pafp butterflies — duo joining w/ quinn


second chances 08/28/2023
Mar 1, 2023
.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
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THE CREAM-TICKED FELINE SHUFFLED FORWARD, MISMATCHED HUES BLINKING SEVERAL TIMES following the butterfly with an excited chirp. The pregnant feline follows it with little thought, tail whisking behind him. Pretty! Oh—The light-hued feline paused, blinking owlishly before shrugging slender shoulders, eyes crinkling with obvious joy.

Yukio waddled through the canopy of pines, oblivious to the world changing around him the further in he went, crooning at the monarch. When had he last seen a butterfly such as this? Too long. How could he just ignore it? I’ll have to show Quinn, later! He bounced at the thought, shuffling over a log with a chirp as soft pads pressed against the rough, wooden surface.

His mismatched optics narrowed, wincing at the twinge of pain that ignited along his paw pads still soft despite having been kicked out of his home for some time. Oh. Where am I? He wiggled, still hanging over the log while observing his surroundings with a worried trill, brows furrowed. “Quinn?” He chirped, worry seeping into his tone, no longer able to see his friend. “Oh. Oh—I need to. I’m stuck. He blinked owlishly, optics staring down at his suspended paws with a whine.

His bulging stomach became even more prominent as he wiggled, legs kicking the air until he stumbled with a shriek, landing roughly on his side. “Ouch.” He pouted, cheeks puffed out with a wrinkle of his nose. The pregnant feline glanced around with a nervous chitter, curling into himself.

“Where did the butterfly go?” His mind wandered back to what he’d been originally chasing, momentarily forgetting he was lost. “I think it went–” He stumbled to his paws, frame wiggling as he gained his balance. “Oh! Is that a flower?” His gaze zeroed in on a cluster of wildflowers below the base of the pine tree, optics crisscrossing with a giggle. “Oh! Look! There you are!” He caught sight of the butterfly he’d been following, lips titled into an excited grin.

“Quinn! Quinn! Look–” He whipped around, maw parted into an ‘o’ shape. Oops. He laughed softly. “‘M lost.” He glanced down at his stomach with a nervous trill, sitting on his haunches to knead the ground, finding the repetitive motion soothing. His mismatched hues momentarily flickered back to the cluster of wildflowers, cooing softly, watching the butterfly flutter ground with little care about his surroundings.

He huddled close, tucked into his compact frame of visible bone and plump flesh along his stomach. His surroundings swallowed him up as he idly watched the wildflowers sway.

@quinn @Dizzymoth @flowercloud.

thoughts speech
The tortoiseshell had been sleeping on a nearby fence, not far from where his cream-hued friend was lingering. Initially, the feline had been watching over their soft-hearted friend but soon fell asleep. Now though, he was stirring softly when his ears picked up the noticeable silence. Eyes blinking open, the tortoiseshell looked around, noticing the rounded figure of the pregnant cat. "Yukio..." He exhaled, leaping off his fence to follow, nose twitching to find what lingered of his scent. "Honestly, he couldn't have even woken me up first?" The tom grumbled, speckled fur bristling as yellow-green hues peered around for him. "Yukio! Where did you go!?" A bubble of agitation surged, as the house cat stalked forward through the trees. He didn't like being out here. All he heard was clan this and clan that. He had no interest in exploring their deemed territory, and yet his priority over his treasured friend's safety is leading him down this path. Maybe if I find him fast enough we can leave before those 'clan cats' find us on their territory. Was the hopeful thought of the usually pessimistic feline. Huffing out another sigh, he carried on his search. Some moments later, he caught the end of his name being called. Flicking an ear, he ran towards it. Noting the cream queen's scent in abundance, he sped ahead only to slow with the other feline in view as he caught the scent of others. Well, shit. Lingering nearby, with the strangers likely able to find him, he watched with sharp eyes from a distance.
[ Some people just have so much audacity ]
Finding lost kittypets is common in SkyClan, Blazestar has found. Usually, though, loners with trained and wary noses are more wary about trespassing on what is clearly freshly and heavily marked feral cat territory. He's immediately suspicious upon scenting an unfamiliar cat who does not smell of Twoleg nests, and he beckons with his tail for @Coyotepaw to follow him quietly.

He peers from behind a pine to look at the trespasser. A pale cream-colored cat, plump about the middle, sits with their tail tucked close. Pregnant. Blazestar blinks with surprise. A pregnant loner, lost amidst enemy territory.

