClan, dawn: @orangeblossom , @eveningpaw , @APPLE STEM , @MALLOWLARK ; @DAWNGLARE & @Fireflypaw to tag along
Loner Lands, dawn: @SILVERSMOKE , @CROWPAW! , @CHALK , @Hazelbeam
ThunderClan, dusk: @butterflytuft , @JAGGEDSTORM , @MOMOWHISKER , @CINDERPAW. , @LUPINEPAW
Twolegplace, dusk: @TWITCHBOLT , @DOOMPAW , @Sweetybee , @pocket , @GREENEYES , @falconpaw!

Warrior training: @Howlfire to organise

Hunting, tallpine: @Coyotecrest to organise
— prompt: The patrol comes across some interesting plants. Do they tell their Clan's healer?
Hunting, near twolegplace: @Johnnyflame to organise
— prompt: Right in front of your patrol, a bird falls out of the sky, dead.
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Once again, Howlfire feels quite sluggish that morning. Despite her struggles to stir from her nest in recent mornings, she manages to wake just in time to for the deputy to call the clan to hear her patrol assignments for the morning. Howlfire half expects to be placed on a border patrol but is pleasantly surprised when Orangeblossom asks her to lead a training session for the clan to sharpen their skills. "I'll get right on that!" Howlfire responds cheerfully, nodding her head in acceptance to the task imparted upon her by Orangeblossom. The question was what skill to focus on? She had a few in mind but she had some time left to ponder before she hosted her training session.


The stocky bobtail made his way over at the Deputys call, taking a moment to drop the mouse he'd caught off at the freshkill pile before joining the rest of his clanmates. Looks like he'd arrived back at camp just in time, and he gestured for both Glimmerpaw and Brightpaw to join him.

It was a new experience to have more than just one apprentice, but despite the circumstances of Brightpaws assignment to him, he was proud to have been shown so much trust from Blazestar.

"Aye, understood Orangeblossom." the mohawked cat replied with a nod.


The one cat who was the most vocally opposed to the daylight warriors was getting two of them on his patrol to two-leg place. It was almost like Orangeblossom was punishing them. Him or her and Chalk? It was hard to tell, but given she didn't care his feelings and he cared maybe a bit too much this was probably some kind of spite thing directed at the silver tom himself. Well, if he deputy wanted him put on the ropes then who was she to say no?
"Silversmoke, aren't you excited? You get to go on patrol with me! I know all about two-leg place's border so if you get lost don't worry. I'll lead you right back! Maybe we can share something to eat after and talk about all the cute boys in the clan together since I might stay the night~ It'll be tons of fun!"
Laying it on a little thick? Maybe, but she was also genuinely just that cheerful and chatty and he was going to have to deal with it - Hazelbeam would not be toning down any aspect of herself to humor some stick in the mud. At least Chalk would be good company during this.​

Twolegplace, again. It was better than nothing, he supposed, and it was always an honour to lead a patrol- even if he was a lead warrior now, he had to remind himself- and he gave Orangeblossom an appreciative smile, quivering past his anxieties. It wasn't her fault after all that the place freaked him out; he was the one who'd wandered in to that trap, his caution slipping for that moment. A front of faux confidence would have to do- despite his permanent quivering, it was fairly convincing.

His apprentice wanted to go to RiverClan, very pointedly... but he hoped Doompaw wouldn't make too much of a fuss about straying near his place of origin. "With- with me, then," he said, seeking out Sweetybee and Greeneyes with a flick of his crooked tail, giving Orangeblossom a final, thankful nod.
penned by pin ✧

Ears twitch at the sound of his name - the last called within a string of three. Greeneyes will not be leading a patrol this time, instead taking part in a patrol led by Twitchbolt.

The warrior is fine with it - glad for a moment out of camp to stretch his legs and an opportunity to spend time with one of his friends - though, he'd rather be assigned a different location. The border with the twolegplace can be daunting, but it can be worse. Greeneyes won't complain, orders are orders, of course, but that doesn't stop the warrior from hoping his assignment is at a better location next time.

"Ready?" he turns to ask Falconpaw, before meeting Twitchbolt's gaze with a small smile. Snow-capped paws guide him forward to greet the lead warrior, glancing back to check that his apprentice is following.
Angry at all the things I can't change
The thick of his faux mane fluffs with surprise, delighted at the prospect of leading a hunting patrol. He quite enjoyed spending time around tall pines and hoped to sneak in a teaching moment with Pearlpaw at the same time. "Consider it done." He murmurs with a nod of his head to the apricot splashed deputy. Green eyes slip over the crowd in search of his apprentice and once he catches sight of her Coyotecrest speaks. "I hope you're ready, we will be leaving soon."
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

The tabby's eyes narrowed in scrutiny towards the Deputy, the affirmative nod of his head one of duty rather than friendship that day. His tenures away from SkyClan's territory on patrol had been consecutive, it was difficult to hide the ruffle of a silver mane at the thought that this was some sort of test or punishment from the Orangeblossom. The loner's outskirts were hardly as egregious as the Twolegplace, but his companions were ones whose skills and qualities as clanmates had yet to be tested. Just as quickly as the tabby arrived, he turned on his heels to leave, ears flinching as if hearing claws on rocks as a voice rang through the general hustle and bustle of the camp. He shot Hazelbeam a withering glance, odd eyes blinking incredulously. "We are not doing that," he affirmed all too quickly, giving a lash of his tail as if trying to sweep away the very suggestions that the Daylight Warrior had put in his head. He only ate with Auburnflame, if not, then alone. "We meet at the camp's entrance at dawn. Do not be late." With that, the Lead Warrior disappeared into the thin shade of the camp's corner.


The aquamarine eyes of the Daylight Warrior widened slightly at the prospect of going near ThunderClan again - asides from WindClan, he felt as if the most peril could come from those borders. His chaotic crew hadn't made things easy for other collar-wearing cats out on the northern borders and, feeling the weight of expectation crushing against his spine, Momowhisker offered a broad smile and hastily swallowed that budding lump in his throat. "Ok!" The point cat turned to Butterflytuft expectantly.

you're like snow , beautiful but cold .
The willowy tom blinked, ears swerving at the sound of his name being called for patrol. He offered an elegant dip of his helm, plumed tail flickering. He didn’t know Butterflytuft well, but glancing at the others within his patrol, Jaggedstorm couldn’t help the crinkle of his brow, indifference spilling from every pore.

The silvery tom nodded in acknowledgment, glancing at his mate who had wandered out, pressed against his side with a content hum, purring away. It soothed the familiar ache of his bones, drawing a huff of affection from the icy tom.
thought speech
Butterflytuft gathers with her clanmates as she usually does, waiting to see if she is placed on patrol today. She sits beside Greeneyes while she waits, her tail-tip flicking patiently. That is, until her name is called to lead a border patrol. Her eyes wide in horror; is Orangeblossom trying to kill her?! A training session not too long ago, and now a border patrol? Surely the deputy has it out for her! Immediately, the cowardly warrior begins to quake. “O-Okay,” She half-whispers, eyes still blown wide. Slowly, she gets up and skitters off without a look to anyone. It’s a dusk patrol, and she will spend every moment till then hiding.