pafp but i’m not brave — congratulations

It is impossible for Betonyfrost, when faced with undeniable proof that she was edging into the future, to not let her mind wander to the past.

The chill of snow pressed to her pawpads keeps her present, as does the Leafbare winds, made harsh not by their strength but the flurries they dance from their cradles and onto Betonyfrost’s whiskers. Before her: her kit. Jitterbug now—Betonyfrost would have never been able to fathom their existence when she had been younger. Now, she cannot fathom in all the ways that they have grown. Ey was so small once, small enough to fit comfortably against the crook of Betonyfrost’s belly.

I’m so proud of you,” Her mouth gives a wane smile that leaks into her voice—she really is proud. She should have said it sooner, she should have started saying it and have never stopped, “Hold still a moment and let me look at you—a warrior now.

shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 27 moons | tags
As ey stands in front of eir mother, there's no doubt that the same thing on both of their minds, even as she congratulates em on becoming a warrior. Ey dips eir head in assent. "A warrior now," ey echoes in a murmured tone, holding still as best ey can as she gazes upon em with a sense of pride about her. And yet, as ey absorbs the feeling, all ey can think about is, Comfreypaw would have given anything to hear that. Comfreypaw should have been at my side for this. Ey might not have been as close with eir sister as ey could have been, but ey still misses her deeply. This moment is too bittersweet to em, standing alone in front of Betonyfrost rather than with eir siblings. It wasn't meant to be this way, and ey can feel an ache in eir chest at the thought. Ey keeps eir head slightly lowered, jaw clenching a couple of times as eir teeth click together, unable to completely hold still despite eir best efforts.​

The also newly made warrior, only a moon prior but the facts count, was more than excited about the arrival of the warrior known as Jitterbug. Skywish had been trotting across when they spotted the warrior Betonyfrost with their kit, and they couldn’t help but feel a small pang of jealousy. Their own parents weren’t around for their warrior ceremony and they doubted they would be proud of them anyway. Nightfur was never one to easily please.

Regardless! The young brown warrior smiled as they bounded up and gave a small chuckle, “You’re more than welcome to make your nest by ours! The dens a little crowded but that will pass,” They gave a small shrug of their shoulders and smiled sweetly. They wanted to offer friendship to Jitterbug, and maybe having a neighboring nest with them would be okay? They where hoping so.
Off to her own, Thornpaw is busy picking away at a small bird. Having picked up the appetite for it after Snowpaw's introduction to the tender meat. Her tall tufted ears had caught the edges of the conversation and she froze in place. Eyes slowly looking up and taking in the loving moment between mother and child. Thornpaw's breath hitches at such a site and an ache begins to well within her chest. Awkwardly, she sits and stares as the new warriors chat about nests, and the tabby dotes with pride.

Would Halfshade be proud of me? She casts her mournful expression back to the bird. Looking at it's broken frame with feathers plucked and pale belly exposed. Would she even care I'm an apprentice now? Thornpaw doesn't have the answer and if her prayers in early kittenhood proved anything she never would. Swallowing back the feelings of miserable want she buries her fangs into prey. Mind distracted by the sensation of umami as her heart thrummed painfully.

they don't think they've ever heard betonyfrost express that stuff to her kits. maybe... maybe comfreypaw's death had made her realize just how much she needs to hang on to her kits, and make like every moment is her last. or theirs. they know it's not the same, not exactly, but when tornadopaw died... it felt a lot like they lost a child. a kit of their own. they had done a lot to try and shape tornadopaw into a warrior. raised her when her parents wouldn't. and yet... it was all for naught. she died and chilledstar is forced to move on. to act like it doesn't break their heart everytime they think of them. that everytime they look at their other apprentice, they're not worried the same fate will befall upon them.

but... now is not the time. jitterbug is a warrior now, and they're proud of them. ey worked hard for that ey had, and now ey had a warrior name. and betonyfrost finally seems to express something other than anger, and seeping bits of insanity.

"a warrior indeed."

From the moons he’s watched from the shadows, Eerienight doesn’t think he’s ever seen Betonyfrost share such pride in her kits like she does now. It only makes sense now, though, the congratulatory show toward Jitterbug — would it have been bigger, grander, if Comfreypaw earned her name too?

The spindly tom watches for a moment longer, a blink following. And… And of his own parents, he can’t help but wonder. Did he even have any out there, somewhere? He doesn’t think of the idea of other, older spindle-limbed cats often, but in this moment he does. In this moment, he wonders if they would’ve been proud of him too.

Jitterbug has worked hard for this, he knows — just as himself, just as every other warrior. Eerienight moves to stand beside Chilledstar, dark head dipping in acknowledgement of em.

Yes, “ he says, “ Congratulations to you. “​
  • 74597010_gbJle40pG2JetDM.png
    ── Warrior of ShadowClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A spindly black tom with unblinking, dark brown eyes.
    ── Mentored by Spectermask
    ── "Speech"; Attack