pafp But first they must catch you | eel on the loose


Fishing is one of those precious few things that Snakeblink doesn’t just enjoy, but excels at. He is patient and quick, raised on fish-flesh and the soft lapping of water against his sides: he is good at it and does not shy away from claiming it.

Some fish, though, try to make a liar out of him.

The day is warm enough that having his paws wet isn’t such a hardship, and he has a few fish dead next to him already — he’s been here long enough that he’s starting to consider getting back to camp after his next catch, before it becomes difficult to carry it all back with him. A shadow darts past a rock upstream; the next catch in question. He sits in wait, eyes narrowed in focus…

His claws hook into soft flesh and he hoists the long noodly body of an eel out of the water in one quick strike, dragging it over the ground.

It’s hard to keep a good grasp on it as it flails, slipping under his paw like mud. Snakeblink bends down to sink his teeth into it—

The damn thing twists in his grasp, slapping its slimy tail across his face before flopping away, making a bid for freedom in its flailing, awkward way, surprisingly quick. ”Oh, for the love of StarClan,” he hisses, darting after the eel as half of its body slips back into the water.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • @Twinklepaw!
  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 57 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


While Twinklepaw tried to not show off her skills they liked to think they were pretty good at hunting. Not in a fish just manage to fall into her paws kinda way but there was budding hope in their apprenticeship to show a future honed skill there. They were getting really good at just sitting there and doing nothing but waiting! Even if it was a little boring, they tried to keep their mind occupied with stories about her surroundings while her senses were occupied on the fish. She's drawn by the sight of the pile of fish that started to gather by Snakeblink's side, truthfully there was admiration to the tom, they thought he's pretty cool. It wasn't something that she would openly admit because how uncool does it sound to say that? So they try to show that admiration in actions, todays action was hoping to watch him hunt.

"Heya Snakeblink!" They call out cheerily as they practically prance to his side, perching at the bank with intrigue. Watching claws hook into the long body of an eel of all things, they blink in surprise at the creature. Gasping in awe as they lean forward to get a better look at it, maybe this eel was just too smart for the lead warrior though as it begun to maneuver a way out of his grasp. She supposes that it's kind of impressive to see the prey be clever enough, or was it that Snakeblink was too slow in this pleasant morning warmth?

Either way the events seem to unfold in slow motion, the eel slipping from him before he has the chance to pierce it with his teeth. They can't help but giggle at his dismay as it seemingly teases him with a slap of it's long slimy tail against his maw. "I got it!" She calls out, the excitement of the moment spurring her to try and help. Twinklepaw lunges forward, accidentally knocking her shoulder against Snakeblink's side in an overeager attempt to grab the eel with her own paws. For a moment it seems to work, that makes her feel a little less bad for bumping into Snakeblink.

Almost being the key word, as she rips it out of the water she attempts to bite it too, trying to mirror the lead warriors technique since surely it would work the second time! Unfortunately she is unprepared for just how slippery and cunning this eel seems to be, it slips from her paws like water itself. They reach up to try and catch it again but they just seem to bat it, giving it momentum as it tries to escape to the refuge of the river once more. The blue point can feel her face burn in embarrassment, great now they nudged Snakeblink with nothing to show for it so far.

  • 51fSsM0.png
    They/she, RiverClan apprentice, 9 moons

    A sleek yet tufted short haired blue point with blue eyes
    Littermates w/ Eveningpaw, Horizonpaw and Snowflakekit †
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    Speech (#C9BAF3), thoughts
    penned by Juice | ouijeejuice on discord