ripple colony BUT I'M WEAK [ hunting patrol? ]


Jun 20, 2023
Food. His stomach growled as he moved out of camp, unsure of where his brother was. He couldn't blame him if he was sleeping or something similar- after all, the toil and trouble from discovering their mother dead... Cougar's ears flattened, shaking the thought out of his head. He could deal with that later. He lifted his voice, turning his head towards the rest of the little camp they had set up together. "If you guys want to come hunting, let's go. I'm hungry." Sure, there was the river with fish, but there was other stuff on land, right?

Cougar's gaze turned to what little territory they had left, slightly irritated at the thought of Riverclan. A huff left him, waiting to see if anyone would join him.​
જ➶ The moutain of multi hued fur shifts, a divet in the ground where where she dug a little to lay her body into the earth. Her eyes open just a cracked as the sentinel allows a large yawn to pull open her jaws. For a moment she stares, blurry eyed, at Cougar and them the large molly finally pushes herself to her paws. With a shake of her body, dust and dirt fall and she grumbles a little to herself before she makes her way over to the other. "I'll join you, might be fun." Her voice is lower, waking up as she dips her head. Though she doubts with the stupor hanging over her head that she will be of any good use for a little bit. But hunting sounds like a good way to pass the time and she is sure that the Elders will love to have something in their bellies.

"Where are we hunting exactly? The river is drying up so are we going to try for land prey this time around?" Giving her hand at trying to catch some voles and mice might be good practice for her. Sure.

although she's way passed her prime youth and not the spry grasshopper she once was, pepper was never one to pass up an opprotunity to tag alongside the much younger colony members whenever they decided to go out on these little hunting trips. she knows some may protest out of worry considering both her hearing and eyesight have deteriorated over the years leaving her to be a little more prone to accidents but there was only so much sitting around an elder could do before going a little stir crazy.

with a slow shake of her unruly dual-colored coat, pepper approaches both cougar and pumpkin with a raspy hum. "hope you don't mind me coming along, just wanna make sure atleast one of you catches a plump mouse for me." a little teasing laughter bubbles up from her chest, eyes shifting between the two.

  • out of character things.

  • pepper. of the ripple colony.
    110 moons.
    afab, demi-girl. she / they.
    demiromantic lesbian.


————————She/her | 34 moons | Ripple Colony————————
The whole situation with RiverClan is certainly troubling, not knowing whether they'll stick true to their word of non-violence, but fretting over it unnecessarily doesn't do anyone any favors, either. Rye'd done her fair share of prepping for a sudden move, trying to make sure the young'uns understood the situation might be delicate and when that failed, making sure there would at least be someone watching over them at all times, and now she finds her paws idle. In a different situation, it'd be wonderful having such free time after completing her duties, but right now she just feels restless, as though there's a constant nagging that she's forgetting something. It's not like she'd even been given a proper assignment, only making herself useful where needed, so nothing really there to forget, but the feeling keeps her from well and truly relaxing like she wants. Things seem to have calmed down around their temporary camp, at least for now, and Rye's considering just taking a walk when her ears perk, picking up Cougar's suggestion of going hunting.

Evidently not the first to respond, she makes her way over to the forming group, relief at something to do evident in her body language. "Perfect timin' - was just lookin' for somethin' to busy myself with. If y'all'll have me too, o' course," she rumbles, glancing at those gathered. It wouldn't be a real bother if they wanted a smaller hunting party - plenty of land out there to spread out and all that. Rye's gaze rounds on Pumpkin at her question of land prey versus fish. The river and her hadn't really gotten along too well as of late, and while she'd consider herself okay at fishing, just 'okay' doesn't seem great if Cougar's looking to find something to eat right now. "I vote land prey, but don't mind me if you're dead-set on fishin'," she voices, head inclining in Cougar's direction - he'd been the one to announce this impromptu little expedition, after all. Pepper's lilting jest catches her attention, and Rye can't help but to respond in kind - "Don't worry, Pepper, I'll make sure to getcha a nice big meal, promise." It's said with a gentle purr, whiskers twitching with amusement, though Rye makes a note to be on the lookout for mice in particular on this trip - even if Pepper's joking, she's sure the elder will appreciate a fresh meal just as much as the rest of them.
[penned by hijinks].
Appreciative looks were given to those who joined him- Pumpkin, Pepper, Rye. A small smile graced Cougar's face, his tail twitching behind him as he spoke to Pumpkin first. "Well, I'm glad to have you along." Cougar was glad he wasn't going on his own. He'd still do it, for the colony of course, but having company- and helping paws- was much appreciated. She posed a question, one that had the tabby looking back out towards the territory. "I was going to go with land-prey." He confirmed, nodding gently.

