camp butterflies in the sky // butterfly

May 22, 2023
eggkit | 03 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
eggkit has always been fascinated by the world around him - from the birds to the bees to the trees, everything is a mystery for the boy to puzzle out, to learn and to grow. But todays find is something more than simple knowledge - no, when blue grey gaze lands upon a strange finding within the camp, half crushed under-paw by some passing warrior, he feels nothing but a possessive want. That's his - even if he's not sure what exactly it is just yet.

Chubby limbs carry round frame forwards to star down at the pale glimmering shape, all fluttery ad glittering with a strange sort of pattern - almost like the scales of the snake they'd played with, but not quite. No, this creature is more delicate and dainty - and very, very dead. He feels only a breif moment of sadness for the insect before his paw is scooping up its remnants - one tattered wing, the other whole, and he stares. "Pretty..." he mumbles, words soft and quiet.

he's seen others 'accessorizing' - especially his sister, cherrykit, who seems to really like doing so. And now he wants to - wants this pretty thing to be his. Paws are clumsy and awkward as he works, sitting down right where he stood to work the white and black-speckled wings into his neck fur not far from his ear. When he is done, lacking any sort of way to see himself with no puddles lying about, he toddles on over to the nearest clanmate, round face blinking up at them in curiosity. "Am I pretty now?"

He finds himself slowly blinking at Eggkit. He knows who Eggkit is because of Cherrykit. This is her brother, which he hasn't talked to much (he doesn't talk much in the first place). When Eggkit asks if he looks pretty, he takes in the long haired cream tabby in front of him. Whenever he's seen Eggkit he never thought pretty. Pretty belongs to cats that are his mother and Orangeblossom and Yukio. If you had asked him if he thought Cherrykit was pretty he would be confused. She was pretty cool and a pretty nice friend. That's why when Eggkit asks if he's pretty, Crowkit can't help himself from tilting his head in confusion.

He thinks that the butterfly wings worked into Eggkit's pelt looks pretty. He's decorated himself before with flowers, but an insect? He's never thought of that before, but it doesn't appeal to him. He doesn't think butterfly wings would suit him like they suit Eggkit. However, this would be saddening to Eggkit to learn that he would be talking about the insect wings not necessarily Eggkit as a whole. He wouldn't say that he ever thought Eggkit as ugly or stinky like Falconpaw when he arrived to Skyclan. Therefore he nods at the other kit, "Very pretty!"
Cinderkit had never really cared much about her appearance - she loved running around and playing in the dirt and making a mess of herself, as her mother always said. She'd never stopped to think about accessorizing herself, knowing that it'd always get messed up anyways.

But when others did it...

Her eyes sparkled as she spotted Eggkit's brand new decoration. Bounding up to him - and Crowkit too, she supposed - she decided to voice her opinion too! "You're super pretty! And... and the that makes you even prettier!" Honestly, she wasn't quite sure what it was, but she was being honest about it - and everything else too!

For a second, she wondered if she was pretty, but she decided that she wasn't. But that was okay. She'd rather not be pretty if it meant she could run around and get dirty. But Eggkit seemed happy, and she didn't want him to accidentally get his new pretty thing dirty, so she decided to warn him. "You should be careful - you don't wanna ruin it, right?"


————— 𖦹 —————
Hiccupkit's siblings are so talented! First Cherrykit with her accessorizing (and making other cats prettier, too!!) and now Eggkit? With some kind of colorful thing on his neck? What will they think of next! Hiccupkit finds himself struck by happy chest-laughs when he sees his brother. Always a good sign, the chest laughs. So is any kind of laughing, but especially those ones — even if they make him hiccup a lot.

When he catches his breath, Hiccupkit beams at his brother, orange eyes sparkling as they fixate on the pretty thing. He loves colorful things, loves the little flowers he sees growing around camp, but this is both colorful and new. "The prettiest!" Hiccupkit chimes into the chorus of compliments, sharp teeth wide in a lopsided grin. Cinderkit's comment catches him off-guard, though, and his face contorts into a childish pout. "Awww, Eggkit's not gonna ruin it!" he protests. His brother would never ruin something so pretty. "Right, Eggkit? Right?" he asks, bouncing right back to cheery as he does so; not an interrogation, rather an excited seeking of certain confirmation.
————— 𖦹 —————

  • //
  • HICCUPKIT as the first sound he made was a hiccup.
    — he/him. 3 moons.
    — skyclan kit.
    — large, loud, and loving.

    semi-casual character, moderate activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled139_20230509042846.png
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eggkit | 03 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
The compliments fall easily enough from the lips of his fellow kits, and the boy can only preen - grey blue eyes glittering excitably. "Your really pretty too cinderkit, not as pretty as momma' but no one is as pretty as her," the words finally start coming as his confidence returns, worries flickering and fading away, and they don't seem to stop. "Nuh-uh, I won't! Yeah, I won't," his pretty fluttery thing is his, and he's very much not going to ruin it! "Hey - do you want pretty things too? Bet we could- um, ah, find more wing-things!" he's forgotten what the insects were called, dang it, but he all but rocks on his paws anyways, short ears wriggling in excitement.