BUT YOU'RE NOT BENEFITING * intro, hunting


faraway dreamer
May 15, 2024

A hissed inhale through her teeth is exhaled in a sigh. Where once there was the gentle rustle of tiny feet, the wiggle of a warm body nosing the grass is the only evidence that anything has been there at all, the lingering musk of a fast footed critter. The mouse was sent scampering away as soon as her scent drifts it's way. In spite of her fleetfooted nature her attempted pursuit is another failure that will hound her heels, have her thinking that there's something wrong, along after the one day of many has passed. The gangly Twigclaw can only live in hopes of one day doing something to receive the extol of heroes.

"Mouse was faster than me." She reports with a regretful smile. Spoken clearly and loudly, it's a tone that is much too strong to support the gentle intention behind them. Twigclaw wets her lips, can't offer anything but a: "Sorry." The words are repeated ad nauseam, back then, when she was small the word would have been uttered in hushed tones, anything else reserved for places that are far away, lands where only Twigclaw has made home, where she can walk on the clouds. It's comfortable in her head. "What has everyone else got?" It's seemingly been a bountiful day, while she's never been exceptionally skilled, scraping by the skin of her teeth she wallows in the disappointment sinking in her stomach. Even as an apprentice, she has always been passable at best. She's both insincere and not, seeking to compare her catch of nothingness.

𓆝 . ° ✦ As she reconvened with the rest of her patrol, Mosspool held a plump rabbit between her jaws. There was a subtle shine of pride in her eyes. Even though she felt no need to prove herself - she had more than done so already - she could not help but take delight in such an impressive catch. It was only right she did, she reminded herself. Such catches were a benefit to all the clan, after all. Her ear flicked at the news that Twigclaw had missed out on a catch, but she made no comment and simply nodded at the other warrior's apology. There was no need to berate her when she already knew she had made a mistake.

She promptly dropped between her paws as Twigclaw asked what the rest of them had caught. "It crossed over the border from Windclan." Was the succinct explanation she offered. It was another sign from Starclan that Windclan still did not hold their favor, in her eyes. The rabbit would taste all the sweeter knowing that those foxhearts would not get a bite of it.
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    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.