sensitive topics BUT THERE ARE WITCHES IN THESE WOODS // rta, fox attack

Tybalt padded through the trees, stopping here and there to gather the prey he had caught on his hunt. He'd buried each piece where he would remember to return for it on his journey back to camp.

Camp was a place he rarely lingered these days. His few friends had slowly vanished one by one, and as they went, he could feel his ties to his clanmates whither and drift away. His usual snappiness had increased to a point where even Tybalt himself was becoming bothered by it. So he simply spent the majority of his time out in the territory alone. He returned each morning for patrol assignments and once or twice later in the day to deposit food he'd caught and briefly catch up on the little he had missed, and then vanished into the trees again, spending his nights curled beneath a thorn bush.

Leaning down to dig up the catch from his most recent stop, the tom picked up the squirrel by its tail and carried on. He continued silently through the trees, slowing to a stop again after a few moments. Where had he buried that thrush? He was certain it was somewhere around here. Or was it yesterday he'd buried something here, and now he was remembering it wrong. Pelt prickling in agitation, Tybalt turned back the way he had come. Perhaps he had missed it. He'd have to retrace his steps and see if he could--

And then he saw it. A distance away, a mass of fur was scraping its claws through the dirt, tossing pawfuls back behind it as it snuffled through the dirt. After a moment, the creature lifted its head and pulled up the thrush. His thrush. Tybalt stepped forward, claws unsheathed. Some filthy mutt wasn't going to steal his catch! He let out a hiss and dashed forward. The dog turned to face him, and he froze.

The dog hadn't been a dog after all, and perhaps the fact that it was a fox instead should have offered him some relief. Foxes were smaller than dogs. Easier to get rid of. But as the animal advanced toward him, the blood from the recently eaten thrush dripping from its muzzle, Tybalt still couldn't make himself move. His mind raced, the memory of his last fox encounter keeping him rooted to the spot.

Catching the rabbit with his father, turning away for a moment only for a fox to try and steal it. They couldn't afford to lose the food, so they'd fought for it. They'd expected it to be an easy fight. They'd kept plenty of beasts off their food before, after all. They'd fought hard, but it wasn't enough. The fox flung Tybalt from its back, and then bolted with the rabbit in its mouth. With a yowl of protest, Tybalt had begun to chase after it, but stopped as he lost sight of the animal. He turned back to his father in time to see the blood streaming from the older cat's mouth as he collapsed to the ground, and then he was gone, and Tybalt was alone.

Tybalt stepped pack, his features pulling into a rare expression of pure terror.

"TYBALT, MOVE!" The shout came from somewhere off behind Tybalt, alerting anyone in the vicinity as a ginger and white pelt streamed past, teeth bared in a snarl and outstretched claws flying. Cherrypaw's lanky figure came into sight as he barreled into the fox, clawing at anything he could reach and hoping to divert its attention from Tybalt.
"You have to move--go, get out of here, Tybalt!" Cherrypaw's steely gaze whirled towards him for a moment--all of his former training with Tybalt was kicking in now, keeping his eye on the fox--as he urged Tybalt to run. "FOX, THERE'S A FOX HERE!" He yowls, hoping anyone from the patrol he had been assigned to would hear the commotion and come running.

He's all too aware of the distance that had grown between him and Tybalt. While his heart still yearned to reconnect with his former mentor, he had an awful feeling something had changed, as Cherrypaw continues to jeer at the fox in hopes that it will focus on him instead. He was hardy, he could take a hit.
But why was Tybalt always distancing himself from camp? Why was Tybalt all the way out here in the first place, and why was he standing there frozen? Why did he leave?

As much as he desperately wanted answers to these questions, there was no time for answers--the fox would kill him if he gives even a momentary glimpse of a window for weakness, and Cherrypaw had to devote all his attention to this new threat, for it could easily snap his neck. For all his worth, he was still just an apprentice. I'm not letting it get close to Tybalt, not while I'm still here. With a nasty lunge, the fox's jaws snap towards Cherrypaw, and their standoff quickly changes into an all-out brutal fight.
✦ ✦ ✦
Out again. Out again without permission, out again, tracking a fellow clanmate for fun. She can't be yelled at if she's with another warrior, yeah? Yeah! She creeps along, her clanmate's sandy tail never out of sight, his scent never too far faded for her to not catch. She grins, feeling herself to be a very accomplished cat today indeed! How many other apprentices could track a warrior without getting seen? Not any of her siblings, that was for sure! The dark brown she-cat stifled a giggle as Stagstrike came to a complete stop. Oh-ho-ho! He must've got something - another kill to-be! Well, not if she caught it first!

She opened her mouth, waiting for prey-scent to wash over her tongue. A yummy vole, a sweet mouse, a -

- ew!!!

