Jul 11, 2022
Kestreltalon had made it her job to lurk around camp since her punishment, haunting her clanmates for what she considered their slights against her. Only to vanish back into the shadows whenever Sootstar appeared. She needed an outlet for her rage, but she was not foolish enough to test her twice. Then again, perhaps she was merely not brave enough.

That was why she waited until the other molly had taken her leave to approach Duskfire. She remembered their first meeting, when she had joined the clan. She remembered how the two of them had butted heads, how reverently he had refereed to his leader. It all made him an easy target for all the insults she wanted to say to Sootstar.

"Still sucking up to the snake-heart, hmm?" she sneered, pulling herself out of her hiding place. "She really does have you wrapped around her paw."



So much had happened in such a short amount of time. It was a wonder it didn't entirely overwhelm the tomcat seeing as how his world had been limited to four walls and a roof for the majority of his life, locked in a room where survival was never guaranteed and you had to fight for everything. He had only truly begun living a few short moons ago, a break-in at the twolegs house allowing him to escape onto the streets and eventually to the moors, where he'd found Windclan.

And then, it was just one thing after another.

He'd been accepted into the clan as 'less than a warrior', an outsider that had been scorned by Hyacinth and scrutinized by Soot, a pariah among so many clan cats who still harbored hatred for outsiders. He'd had no idea what he was supposed to be doing in those days, and had even had to endure Hyacinths wrath when he'd called their group by the wrong name. Drama with Weasel and Cicadastar, the death of the Skyclanner who'd jumped Soot in a two-on-one fight, his feels for Inky, his sudden promotion and the warnings Soot had given him about those who would want to take it from him- some by force.

He couldn't say he wasn't any better off than he'd been in the beginning because really he was. He knew what was expected of him in the group and could recognize most of the cats, he felt more confident in Soots trust in him and was even on much better terms with Weasel and Hyacinth since he'd been made Deputy. But it was still a lot.

And it never seemed to end.

Green eyes would flash upward to land on Kestreltalon, drawn to the wound momentarily before meeting the gaze of her still remaining eye. Did he feel sympathy for her? It was hard to say. Dusk didn't really know her, and that always made it a little harder, especially with a cat with such an abrasive personality. Where he'd come from cat would end up with wounds like hers on a regular basis, claws constantly flying over scraps of prey or space intruded upon. It was like surviving in a prison where there were no guards to keep order and the supplies were near non-existant. Even he bore the scars of those incidents, gashes and punctures along his body that had acumulated throughout the seasons. Hell, he'd given wounds like that to other cats, more times than he could count.

Did that mean he couldn't feel bad for someone else though? No. If it had been Inky or Rose of Hyacinth who'd been hit he might have felt something, but would he have interfered? He wasn't sure. After all, Kestrel had been doing herself no favors with the attiude she'd been holding with Soot.

"Just because I'm loyal to my Leader doesn't make me a suck up. If you tried showing a bit of respect to the cats around here you wouldn't have any problems either." he shot back, tail twitching in annoyance. This wasn't the first time he'd been cornered by someone who was unhappy with a decision Soot had made, and just like with Pebblenose he didn't intend to be pushed around. Of course, that didn't mean he was hoping for an argument either. He hadn't joined Windclan to be at odds with the cats there. He'd had enough of that in his lifetime.

windclan warrior - male - 18 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
Kestreltalon's good eye narrowed, and she gave him a smile that was sharp and bitter. The hate she held for him, and all those who Sootstar had surrounded herself with, was second only to the snake-heart herself. In a way, she almost hated them more. Their leader was, at the least, capable and confident. That made her dangerous.

They, meanwhile, were just the little rats that had bent their heads to her to save their necks. Though she was too afraid of their leader to disrespect her to her face again, she held no such reservations about the lackeys.

"No, you're right," she began sarcastically, contempt shining in her gaze. "It's not loyalty that makes you a suck up. Isn't respect either. Though you've got plenty more of both than me, I can admit that." Kestreltalon took a step forward. "It's how you treat her like her shit don't stink, praise her every deed and heed her every word. You watch her do whatever she wants and you do nothing, you say nothing. That's not loyalty, that's not respect, that's just cowardly."

The smart sarcasm left her tone, replaced with fiery frustration. Her mocking smile faded into a toothy snarl. This was what she had wanted, to be able to let out all her emotions out at someone that really deserved it. "Wanna know how I know that's what you do? Because she promoted you. I mean, neither of us is hare-brained enough to think she did that for any other reason, right?" she laughed suddenly, darkly. It was a hollow sound. Then dropped right back into the depths of her anger. "I hunt as well as you, better probably. I go on patrols, I give as much to this clan as you have. But we both know she would never even consider promoting me. Or, shit, if you think it's the attitude, what about any of the other sorry saps in this clan? You think you're just that much better than all them? No."

Her ear flicked. "You're just the poor fox-heart most willing to let her walk all over you."

//sorry for late reply!