pafp burying my head under the ground .. beach glass

Prowling the sands with paw-steps that stirred it into perfect tracks, it was hardly worth considering as attentive eyes scoured the shifting ground for the tell-tale color shift that might denote a treasure. It was more fruitful now that the river had receded, exposing fragments that might've otherwise been out of reach-- morbidly, Lichentail couldn't help but think of the risk of exposing lost bodies. Friends who had drowned moons past and never resurface (would they find anything after all this time under the waves but bones?). An irritated flick of an ear before a rasping voice found their companion for this endeavor.

"Having any luck Rosewater? It should be easy enough to see them..." It was a twisting knife to be in such close company to the other molly (her disposition was much softer than the blue smoke that Lichentail had once fancied), to look back and see such familiarity between the two in looks alone proved a shock at times. Surely it must be the same for those that found themselves at the victim's end of a conversation with Ripplesnap having expected the stalwart face of the blue lead instead.

A dulled shard of vibrant glass lingered half-exposed ahead, a color that stood out amongst the yellow-brown hues of the river shores; green as a leaf graced with bountiful rains and merciful sun. Dragging delicate claws around it with a wary swipe, they did not wish to suffer an annoying cut even if its edges were long-since dulled by the rapids. "You're something of a weaver yourself, right? If we find some larger pieces we might be able to put them in the dens for some light- I'm sure it would make a pleasant adornment to Ravensong's den at least... or maybe the nursery?"

Most of RiverClan's kits were already on their path to apprenticeship... maybe not the worth-while investment at present. Moving the chunk of green glass aside, the point turned to face the other molly with a small smile, expecting some sort of reply or insight; of the two, she was closer to master of interior design than Lichentail was.​

ooc; please wait for @rosewater