but i pray for a bit of contagion ˗ˏˋ morningkit ´ˎ˗


i will not despair
Oct 10, 2024
percy blob.png
˗ˏˋ but the collar stays the same ´ˎ˗
'MORNINGKIT' ;; glass-boned dreamer​

a newborn, long-haired cryptic tortoiseshell with low white. she has tufted ears and a feathery tail, at its base a deceptive mimicry of Owlheart's warmth. she is a burly, heavy-pawed mimicry of her sire, Crowsight, in the overwhelming darkness of most of her coat and larger stature. with blaze-crested, yellow eyes and a tiara-like smattering of white and orange along her brow to break up the shadowy planes of her face.​

  • oo. it's agonizing now, but.

    ⟡ . . . . .

    o1. this is nothing now.

    ⟡ . . . . . .

  • o2. people, just people.

    ⟡ While not unfriendly, the examples of socialization that she does have are two very opposing sides of a very awkward spectrum. Oddgleam and Crowsight are of a very reserved, kindly nature (though the former has some tendencies towards bluntness) and even Owlheart seems flustered by the realm of socialization... paired with the nerves of being new parents and their loving hovering, she feels fulfilled by her friendships with her parents and litter-mates and doesn't seek to form bonds outside of that. Kit's ability to create sincere friendships is minimal at best, uncertain how the steps towards lasting friendship start; given her affinity for sickness and the isolation that comes with recovery, the opportunities to practice are few and by the time her immune system stabilizes into apprenticeship, the gap between herself and her peers becomes daunting.

    o3. they're not enough.

    ⟡ Oddgleam, Crowsight and Owlheart are the most functional example of true romance that she has and they are openly sincere in their affections. She assumes them the norm, encouraged to explore... She learns what she wants in the little moments of cheeks pressed close, of murmured 'I love yous' and in all of her time bored and alone, Kit develops a hopeless romanticism; daydreaming of whatever cat may someday sweep her off her feet and cater to her, cherish her in all the ways her parents are cherished and cherish each other. Desperation for meaningful connection as she grows older makes her hungry and possessive of those she considers 'hers.' Crushes are many and confessions proclaimed loudly... she is bound to face rejection and must come to terms early on that not everyone is allowed to have a girlfriend and a boyfriend and a girlboyfriend and-. Her idea of what love is and what it actually requires are in dissonance, as she struggles to bring depth to her relationships by keeping others at arm's length. She is good at performing the actions of affection but not at understanding the emotion and openness behind it.

    ⟡ Her relationship with her parents is one of the few securities she feels she has outside of her siblings. They are a constant force of reassurance, gentleness (and well-meaning anxiety). Their doting teaches her that she is a prize above all others and in that regard, understands parents to be the providers of all a child's greatest wants. They turn dreams into reality and when confronted with parents who don't drop everything to accommodate their young, she becomes confused (and thus, forms an entitlement around the attention of her parents. Why do they have to work? Why can't they just stay in the nursery with her, Oddgleam, and the other kittens all the time?)

    KEY RELATIONSHIPS include Owlheart, Oddgleam, Crowsight, blah, blah, blah.

    o4. i vow not to lose.

    ⟡ She is to be a lazy apprentice.... she is often too absorbed in her own head to care to attend to her chores but does not complain when forced. She doesn't put a lot of effort in hunting or learning anything outside of combat; the thrill of a fight is a rush that reminds her that she still has life left to live. She struggles to be social but doesn't seem to mind how much time she spends alone... It would be in everyone's best interest not to get attached to her anyways, right?

  • o5. to anyone in my class.

    ⟡ Able-bodied and capable of physical movements. Does not struggle with vision, hearing, or speech.
    ⟡ Immune system is poor... this isn't the fault of her genes, just the unfortunate cruelty of worsening weather in her formative moons. She struggles from her birth to cling to good health, constantly sick and generally weak as her muscles work to keep up with her development. She will be less prone to sickness in her apprenticeship but still more likely to be ill than others her age...

    o6. aren't i such a lovely child.

    ⟡ Mentally sound other than a constant battle to stay present... reality is not a welcome friend, dismally aware of her poor health through most of her youth and fearing it an imminent mark of her untimely death. Kit spends much of her time daydreaming if not completely dissociative... It's nicer in her head, where she can pretend she is a great warrior, a fearsome leader, a beloved mate to someone with a kind smile.
    ⟡ Contrary to her dislike for acknowledging that she may not live a long life due to her struggling health, she is not fearful of much... Subscribes to a 'if it happens, it happens' view of life up until the odds look bad... then she grow unpredictable and desperate. She is not half so brave as she thinks she is.

    o7. love me i beg, love me i beg.

    ⟡ Cutesy and fluffy, generally considered adorable at a young age... Her fur ends up often lacking care, the ick of illness never quite leaving long enough to waste energy on grooming. Doesn't mind others doing it for her, as she enjoys being cared for (and expects it, really) but can't be convinced to do it herself in most cases. 'Messy' and oily from lack of consistent bathing, she is considered grimy in her adulthood.

    long-hair tortoiseshell with low white
    carries ... dilute, cinnamon, albinism​

    View attachment 2046

  • o8. love me i beg, i'll give you everything.


