BUT TODAY, IT AIN'T THE SAME (riverclan patrol)

// @FERNPAW @DogTeeth Feel free to post before the RiverClanners!

It's a very simple patrol he was assigned to lead by the deputy. Just the SkyClan border, a short strip of sandy shore just upriver of the Twolegplace. He can certainly do that! He lugs his small patrol along, only one other warrior with him. Little Fernpaw is brought with him, and the dark brown tom will keep glancing back at him with a grin. "Have you met many SkyClanners yet, son?" He trills, blinking towards his denmate as well to see if Dogteeth will have anything to add. "You know, some say they can jump all the way across the river....better watch out!" He jokes, moving to nudge the small red tabby as they walk along the river. Mudpelt then rubs along a clump of reeds, being sure to deposit his scent as he glances across the very river he speaks up. Curiously, he wonders if any SkyClanners will appear from within the pine forest over yonder.
They're just doing a simple border sweep, Sheep babbling on about how Green needed to be careful around the border, how one day they could maybe ask Riverclan how to fish in humor, how- Shes brought out of her talking as she spots them, a Riverclan border patrol in the distance. "Come- Come Greenpaw! Let's go say hello!" after all, its good to keep the neutral clans happy with Skyclan.

She arrives, flicking her tail and standing right next to Greenpaw with a smile. They're across the river but that doesn't stop her chirp of excitement. "Hola, amigos!" it already is obvious shes in a good mood with the way her voice accentuates every word. "How is everything in Riverclan?" she finally blinks down to her apprentice. "I don't know them by name, but Riverclan is a friendly clan! Can you guess how they hunt?" whiskers twitch in amusement.


He'd heard Skyclanners were nice. Some said too nice, too- soft, or something, but Fernpaw hesitated to believe that there was such a thing as too nice. How could friendliness ever be a bad thing? Where good was, good people performed it. That was all he was sure about.

Bulging eyes glittered with the swimming light of awe as he moved, the strong scent of the pine trees distracting him at every turn. How did the Skyclanners hunt in this? It was hard enough on the riverside to pick out anything, but- here the territory already held this all-encompassing atmosphere, one that permeated all his senses so strongly that he almost missed the question his father asked.

An undersized head moved to look up at Mudpelt, grin spread across his little maw. Laughing at the joke, he shook his head in such a flurry it was as if he was drying himself off. "Nope, I only met- met Shadowclanners, last gathering...!" he hummed, honey in his voice despite the not-so-pleasant memory. There was not much more he could elaborate on before a Skyclanner did show their face, one speckled with snow and a smile upon her face! A bald-patched tail waved in greeting, despite her own greeting being one he... did not exactly understand. "Hiiii! I think we're, we're okay. I'm okay anyways. I think we're okay, yeah." Large pupils flickered over to Dogteeth and his father, searching silently for a little pit of help. They'd know more about this sort of thing, probably.
( penned by pin )
Slate had, unsurprisingly, been assigned to patrol the borders. In fact, this was his second time today. Getting accustomed to a new territory took a lot of exploration; Slate was fine with it, as he rather liked this newfound sense of purpose instead of lazing around in camp all day.

The dark-furred male pricked his ears as unfamiliar voices address them from across the river’s edge. The patrol members appear friendly and non-hostile, but he had not expected a casual conversation to arise at all. Slate had always tended to avoid other strays while patrolling the alleys, and had sometimes even scrapped with them if they posed a threat to his safety.

Ah, so this was RiverClan. Slate wrinkles his nose, taking note of their fishy and waterlogged scents. "I can smell them from here." He mutters aloud within earshot of the SkyClan patrol though unlikely to be overheard across the way. It's more of an observation than anything.

So far, nothing really seemed to be happening. The large former rogue blinked, and after a few moments went by, he blurted, "… So what d'ya want?" There was no aggression lacing his tone, though rather… confusion. Why were they just standing around and talking? Did these cats need something from them?

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life. only trustful of his littermate, duskmane.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.

