private but i modified this tube sock - lupinepaw

It's odd. These days he and his siblings would spend less time with each other, not because they had any drama with each other. No, that was not the case. The reality was that their mentors would take them away at different times to train, so they were busy with other things. In Crowpaw's case, Silversmoke usually made him train before dawn. He learned that it was his mentor preferred that there be no distractions or as little as possible. Often times when he returned, his brother and sister were off with their mentors training. He wouldn't say he was furious at his siblings for spending time with each other or for not talking to him as much. He understood that all three of them were just busy and there was no animosity. At least, he assumed there wasn't. He hoped that Lupinepaw or Drowsypaw didn't hate him for not hanging out as much with them. It wasn't like he knew his siblings had a distaste for his mentor, whom he thought was awesome.

You may be asking what's odd? The odd thing is that his brother Lupinepaw came up to him and asked to speak to him in private. Normally he would be confused and motion for his brother to say it anyway. However, this time it looked like it was something very serious from his brother's nervous face. Did something happen? Mommy got hurt? Lulu? Drowsy? These were the thoughts that plagued him as he was guided by his brother to somewhere more private. Once they had both taken a seat, he stared at his brother, waiting for an explanation. It seemed like something either really horrible happened or maybe his brother was just too nervous. He can't help but tilt his head, as if to tell Lupinepaw it was okay. That whatever it was, he was going to listen.

Whiskers twitch. "Lulu what's wrong? You can tell Crow, he'll listen. If it's something really bad we should go tell mama together! Unless, Lulu doesn't want mama to know? Then we can tell Drowsy instead, right? Or is this a brother's secret?" Maybe he's overwhelming Lupinepaw with the amount of questions he's asking, but at the very least it shows that Crowpaw is worried about him. After all, his brother wasn't much of talker. Only choosing to speak more towards those he cared about.

// retro moments @LUPINEPAW