pafp BUTTER FINGERS. ☆ playing with mud


Feb 6, 2023
for the past week or so it has been nothing but on and off rain showers, one day it could be a light drizzle that can be easily ignored while the next turns out to be a torrential downpour that threatens to flood everyone out their dens. of course there's a slim to none chance of that ever happening but sometimes it really does feel like shadowclan is on the verge of becoming riverclan 2.0 with how much water gets cascaded upon them.

thankfully mother nature has decided to give the marsh a little break today and graces the territory with sunshine instead which would be nice to bask in if camp wasn't covered in massive murky puddles that took up quite alot of space. some cats were already groaning and scrunching their noses in displeasure having to deal with so much mud everywhere but goosepaw saw this as an opprotunity to have a bit of fun. the blue and white apprentice slinked over to one of the smaller pools of muck with mischief twinkling behind cool toned eyes, he tries to look as inconspicious as possible whilst giving passing licks to his chest to avoid raising any eyebrows from peers who amble about doing their daily activites.

from their peripheral he spots the familiar cinnamon tabby fur of their denmate siltpaw who seems to be heading towards their direction. 'perfect' he thought, scooping up a clump of runny mud into his paw before tossing it at the other where it would land right on her the chest with wet SPLAT!. goosepaw immediately looks elsewhere in attempts to appear oblivious but the laughter that shakes his shoulders gives them away.

siltpaw | 11 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #ddadaf
Siltpaw has never minded the rain - in fact, she finds the pitter-patter to be a pleasant sort of noise, lulling her mind into sleep whenever it sets upon the marshlands. Even the feel of the cold drops slipping between her sparse pelt to touch her skin like a cold nose does not bother her much - so long as she's careful not to get sick. With all the recent downpours, the girl has been in a surprisingly good mood - relaxed, even, or as much as the dust furred feline can be. And so when a splatter of mud smacks into her with a rather loud splat - missing her face thankfully - she doesn't get upset. Rather, dull green gaze lifts from the ground for once - flitting from face to face absurdly fast, before setting on the most likely culprit.

Goosepaw is unfortunately trying to act much to 'innocent' though he's doing poorly - and in the molly's lifetime of people watching, she's fairly certain even if he wasn't so blatant about it she'd still have caught him out. She takes pride in her observational skills after all. The moment she's found her target, her gaze goes back to its usual place - staring blankly somewhere at the ground as she pauses to swipe off the mud that has now been smacked into her - or at least, pretend to. With no warning, she dashes forwards and stops suddenly just as paws land in a particularly murky looking puddle. A wave of silt and grit filled water comes spraying upwards - hopefully getting her revenge on the boy, a faint smirk on her maw as just the edges of her lips upturn.