He's less cautious now, knowing the cat is with kits. He'd not attack a Clan cat, he's certain. Blazestar steps forward, signaling for Coyotepaw to follow him. "You're on SkyClan territory," he meows, looking down on the pale feline. "I am Blazestar, this Clan's leader. Did you not scent the markings at the border?" His voice is not hostile, but curious. He can't allow non-Clan cats to wander about the forest, but this one clearly had no idea where he was.

// apprentice tag @Coyotepaw

Churning of his stomach – it simply would not allow him to reveal himself so easily. Not able to so simply glide forward as he once may have. He is a drapery of bloody lichen between pine branches, hanging above and away from the eyes he wanted not to see. There's a slight quiver of his limbs, along with that of his mind, his eyes, idle bobbing of his throat. Pale fangs idly scrape over the skin of his lips, black - pink rubber. He itches without reason, crossed one paw over the other for some semblance of relief. Not quite heavenly, the burning would not go away.

New birds flit to them in the most dire of times, their timing poor and circumstances even poorer. A poignant gaze lingers over the swell of a belly. Kits, certainly, any fool would know. " You should be rest - ing... " Is spoken flatly, at a mere mumble nearly unbearable from where he perches. The care he holds for SkyClan queen is lowly at best. For an outsider, pitifully so. How they choose to conduct themself is not a concern, but the observation comes unbidden, spoken as if, he was unsure that they knew. Was it them that they sought solace in? To crowd the nursery with puking, gurgling things? Fools. But this was a clan of fools, wasn't it? Dawnglare speaks no further, pelt prickling where he stands behind a tree, shaking under the non-present weight of a flame - pointed gaze.


Shardpaw was next to peer over, their crystal blue eyes glittering with warmth and curiosity as they peered towards the two strangers, their tail swishing eagerly while it went from between Quinn and Yukio. "Hello!! Are you stuck? Do you need help?" the diluted tortie asked before flickering upwards towards Blazestar with perked ears before focusing back onto the strangers before them. "Do you guys have names? Where are you from?" they asked curiously not realizing the much rounder one was pregnant, but they did smell funny.

"I'm Shardpaw! Hopefully, we could be friends" they chimed in, being the one who's more obvious with their lack...of cautiousness compared to the others but...they hardly seemed like they'd cause any harm, and besides! One looked stuck while the other was concerned for their friend's safety. Of course... they also were a bit more on the chatty side to the other's poor ears and were probably going to get talked off if someone didn't tell the young apprentice that it was best not to talk much in the situation. They also...didn't quite understand why Dawnglare had told the stranger should be resting but, Shardpaw hoped that they were potentially new friends.
Angry at all the things I can't change
Coyotepaw trails behind Blazestar on silent paws, green eyes narrowing at the scent of a stranger lurking within the territory. Eventually their paths cross and his own tail flicks in quiet questioning. Surely they had to have smelled the border, there was no way they could have missed it. The large ragdoll ahead of him inquires further along with introducing himself, Coyote however, remains eerily silent. Dawnglare arrives giving his thought on the matter with Shardpaw in tow talking up a storm. Green eyes flit from their swollen stomach back up to their face. "You're a long way from your upwalkers, aren't you?" He murmurs rhetorically. The forest was unforgiving and not too kind to those unprepared.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
———————— ————————
HE YELPED, NOT EXPECTING TO MEET ANOTHER FELINE, FLOUDERING ABOUT UNTIL he gained his balance, cream-ticked fur puffing as he rested mismatched hues on the collection of cats mingling around. Owlish hues stared at the others dumbly, head cocked with a weak trill in greetings, willowy tail tucked close to his frame. “O, Oh! I–I didn’t know.” His gaze flickered to the butterfly he’d been observing, expression sad as it disappeared through the canopy of pines. I wonder if it’ll be back. Oh! Maybe I could show the others! Yuhwa would have loved to see the pretty flowers, too.

The cream-ticked feline blinked back into existence, catching the tail end of the male’s introduction, blinking owlishly. “H, Huh? Scent markings?” His brows furrowed, cheeks jutting out in thought. Did he pass..? “I, I don’t think..?” Oh. I screwed something up again, didn’t I? His plump frame curled into itself, watching as more cats made themselves known.

Yukio’s gaze settled on another feline about resting, head cocking at the notion. Why did he need to rest? He wasn’t tired, was he? The feline shuffled his paws, lips tilted into a nervous grin. “I’m f, fine!” He waddled a bit until the feline settled onto his haunches, releasing a sigh of relief until a smaller feline peered up at him. “H, Hello!” He chirped at the bubbly feline with a grin, mismatched hues brightening. “I’m—I’m Y, Yukio!”

His ears twitched at the mention of others, glancing around. “W, Who else..?” He didn’t have time to figure it out as they introduced themselves. “Oh, my—” He never met someone so … bubbly? Yuhwa! I miss him. I wonder what he’s up to.