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He had been meaning to stop at the river for a drink when a commotion caught his ears and, ever the vigilant tomcat, he felt it necessary to investigate. Pacing along the river bank and occasionally sneaking a cautious glance at the running water, Silversmoke eventually found his clanmates and strangers, the scent of fish on the pelts of the latter giving him all the clues he needs to ascertain their identity. There was little the male had to say to RiverClan, though that was not a problem of the swimming group alone. Half of SkyClan already relied too heavily on forces outside of their clan, it felt like weakness to allow the other half to cozy up to the affluent groups of the land. SkyClan could be strong, he just did not want outside interference to call that into question. The spotted tabby came to a halt by himself, glaring at Slate out of the corner of his eye. Momentary surprise caused the iris to widen, then, he settled, with the faintest hint of a smirk on his maw. Not wishing to cause a diplomatic incident, he didn't reply to Slate's confusion directly, instead tilting his head up to address the RiverClanners.

"Excuse my clanmate, he doesn't know that other groups do border patrols." The lightest hint of amusement entered his tone as he smiled, intending for the RiverClanners to take the comment with a chuckle before swiftly moving on. He was happy with himself, not because he had told a joke worth telling, but because he knew Slate would likely want to cuff his ears for mocking him. His expression fell into neutrality, a formal nod indicating that the time for teasing was over. "I am glad to hear..." He looked towards Fernpaw for a split second, deciding something silently. "That RiverClan is ok. Don't hang around too long though," he warned, his ears flattening. "The snow has been unpredictable here." Silversmoke hoped the simple words would be enough for RIverClan to get the message. Rudeness and Silver went paw-in-paw at the worst of times, but he truly didn't want RiverClanners to be caught out if the weather in the pines grew nastier than it already was. All clans struggled when the leaves left the trees and snow covered the lands, with RiverClan's reliance on their water, he imagined they suffered more than the others. Sympathy briefly flickered in his eyes before he settled his attention on the horizon.


Their patrol is interrupted by another, and Greenpaw finds himself bounding forward to keep up with Sheepcurl as the lead warrior hurries over to greet the RiverClanners.

She greets them as if they're old friends. "Hola!" he repeats, bright eyes gleaming at the river-dwellers from across the way. Greenpaw briefly wonders if they are old friends, before his mentor admits to not knowing them by name. But, she insists RiverClan is a friendly clan, so he'll be friendly too.

The lead warrior asks him about their hunting, and Greenpaw tilts his head, attempting to recall the bits and pieces she'd told him on the way here. "From the river? They fish by..." he pauses, thinks for a moment, "... by sticking their head in the water?"

The water must be cold, in leaf-bare. Fishing must not be too fun for them right now. Greenpaw doesn't think he'd want to stick his head underwater, in all this cold and snow.

But, the apprentice across the way says they're doing okay, and well, who's Greenpaw to think that he's wrong? Maybe they like the cold water.

// retro to the windclan raid and greenpaw's time in riverclan!​
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Redstorm had been to the River Clan border a couple of times now with his apprentice, who he had heard had also been their back when she was a Thunder Clanner and was being taught exclusively by her mother. They had come to their aid in the battle against Wind Clan but still, Redstorm would not say he was a fan. His hatred for Wind Clan overrides his dislike for the river dwellers though, Cicada had murdered his father in the heat of battle but his brother's murder had been in cold blood. Unnecessary violence, that seemed to be Wind Clans motif. His blood boils whenever he sees the marks on his apprentice or his mate who he sticks close to on their little patrol.

Taking their apprentices out together was a fun outing but he wishes the others did not have to come. Still, he is friendly enough, walking and talking with his clanmates and his apprentice, pointing certain stuff out to her when appropriate. That is, until he spots the fish breaths across the river.

He lets his other clanmates do the talking, content to watch Sheepcurl chat it up with them and be friendly enough for the both of them. If one looked his way he would nod his head in a forced but polite greeting before flicking Howlpaw with his tail indicating it was time to go. By now she would probably be pretty in tune with his feelings about their neighbors.

// @Howlpaw

Tailing Redstorm, Howlpaw pads along after the SkyClan cats. Redstorm does his duties admirably, pointing out certain landmarks and offering words of advice to her as they walk, all of which Howlpaw nods along to committing the words to memory. When they come to a sudden halt, Howlpaw raises her brows in confusion before realising there is a RiverClan patrol on the opposite side of the river. Whilst her mentor says little, Howlpaw manages a cheerful hello but does not engage beyond that. She knows of Redstorm's complicated history with the clan so when he stalks away she follows along without question, not needing to be told twice.