✿—— it's a strange sight; bobbie, who so many have only seen run a few tail-lengths after stray kits, weaving between the sparse pines as fast as the fleeing deer she newly resembles. despite her small frame, it's as though her paws barely touch the ground—or that's how it feels to her, moving through the forest at a steady pace that makes her chest heave with mingled effort and exhilaration. unlike the games she'd once played with her kits, this will serve a purpose greater than just amusing herself and letting off some steam; if she wants to build the muscles, the skills, the speed for warriorhood, this is as good a way as any to practice. a satisfying burn settles in the crescent dip of her shoulders, long legs carrying her light-pawed around each obstacle over the needle-carpeted floor.

she slows down to a walk for a moment to give herself a break, inhaling deeply with rosemary eyes glittering with excitement. soon she'd be catching her first piece of prey at this rate! she rounds a tree, yawning gently and preparing to get started again, when she spots one of the seemingly thousands of apprentices now running around. the tabby pads closer, a bit hesitant but friendly—apprentices were all about showing off, weren't they? a lilac head is inclined to falconpaw, and she gives him a smile alongside her offering mew, "i'm going for a run—do you want to come along?" she pauses, thinks; she doesn't want to overstep. the tabby adds nervously,"if it's alright with your mentor, of c-course."

  • ooc: please wait for @falconpaw! !!
  • 68403446_KpQyDZrn5ORVKjb.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 40 ☾s
    —— smells like sweet lavender & pine needles ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconpaw had been out in the forest. Briefly, anyways, without Greeneyes. He had wanted some time to himself to practice his stalking, but the approach of another warrior caused his ears to twitch and his head shifting towards her. He relaxed after the initial shock of, well, it wasn't an enemy. Or a fox. Or anything else he had been told could swallow him whole as a kit. Falconpaw breathed out of his nose softly, dipping his head in greeting to the warrior. "A run sounds nice." Falconpaw responded.

He glanced around- his mentor couldn't have gone far, after all. He wasn't sure where he had scampered off to, maybe to catch a piece of prey that had crept too close. "I'm sure he won't mind either way." Falconpaw smiled at he looked back towards Bobbie. Greeneyes' wasn't really like that, after all. Much more relaxed then.. other mentors could be. That wasn't a bad thing, though!

@GREENEYES (obligatory mentor tag)

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK


"Mind if we tag along too? Nothin' like a good run." Johnny asked as he overheard Bobbies offer to Falconpaw.

The shecat had always been a friendly and welcoming face around the clan, and he wouldn't mind spending a bit more time with her now that they were in a position to do so. Besides, some regular physical training would do both him and his apprentice good.

"How are you enjoy the warrior life? I've got to admit, it's a nice change to see ya out here- gives us more chances to bump into each other like this." the stocky bobtail remarked.



Though Falconpaw moves through the forest on his own, Greeneyes isn't far behind.

His apprentice wants time to work on his hunting skills by himself, but the orange tom trails behind the pointed child with a careful watch. Falconpaw is too young still to be out on his own, of course, still so new in his apprenticeship.

Greeneyes compromises by giving him a few moments to move ahead and practice the hunting moves they've been working on lately. It doesn't stop him from worrying, from trying to watch for danger, to shield Falconpaw from any risks before it can even get to the kid.

Even so, Bobbie's sudden presence startles him as she moves into his line of sight. An unusual image, up until recently - it takes Greeneyes a moment to remember that the molly's days as a queen have come to a close, that she's settled into the warrior den now. The fur on his neck flattening, he pads forward to greet the spotted she-cat as she speaks with Falconpaw.

"Won't mind what?" he asks, his head tilting as he processes Bobbie's offer to his apprentice. A run. It would probably be good for Falconpaw - more time to practice, wrapped up in a moment to stretch his legs. He nods his head, a clover-woven ear twitching. "Go on then, amigo."