A new stench invaded her senses, musk and fresh dirt and worm-scent clinging to each other, tied together by blood and something else she couldn't quite place. And then a yowl - THERE'S A FOX HERE! - and Chickadeepaw snapped her mouth closed. She was moving, running, towards Stagstrike, towards Cherrypaw, towards -

She connected forehead-first with wiry red fur, teeth snapping down one of her ears. She felt her skin grow hot and blood well up as skin was punctured and tears sprung to her eyes - first pain, first blood, the first time Chickadeepaw had felt something that hurt so much. "OW OW OW OW OW LET GO LET GO LET GO LET GO! MOMMY-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y!"
❪ TAGS ❫ — A fox, one of those slimy, ugly, long-snouted bastards. The warrior isn't thrilled to hear the frantic call coming from Cherrypaw, though he makes haste and quickly stumbles upon the chaos unfurling before his eyes. The young ginger tom had practically thrown himself at the fox. Mousebrain. What was he thinking, running headfirst toward the gaping jaws of death? Hawkshiver understands the urgency to defend his former mentor—who had been increasingly absent from camp—but foolishness was what got cats killed.

The vulpine now had one of Chickadeepaw's ears entangled in its jaws and his heart nearly lurches out of his chest. What was she doing out here? Hawkshiver couldn't think about that now, however; his sister's child would not fall victim to this creature, he'd make sure of it. Their family had lost enough.

Hawkshiver tensed his muscles, knowing that he had to act quickly in order to get the fox's attention away from the trainees and the fear-stricken Stagstrike. His brain operates swiftly, his mental network narrowing down the best option for attack. Until the other patrol members arrived, he could distract the vulpine in a manner that posed less of a threat to him.

The muscular tom darts forward and skillfully propels himself off of the ground, claws making purchase on red fur. Hopefully, the fox's attention would now tear away from Chickadeepaw and would focus on snapping its jaws at the cat attached to its backside. "Chickadeepaw— run, now!" Hawkshiver barks a command as he tried his best to hold on tightly. A fox could kill a cat in one swift clamp of its jaws, especially a younger cat whose bones were more fragile. Hawkshiver didn't want Chickadeepaw to learn that fleeing was the only option, that running would help her clan in a fight, but the young girl had only been in training for a moon. She wasn't yet equipped with the skills to take on a large predator like this, especially with only one other warrior present. Besides, he didn't want her to sustain any more injuries.

He would be sure to lecture his niece about sneaking outside of camp and breaking clan law later, but right now he was only focused on getting this beast away from his clanmates.

Even a clanmate that had grown distant was still a clanmate worth protecting!
The stench of fox had been enough to beckon Sunnyday into action, pulling him away from the patrol route he had been following in order to rush towards the sound of commotion and panic. His teeth were bared in a snarl and his claws were readied for action. Tybalt seemed frozen to the spot, Cherrypaw was lunging forth to fight, Chickadeepaw... shit! The kid had been bitten already! Fortunately Hawkshiver was there to assist, though more cats were needed if they were to drive the beast away!

"Lichenpaw! Sandpaw! Go for its hind legs! Leap away if you see its head aiming for you!" As much as he would have preferred to send them away to get help he knew that they were needed there more. Using his size, he then reared up and aimed a solid strike to the fox's nose whilst hissing in its face. "Eyes on me you bastard!" He bellowed as he tried to keep the fox's attention on him. As he lashed out it really wasn't that long until jaws latched onto his right foreleg. A cry of pain broke from him but he refused to back down as he continued to strike with his left paw instead.

// @LICHENPAW @sandpaw

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Well this… this was something.
Similar to Hawkshiver, Roeflame is drawn over from her solo hunt by the sound of frantic screams, her runt-height legs only carrying her so quickly.
By the time she reaches the group, a fox is taking a chunk out of Chickadeepaws ear. When Hawkshiver pries the predator off of the apprentice, Roeflame would rush to her side, ushering her away from the fox. "Take Cherrypaw and get back to camp, fetch Flywhisker or Howlingstar if you can." if they haven’t already heard both of your hollering. She can’t help thinking with a mental huff. Hypocritical she was being, of course. Roepaw would have jumped right into the fray as the two apprentices had.
"Now!" She urges on sharply.
When the two apprentices would make their departure Roeflame would already be at Hawkshivers side, watching as Sunnyday burst onto the scene and took the offense on the fox. "We need to get it off the territory- we could lead it to the Thunderpath, or the river." Roeflame hastily strategizes, her eyes locking on the sight of a familiar tom only a heartbeat later from behind the commotion, Stagstrike frozen, hunched over. "Hawkshiver, help Stagstrike get back home, make sure the apprentices get back okay too." Roeflame says then, paws burning with adrenaline.
Sunnyday’s yowl gives Roeflame the final push to lurch forward, the fox was knocking down her clanmates one by one. "I’m gonna lead it to the Thunderpath, follow my lead!" Roeflame calls to Sunnyday, gesturing to where his two apprentices would be, hoping that would get the tom to back away before the fox ripped him to shreds. She knew the warrior wouldn’t be able to run alongside her, but with any luck his apprentices would lend a paw to help the molly send the thing running with its tail tucked between its legs.
She’d veer around, nipping at the fox’s heels until it’d turn around and look at her, the russet beast was already beginning to pant from the exhaustion of being battered by both Hawkshiver and Sunnyday now, she could only hope this would be easy.
Amber eyes whirl around to bore down on her, and Roeflame has to push creeping fear down.
"Come get me, you piece of crow food!" She snaps defiantly, only waiting until the fox took a lunge forward before she’d turn tail and take off in the opposite direction, the thundering of the Fox’s paws behind her causing a knot to form in her belly.
Fuck! Fuck!