Pepper's tease presses a smile to Cougar's face, a small mirthful laugh following. "Of course I don't mind." Cougar glanced towards Rye, nodding in agreement with all three statements. "I'll always welcome extra help, though maybe having too much will scarep prey off." A chuckle left him, Cougar's head bobbing a bit. "We'll keep an eye out for mice, vole, and all sorts of things. Birds, maybe." He pondered, turning towards the land and beginning to pad into it.

As soon as he was out of the reaches of their colony camp, his ears perked and mouth slightly parted. He was, of course, scenting for any prey. Ears twitched this way and that as eyes scanned the ground. He didn't lead them super far, but far enough that prey would be scattered about.

// go ahead and feel free to free-post about your hunts! :D​

————————She/her | 34 moons | Ripple Colony————————
With a pleased hum, Rye gives a nod, more than happy to follow along after the others. In the time they'd been there, she'd found a spot or two that she's come to prefer hunting around, but with the area still not fully explored, it's likely there are many more good hunting spots still hiding out there, and with so many cats to feed, they can use all the spots they can get. Almost languidly, she hangs near the back, keeping all her senses trained on their surroundings; after all, there might be more than just prey lurking about, and she doesn't want to take any chance so that they might avoid getting surprised by anything. Nose twitching, a familiar scent suddenly reaches her, distant as it may be - mouse, she thinks, and surely Pepper'll be happy about that. With a flick of an ear and a look passed to the other members, Rye slips away, slinking in the direction the smell indicated.

It's not very close, and though she doesn't want to leave the others too far behind, the idea of returning triumphant and laden with a fresh kill spurs her onward, paws weaving through the reeds quietly. The scent grows fresher still, until she's right on it - and, is that the scent of blood, too? On edge immediately, Rye casts her gaze about until she spots it; up, perched in a nearby willow tree, is a hawk, a harrier, perhaps, enjoying a meal of the mouse she'd been tracking. Cursing under her breath, the molly's quick to turn back - better not to cross the bird, even if she's mildly certain she'd come out of a scrap with it. As she begins to pad back, annoyance at the lost hunt prickling beneath her pelt, a new scent recovers her focus - vole, close, and this time with no tang of blood. Instinctively dropping down, she crawls forward, belly fur just tickled by the ground, until her prey is in sight. Creeping up as close as she dares, Rye suddenly leaps forward, hoping to catch the creature unawares; the vole bolts, likely heading for some sort of hideaway, but the cat is faster, catching up and dispatching it with a swiftly-aimed snap of her jaws. Not the mouse she'd been hoping for, but the catch is decently plump, and Rye starts back in the direction she'd left the others, an air of quiet pleasure about her as she tries not to interrupt any other hunts.
[penned by hijinks].

the small group of hunters are quick to disperse into different directions once they've reached part of the territory that seems to hold a promise of prey and at first pepper debated just sitting down and keeping a lookout incase something happens but eventually she decides to stray from the original spot to see if she couldn't catch something herself. with slightly parted jaws, pepper tastes the air for any fresh scents that could lead her to something but what she gets back is mostly muddled, overlapped smells that make her scrunch her nose a bit in mild frustration.

continuing her search, pepper eventually spots the fuzzy grayish-brown body of what she assumes is a shrew sitting just beyond the reeds. she crouches low, ignoring the creak in her joints as she stalks forward trying to close the gap between predator and prey. steady. steady. NOW! pepper explodes through the flora, paws outstretched before landing squarely on top of it with subtle thump! "gotcha!" she exclaims quietly but after a few moments of basking in success, the molly comes to realize that the shrew that sat under chocolate paws felt strange. it wasn't fuzzy at all but rough. she lifts one paw up and squints down at her 'prey' before it slowly dawns on her that this wasn't a rodent at all but just a funny looking rock.


  • *charlie brown voice* i got a rock

  • pepper. of the ripple colony.
    110 moons.
    afab, demi-girl. she / they.
    demiromantic lesbian.