He answers in time for Johnnyflame to arrive, his own apprentice in tow as the lead warrior asks to join in on the run. The more it's talked about, the more he can feel his own legs itching to move - a slow tracking of his own apprentice hasn't been enough for him, today.

"A run does sound nice," he finally hums with a flick of the tail, "Mind if I join in too?"

✿—— she's pleased to see the apprentice respond in a friendly manner, dipping his head in a greeting and smiling agreeably. johnnyflame arrives to and, to her relief, falconpaw's mentor himself, both voicing a desire to join in. she nods in reply to the both of them, feeling her breath settle from the running, green eyes flicking between the three cats. it still feels more than a little strange to just be out here, working and training every day, almost illicit as though she were a queen again, sneaking out of camp for a walk or a chat. she's not, though—she's a warrior, now, a cat with duties and reasons to be out of the camp's protective walls.

"it's been nice - strange, b-but nice," she replies to johnnyflame with a dip of the head and a shaky smile. "of course, the more c-cats the better. you all ready to go?" she mews lightly, glancing around for confirmation before she sets off again, almost comforted by the feeling of other cats running alongside her as that familiar ache settles into the dip of her shoulderblades. the feeling of being a part of something bigger than herself.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconpaw glanced over his shoulder as he sees others join in the commodity. A small smile settles on his muzzle. Johnnyflame was a good person- though he hadn't truly interacted with Glimmerpaw all that much. His mentor steps out of the shadows next. Falconpaw had known that he had been tailing him, as that was the compromise, but he still gently started. The apprentice stepped to his mentor, brushing his shoulder against the other's leg before looking towards Bobbie. "Ready." Falconpaw meowed in response.

As Bobbie set herself, Falconpaw settled in with her- giving the warrior a tiny grni. Then they were off. Falconpaw hadn't been able to spread his legs in a while. He wasn't sure what he didn't ask Greeneyes earlier about running. Bobbie was pulling away, as expected. The she-cat had longer legs at this age, but Falconpaw was catching up. Height wise, he means. But running felt good. Pine needles beneath his paws, the wind in his fur, whiskers pushed back and ears lowered. He glanced back to see if the other three had followed as well, laughing quietly to himself.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK


There'd been a time in Johnnys life -back when he'd first joined Skyclan in the cool months of the spring- that he used to jog around the block that his twolegs nest sat on, hoping to put callouses on his feet that would stop the dried pine needles scattered about the forest floor from constantly puncturing his pawpads. Not to mention how easily rubbed raw they were by the tree bark.

It'd been quite few moons since then, his paws having long-since grown tough to the terrain around him. Now, rather than spend time running before heading into camp in the mornings, Johnny chose instead to hunt on his way in, hoping to sharpen his still lacking skills in said area.

"Ready when you are." the bobtail confirmed, eager to be off.

He fell into stride among the group easily enough, keeping an ear trained on his apprentice and making sure not to set a pace that would outrun them, but otherwise taking advantage of the chance to stretch out his legs. He would purposefully swerve to leap over rocks or to jump and ricochet off trees, clearly enjoying himself.


Oh, how long has it been since he’s done this?

The warrior breaks out into a sprint a moment after Bobbie and Falconpaw do - wanting to make sure the apprentice still has his moment up ahead.

There’s a breeze catching onto his fur, one that would usually cause him to dread, a twisting fear of impending doom. But the wind that sweeps over him is brought on by his own control, his own speed. With legs able to stretch out, as he’s able to speed through the pine forest under cooling air, Greeneyes feels free. As he races through the forest behind the two, the warrior is the most at peace he’s been in moons.

As Falconpaw turns to look behind him, Greeneyes shares a bright smile with him. And as Johnnyflame moves to catch up with the two frontrunners, Greeneyes does too, bounding forward to soon match their pace.

Having fun?” he asks Falconpaw with a laugh of his own. The boy looks happy - perhaps he’ll have to find a way to incorporate this into their training.