border BUT I'M LOUDER // thunderclan border patrol

No need to wait for them!

Stormywing pushes through a clump of reeds as she leads the way along the shore, the dawn's light shining down through the clouds to speckle her pelt. She tries to keep her attention off of the RiverClan shore, but nervous eyes keep bouncing towards it, like she's waiting for Ferngill or Iciclefang herself to pop out at any moment. Her ears flick to and fro anxiously, an odd look for the warrior so known for her cool and collected attitude. But they'd seen no SkyClanners on their border, so it's perfectly reasonable they'll see no RiverClanners, too...right?

To take her mind off of it, she looks to Fallowpaw, eyes practically twitching as she tries to think of something to say. "Um...wanna do some training later? Deep in the forest, far away from any borders? How does that sound, huh?" Get it together, Stormywing! You're freaking out! Squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, her ears flick back as she hears reeds rustle on the other side of the river. RiverClanners...I can't look.
𓆝 . ° ✦ Stepping onto the shore, she caught sight of the patrol on the other side of the river instantly. "Stormywing." Mosspool greeted coolly, though not unkindly. The time they had spent on the journey together had proven the Thunderclanner to be an annoyance, but also a warrior deserving of respect. Truthfully, it was strange to see her face on the opposite side of the border. It made it harder to remember that Thunderclan was her enemy.

Thunderclan had been not been a threat recently, but the battle at Sunningrocks had still not faded from her mind. They were a more reasonable clan than Windclan, but that did not make them a friend. If it benefited them, they would turn on Riverclan in an instant.

Her eyes narrowed as she looked across the border. Stormywing's ears kept flicking, she almost looked nervous. It made Mosspool feel a touch of unease in turn. On the journey Stormywing had been so brash and confident, what could be causing to act like this?
 ° .  . ° 
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    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

Dramatically, Ferngill felt as if he might die of shame if he made direct eye contact with Stormywing. Knowing she had the knowledge to destroy everything locked behind her fangs was enough to put a little twist in his gut- and then he felt even worse for thinking that of her. Like Mosspool, he'd gotten to know her well on the journey... and after that... but unlike his Clanmate, he knew why she was behaving so oddly. And he could surmise that he probably wasn't a face she wanted to see, because the feeling was sickeningly mutual. It just made everyone feel awful, didn't it?

"Oh, hello..." he said, giving them a grin. Dressing himself up in optimism was the only way he knew how to act, but Ferngill was not a good actor. It was easier to look at Lightstrike, a cat who stirred up no bad feelings, and chirp, "And Lightstrike, too! How are you guys?" Bad question. Stormywing probably doesn't feel great. "How's prey running? Glad Leafbare's over?"
penned by pin

Tigerspalsh wouldn't say she hated any of the other clans, sure she knew better then to trust them like she trusted her own clan but it was mousebrained to constantly glare and sheathe her claws at them, they were only enemies when it came time for blows. She didn't have any long standing history between any Thunderclanner however not like Mosspool or Ferngill she had been so jealous of those who went. She knew though she'd be horribly missing the river if she strayed that far away from it.

She smiles as she looks across the river towards the small patrol of forest-dwellers, they looked good and healthy something she figures they all did. Newleaf had it's blessings, these moons were a time to gather strength lost during the leafbare. She figures it was like that for all the clans. "Good morning Thunderlclan!" she yells over to the other side of the river, her teeth flash in a bright grin. "Hope you're all doing well!" she'd add on, though she's curious to hear their true reply to Ferngill.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Stormywing didn't want to be here. Lightstrike felt bad for her, really. Although he didn't say anything, he found himself sticking close to her side. After they marked the border, they would be able to go back to camp to rest. SkyClan's border had been uneventful, so surely this one would be too?

RiverClanners made their appearance. Mosspool and Ferngill were with them. The warrior lightly brushed past Stormywing to step closer to the river with his tail high, and although he felt a little awkward at the tension in the air as well, his smile was a little more genuine. He didn't mind taking hold of the conversation.

"Hey!" he greeted the ginger tom. "Long time no see, Ferngill!" He'd like to think that outside of his own Clan, the RiverClanner was one of the cats he'd grown closest to over the course of the journey.

Before he could think better of it, he was excitedly spilling the news as it popped into his mind. "I don't know if you heard, but my kits were born recently! Night of the Gathering, actually!"

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowpaw trudges behind its mentor like a good little apprentice, keeping its head down. There's something... off about the grey-striped molly, but she can't quite place her paw upon why. The jittery offer of training only furthers this wrongness, but she's not mouse-brained enough to point that out and make her mentor freak out even more. "Uh. Yeah, sure," she mumbles instead, casting narrowed eyes between the border and her mentor.

A RiverClanner addresses its mentor by name, voice level and cold, and its suspicious gaze lands upon her. There's history here, clearly, and Fallowpaw knows how poorly things end when it comes to other clans. At least this is more cordial than her own border interactions. Another RiverClanner in bright shades of orange starts to chat away with Lightstrike like they're clanmates, and she can't help but feel like she's missed something. The suspicion ease into befuddlement, the apprentice turning back to its mentor. "You all know each other or something?" she asks to the group at large. They seem like they're friends, except... Stormywing still has that anxious look on her face. It's very unfitting for her; something is wrong here.

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  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, seven moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw, doepaw, fawnpaw, & elkpaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
She casts molten eyes across the river to spot two familiar faces, accompanied by a RiverClanner she does not know. "Hi, Mosspool.....Ferngill." Thank the stars for Lightstrike, who brushes right past her to chat up the other side of the river, allowing her to keep pushing on. She's more grateful than ever for her friend in this moment. He is the only clanmate she's got who's even got an idea of what might be going on in her head. She let's him talk away, averting her gaze back to her apprentice. "Yeah...we all went on the journey to the mountains together," She explains to it, feeling her heart ache at the mere mention of that incredible place. It's where she'd fallen in love. And right across this river is where that love died a horrible, violent death.