    EMPATHETIC to the point of ABSORBING
    FEARLESS to the point of RECKLESSNESS
    UNHURRIED to the point of AMBITIONLESS

    She believes herself to be a ghost of potential.... She's present, but only in a superficial sense and her awkward shuffling dance with death has encouraged her into a feigned maturity regarding fear and inevitability of death. In an effort to be emotionally available to others, she has a habit of mirroring the emotions of those around her rather than forming her own... She can be morbid, tactless, though she believes herself to be empathetic in her extensions of understanding. "You don't need to be afraid," but it's reasonable to be scared. "It doesn't hurt," but hiding it makes it worse. She thinks herself fearless because she has been so approximate to StarClan's embrace that there is nothing worth fearing... certain that she is doomed to a less-than-long life, she relishes in moments that most make her feel alive; near-death is yet another day we say "until next time" to our star-ward ancestors. It is just a game of tag.
    Generally considered lazy, her lack of presence and attention makes her prone to forgetfulness, eager to escape the monotony of life when it doesn't suit her. She'd much rather sit with her head in the clouds, making up stories about grand adventures than going through the truth of life: it's slow moments. She hungers for fast-faced results and struggles without instant gratification. She lacks discipline... doesn't think to wake up early in the morning... doesn't fear scolding if she fails to do her chores... and when confronted with her lack of responsibility, she doesn't complain. She tends to get into trouble through simple lack of applying herself and until harshly corrected by her parents, doesn't really seem impacted by punishment.

    [ this is just a rough idea so it's a little wonky and contradictory while I figure out how to word the exact vibe im going for ]

    o9. but in return, but in return.

    ⟡ damsel in distress
    daydreamer that rarely comes down from the clouds
    the secret garden (sickly rich kid that just wants to experience the world before dying)
    fearless up until the final moment, terrified in the last
    cardinal sin of sloth

  • 1o. i'll make you share this hatred i bear.

    KIT !!

    history as a kit

    TEEN !!

    history as an apprentice

    WARRIOR !!

    history as a warrior

    * skills reflect projected skills as an ADULT

    HUNTING: ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
    FIGHTING: ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇
    CLIMBING: ◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇
    SWIMMING: ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
    MEDICINE: ◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
    LEADERSHIP: ◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

  • I have no immediate plans to kill her off super young by any means... I expect her to reach warriorhood without issue, she's just more prone to sickness and has a "weird girl" attachment to death after being sick in her young life.

    - lots of imagery of warmth through overwhelming cold. how your fingertips burn with frostbite. the way your breath catches in your chest just before you realize you're sick. the warmth of spring rain.
    loosely clings to reality, fears it too fleeting to be worth dedicating sincere thought to. struggles with names as a side effect, not out of malice but out of lack of attention.
    - has a love for combat because of the way it makes her feel in touch with her physical self, pain is Interesting rather than something feared. eager for confrontation...
    - fairly sickly in her childhood, no fault of her genes but just poor luck in worsening weather. the coddling that comes with the fear of her poor health inspires a sense of self-inflated importance. attention is owed to her... and she assumes that her every beck and call is to be tended to. takes advantage of her history of a flimsy, frail thing in her apprenticeship to get out of doing real work, preferring to sit in the trees and day dream. bird watch. cloud gaze.


    -> accidentally walks into having several little "girlfriends/boyfriends" as an apprentice, assumes their attention is sorta owed to her because she's so sickly that any time spent with her is a blessing right? fails to realize that polyamory is not the norm, gets into trouble with said partners once they discover she's promised herself to ALL of them... oh lord
    -> makes friends with another child that kinda takes on a 'protector' role since she fails to protect herself... this kit recognizes her hapless nature and ends up being one of her very first close friends... they are at constant odds with eachother in an affectionate way, bickering about her penchant for fighting and how she ought to do more to preserve her own health
    -> struggles to remember the names of others because she's so inattentive... makes up names for others that are "Close but not quite" up until someone gets really mad about it and then falls back to using "you" or "they" or "that cat from before" to describe who she's talking about... may prove a complication later in life when trying to relay important information
    -> thinking that she is 'mature' for her age, she tends to favor the presence of adults over her peers and though adults are kind, they are not quite going to have the same level of depth with someone not even half their age as she would with her den-mates... will often cling to her parents into apprenticeship and won't find her own footing until later
    -> surprisingly devout follower of the warrior code... her romanticism of life includes the concepts of honor and dying with noble intentions. is also just completely lacking in investment in knowing the other clans to be bothered to consider romance in other places...

[ template by tikki, with some silly little modifications by me ]​
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thoughts & delusions

  • tagging / ooc

  • crowsight x oddgleam x owlheart
    pearlkit - cuckookit - snotkit​ - brightkit - ravenkit​

[i][color=#D2AB99]thoughts & delusions[/color][/i]

[tabs][slide=holding onto a love]tagging / ooc[/slide]
[slide=˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗][/slide]
[slide=they keep wanting][center]crowsight x oddgleam x owlheart
pearlkit - cuckookit - [sub]morningkit[/sub] - brightkit - ravenkit[/center][/slide][/tabs][/box]
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