/ Currently attempting to lead the fox towards the Thunderpath, asking Sunnyday to have Sandpaw & Lichenpaw follow her to help her chase it off for good!

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Tybalt could see Cherrypaw leap towards the fox, but the apprentice's voice only registered as a high pitched buzz in his ears. He couldn't let Cherrypaw get mauled protecting him, and he swiped at the Fox's face with unsheathed claws. Go away! He let out a yowl as the creature's jaws snapped shut on his foreleg, and he could feel the bone snap. He tried to step forward, force himself to leap on an injured leg, but his body might as well have been made of boulders.

And then more of his clanmates were there, beating back the creature and telling him to flee, and he still couldn't move. He knew what he should do, what he would have leaped into without hesitation in every other fight. He tried to force himself forward to at least help chase the creature off, but it was as if his body had forgotten how to fight. He had been fighting his entire life, and now he couldn't even move. But he had also never run from a fight, and so couldn't force himself to flee.

The ensuing fight between him and the fox was nothing short of gruesome, claws, fur and teeth flying wildly, let alone the next few moments with multiple shouts from various cats leaping into the fight--and was that Chickadeepaw?--before the fox finally was torn off of him. The ensuing chaos managed to drive the fox into a complete frenzy, yipping and biting at whatever cat it could reach, including Chickadeepaw's ear and Tybalt's leg, while Cherrypaw manages to slip away with lost fur and a bloodied missing ear. Despite the pain lancing through his head, he grits his teeth and turns to seize Tybalt's scruff, attempting to drag him backwards and away from the battle, hoping it would get him to move.

The fox itself, though, was not to be deterred so easily. It barked and hopped to and fro, hoping to fend itself off from its other attackers, even biting at Sunnyday as its attention was drawn towards him and Roeflame. The claws and teeth only seemed to further enrage the fox, however, as it snaps its jaws down on empty air just as Roeflame leaps away from nipping its heels. Finally, it focuses its whole attention on her, eyes burning with pure fury, and with a horrifying scream, it chases after the she-cat--right towards the thunderpath.

Cherrypaw could only desperately hope that Roeflame would be alright as he shouts, "Hawkshiver! Help me get Tybalt back to camp--and Chickadeepaw, too!" He turns, urging Tybalt to lean on him for support. "Tybalt--you have to move, come on, we have to get you and Chickadeepaw back to camp," Cherrypaw insists. He wasn't acting right, a small voice whispers in the back of his mind.
What has gotten into his old mentor...?
✦ ✦ ✦

The strikes were enough to make the fox let go, but that didn't make the pain any less. Sunnyday ended up placing more of his balance on his hind legs and he favoured his left paw when it came to lashing out. He probably would have continued fighting as he was if Roeflame hadn't presented a plan for dealing with the fox. Fortunately he was in favour of them heading for the thunderpath since he had doubts about the fox being foolish enough to be driven into the river, so he gave a nod in agreement as he prepared to follow Roeflame's lead.

He relented in his assault and he waited until the beast focused on the she-cat, and once it started chasing her he finally moved to follow. "After it! Chase it off our territory!" He commanded as he launched forward, biting back a whimper of misery as his paw flared with agony. Between his adrenaline and his tolerance for pain he was able to force himself to keep running, driven by the determination to see things through. There was no way that he was going to leave Roeflame to face the fox alone!
❪ TAGS ❫ — He couldn't help the tension that gnaws his jaw when Roeflame arrives on the scene and starts barking orders to everyone. He is well aware that it would take a collaborative effort in order to ensure that this fox was driven off and that nobody got more hurt than they already were, but a newly-made warrior leading the charge and ordering him around was somewhat irking. It was hard not to let Hawkshiver's ego affect his judgment, but he was a strong believer in seniority when it came to status and rank (except for Raccoonstripe). He was a perfectly capable warrior, one who was more than able to help drive off the fox.

His paws itched with anticipation because he knew he could do so much more. Hawkshiver nearly opens his maw to object, but he wasn't stupid or arrogant enough to stand here and start arguing. His clanmates came first, and as long as everyone was trying to defend their territory, then Hawkshiver couldn't be angry about that.

Already on edge, adrenaline pumping, the warrior bounded over to Stagstrike's side, who was already being urged by Cherrypaw. "Move it. Start running back to camp before I start dragging you." His tone is raised, though not frantic or aggressive. If Hawkshiver lost his cool then they'd both be in trouble.