His head swerved to stare in a random direction, forgetting he was talking with strangers until his gaze landed on Quinn. “Quinn! Quinn! I didn’t—Oh! I found a butterfly! Did you see it? You would have loved it!” He fumbled to his paws, tipping himself over in the process with a squeak.

“Ouch.” He huffed, pushing himself into a sitting position with a cough, willowy tail flickering.

“Huh? Upwalkers? Oh! I’m not sure.” His head cocked at the thought of his previous owners, brows furrowed. “They wouldn’t let me back in—” He grinned sheepishly. “Kyungmin said they didn’t want me anymore.” He bobbed his head, blinking owlishly at the feline. “Did I mess anything up? I’m s, sorry if I did! I was just following a butterfly—” He rambled.

thoughts speech
A phantom's voice, lilting with familiar song that is more dirge than lullaby to him now, causes the fur to rise on Blazestar's shoulders. He half-turns to identify Dawnglare's fox-colored pelt, half-hidden behind a pine. Dark blue eyes narrow, hard as sapphire, at the medicine cat's approach. There is no warmth between them now, but he supposes since this strange trespasser is pregnant, it would be beneficial to have a healer nearby.

Blazestar gives Shardpaw a look. Bramblebelly is nowhere to be seen. "Did you run ahead of your mentor, or are you out of camp when you aren't supposed to be?" He asks. His tone is not harsh, but it is chastising. "We don't know who this cat is. Approach strange cats on our territory with more caution." Perhaps he needs to have a chat with Shardpaw's mentor...

His own apprentice, more seasoned and wizened with experience, approaches lightly and cautiously. Coyotepaw mentions "upwalkers," and Blazestar looks again at this newcomer. Was he a kittypet? Even more foolish, then, to be wandering about in dangerous territory while heavy with kits.

The cream-colored stranger identifies himself chirpily as Yukio. He hadn't noticed the scent markings, and Blazestar shares a glance with Coyotepaw. It seems more likely to him now that this is at least a recent kittypet, which he confirms. "They didn't want me." "Is there someone else with you?" His voice is weary now. Two trespassers for the price of one.

With his presence acknowledged the speckled shadow slid out of his hiding spot, stalking up beside his expecting friend. Brushing their pelts together, golden green hues stared sharply at the gathered cats for a moment before he focused on the cream tabby at his side. "Quiet now, I'm sure it was lovely, darling." He consoled with a light drawl butting his head against Yukio's before focusing back on the group. "My name is Quinn." He introduced himself politely with a slight edge to the tone. They may not have been particularly threatening, but he didn't trust them. "We apologize for trespassing, Yukio tends to get lost easily and I'm usually able to keep track of him. But someone forgot to wake me up before running off after a butterfly." He stated, his ending tone a sharp chastisement, though there was a slight note of fondness that'd be easy to miss. However, the fond expression smoothed out to the tortoiseshell's previous stoic and narrow-eyed expression. The feline fell silent at this point, refraining from adding anything else. Mostly because he knew if he kept talking he'd sooner get in a fight than handle it peacefully.
[ Some people just have so much audacity ]
.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
———————— ————————
YUKIO’S MAW SNAPPED SHUT WITH A NERVOUS CHITTER, GRINNING sheepishly as he purred, returning the affection without a second thought. He always rambled when he grew overly excited, especially when it revolve around things Yukio found pretty whether that was butterflies or gushing about someone’s markings unlike his own, having grown to dislike them for some years.

The cream-ticked tabby blinked owlishly, glancing up at Quinn with a nervous chirp, having forgotten to wake them up before he wandered off. “S, Sorry Quinn.” He mumbled in apology.

The feline attempting to press against the other’s side, mismatched hues blinking towards the group of cats. “O,Oh! You mentioned something about S,Sky Clan?” Fumbling over his words, Yukio’s cheeks puffed out in mild annoyance, looking less imitating and more like a chipmunk. I remember hearing someone about it. His brows furrowed, tongue peeking out between darkened lips. “O, Oh! Oh!” He bounced with an excited trill. “Do you k, know Y, Youk, kai?”

Doesn’t he go by another name? I wonder what it is …

His mind buzzed a mile a minute at the thought of the old tom Yuhwa mentioned often, having only met the larger brute a few times while he was with the chimera. His tiny frame shivered in excitement at the thought of seeing another familiar face. Oh! He tried teaching me to hunt that one time … Yukio winced at the memory, having gotten stuck in the mess of roots after diving after a rabbit. Silly me.

thoughts speech