private BUSINESS ON MY OWN [✨] Troutsnout

”Woah!” Twinklekit gasps as a kit kicks their mossball high into the air. Eyes follow it up high into the sky, she clenches her teeth as it makes its way back down almost certain it was going to hit someone. Then they’d get a lecturing…

Instead the ball lands with a quiet thump as it hits the weaved reeds of the nursery. Twinklekit releases a sigh of relief, ”I’ll get it!” She tells her play-mate before rushing to the walls of the den, doing all she could to clamber up and reach the mossball. Yet even as she balanced momentarily on her hindlegs, her forepaws just couldn’t reach high enough to get it down. She falls onto her rear, perplexed. Thats when she spots Troutsnout, one of the tallest warriors of RiverClan.

Albeit, a bit shyly, she approaches the warrior with big, pleading blue eyes. ”…Troutsnout, the mossball is stuck.” She points her tail in the direction of the nursery where it lay caught, ”Can you reach up and grab it for me?” Twinklekit gulps prior to remembering her manners, ”Please?”
  • @Troutsnout :)
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Troutsnout had been around talking to some others warriors as she watches Twinklekit and other kits playing a game of moss ball. A conversation initiated by a couple of the warriors catches her attention as she glances away and listens to them converse, and eventually they disperse and she begins to move towards the nursery to go check if the queens or Robinheart needed anything. A small figure bounding towards her catches her attention from her peripheral vision and she notes Twinklekit was shyly approaching her with a wide similar blue eyes. She offers a soft yet comforting smile towards the small blue lynx sepia as she inquires for her help. "Stuck, hm...?"

Her chambray gaze follows in the direction that the child points her tail at as she spots the small moss ball in the reeds by the nursery. "Of course I can..." She murmurs as she bounds towards the reeds weaved near the nursery, raising a forearm and using her front paw to swipe the mossball out of the entanglement. The small bundle of moss falls out and rolls on the ground as she gently bats it towards the small kit. "There you go... Twinklekit. Anything else you need?" The spotted feline inquires with a faint tilt of her head to the right.