pafp but then my heart, it flies .. training trades


hit me with your kill shot
Apr 30, 2023
WE'RE GETTING LOST! Two figures sat beside each other under the shady cover from the wall of ferns, hovering over the meal of a plump pika. Though any cats nearby the two would hardly find it difficult to tell at least one of the two was Killdeercry, as she was doing more talking than eating. Her tone sounded focused on their discussion, her head swinging back and forth with the flow of her voice.

"-but then it got me thinking, what if I could teach responsibility by letting her drive the direction of training? Would giving an apprentice the chance to choose prioritizing their learning help develop their responsibility? Especially if they turn out being one of those kids that hates being told what to do, or would that make it worse..." She finally took a pause in the crash of words she just spilled to Howlingstar, taking the moment to take the first bite of her portion. — tags

[pls wait until @HOWLINGSTAR responds to post <3]​
Howlingstar makes it a point to keep up with her clanmates, to be their friend and confidante when it is needed. As their leader, it's her duty to love each and every one of them as family and hold them as dear as her closest friends. She's happy to sit here with the young warrior, exchanging chatter and chuckles as she takes another bite of their shared meal. It's clear that Killdeercry is very excited to be a mentor, and she should be; it's quite an honor to be given an apprentice, and she obvious the she-cat isn't wasting the opportunity. "Letting her guide her own training? It's a risk, but it can pay off if it teaches her to motivate herself," She trills, whiskers twitching thoughtfully. "Just as long as she isn't favoring her best skill and neglecting others," The tabby adds with amusement.
˗ˏˋ dogbait approaches on cautious paws. he's learned... a lot of things since coming here. he's learned that cats don't like it when you bite their tails, so he bites as many tails as he can, so they stay away from him. he's learned that other kittens don't like it when you play rough. and other grownups don't like that either. being ... "nice" is something he's definitely learned a lot about, yes. it seems to be a requirement here.

he's learned that he isn't a dogbait anymore. he's an oak-kit now. but he still feels like a dogbait in his head ... he's not ... used to being an oak-kit yet. he does think it's a better thing to be, though, because when these cats say oak-kit they say it nice. like howlingstar, who is ... stern but gentle at the same time, somehow ... who is nice to him. when she calls him oak-kit, it sounds like a nice thing to be.

he creeps closer, ears pricked up and alert. he's lost a lot of that mangy look he had at first, but he must have scruffy in his genes, because he still looks half-groomed on the best of days. the little brown tabby creeps closer and closer and closer till he's right next to howlingstar. like wrenflutter, he was afraid at first but quickly grew attached. howlingstar smells safe. she gave him this home. she gave him ... a choice, too, maybe the first one he ever had in his life.

he doesn't know what they're talking about, but he likes to listen. training. he hears that word a lot. "training," he repeats, testing it out on his tongue. he tries another word, this one quieter, less sure. "ap...prentice."

he narrows his eyes at killdeercry, who is less familiar and more ... exuberant. she talks a lot, talks kind of sing-song, swings her head back and forth... she is kind of like his sister?

he will have to see if she is safe.

//tl;dr he's just here. Having thoughts

. . .
brown tabby with white. 3 moons old. how could you love this wretched creature ´ˎ˗
Eavesdropping wasn't usually one of the pass times enjoyed most by young Goldenpaw but it was hard to ignore Killdeercrys' chattering. The chocolate tabby had been nearby the two she-cats grooming his fur idly and listening every now and then to their words. It wasn't anything super interesting, just stuff about mentoring and letting a cat do their own training and blah blah blah. He lapped at his chest fur and wondered if how own mentor would come to recuse him soon from this jabbering.

WE'RE GETTING LOST! Killdeercry took her leaders words with all seriousness. In her own thoughts, she imagined leading was akin to having a lot of apprentices at once. Training in a much different scope of skill. Howlingstar had to train the Clan ThunderClan's ways, their culture. Operating on a larger level of assigning tasks and duties. Just thinking about it made her head spin!

"That is a good piece to point out, I'll make sure to watch for that then. Oh, Barleypaw has been just great so far though. I'm really excited to see what she grows into as a warrior. I just start tearing up thinking about her receiving her warrior name." Her eyes look down to her little nephew, Oakkit as he approaches. She smiles down at him. Acornkit was of course not as shy as he was, being a bit easier of the two to make herself familiar around. She didn't blame Oakkit for his apprehension, though. She couldn't imagine how she would cope with how they were found.

"Hey friend! You're gonna become an apprentice soon. Big and strong just like your aunt Killdeercry." She purred loudly. "How do you pick your pairings, Howlingstar? Barleypaw and I have worked great together, like we were meant to be mentor and apprentice. Does StarClan show all that to you?"— tags
Howlingstar glances to the side as a small, scrawny scrap of fur stalks closer to the she-cats. A small smile can be seen on her muzzle as she listens to Killdeercry ramble, her eyes remaining on the small kit she'd found in the forest a couple of moons prior. "Killdeercry's right. You'll be an apprentice soon enough, Oak-kit, and you'll get to learn how to become a warrior one day." She purrs, already imagining the day. He and his sister may not be ThunderClan-born, but they will grow to be strong warriors of the clan without a doubt.

Her attention returns to the warrior as she asks about how mentors are paired with apprentices and the tabby eases herself into a crouch to get comfortable. "Well," She trills, ears flicking about as a fly attempts to land on her head. "While kits are in the nursery, I watch them to learn their personalities and try my best to get to know them. Certain traits will compliment each other. For example, Barleypaw is eager to learn, and your enthusiasm will boost that desire, not hinder it. Every apprentice needs something in a mentor to help them reach their full potential as a warrior, and that's what I try to find in a mentor for them."