camp Butterfly effect || o. Lost in thought (RTA)

Sep 19, 2022

Squeak Squeak

Mothpaw had been hiding in the back ways of thing, watching others as they went by and by with their days. Of course the increasing danger of dogs had help no less for the apprentice. She sat in the clearing watching as others went by their day, some prepping and others chattering away with each other, while the apprentice decided she'd be happy in her own lonesome ways, her tail curling around her paws slightly before she continued watching, wondering what duties she'd need to do, having just woken up from a long night rest. Despite her stomach growling the girl knew better and figured she wait for one of the other apprentices to offer her to jpin them on something, or a warrior to tell her what to do.

For now the apprenticed stared off into the distance, zoning out a bit. So much had happened in the past few moons and she wondered if she should just crawl back into the den and hide once more. Perhaps others would be surprised to see the apprentice out and about considering how even her own shadow scared her. Ears twitching a bit the girl would not of known if someone had approached her. Mothpaw's own thoughts were louder than the playing and squealing of kits.
( ) Oh, another apprentice is sitting alone. That's sad, does she not have anyone to talk to? Lichenpaw doesn't know the girl very well, but he's been trying to meet each of the other apprentices. Still trying to learn everyone's names and faces -- there's just so mnay cats in ThunderClan! More than he's every known in his life!! This cat, he thinks her name is Mothpaw? It's too similar to Moonpaw, honestly. Hard to keep track of. With as much distaste as he carries for his own name, at least Lichenpaw is distinctive. Making all the apprentices paws is just so confusing.

...Oh, right, he was going to go say hi. He should do that, shouldn't he.

Lichenpaw trots over, approaching Mothpaw from the side. He makes no move to announce his presence; his clumsy footfalls tend to do that well enough. Still though, Mothpaw doesn't look over. It's only once he's a few mouselengths away that he speaks, voice far too loud as always: "Heya! Moth -- Mothpaw, right? Um, what are you doing?" His face contorted in its usual nervous grin, head cocked just slightly as he stares at the other apprentice.
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Squeak Squeak

Mothpaw had not notice the other apprentice approaching before their loud booming voice broke her from her thoughts. Her fur puffed out and the girl felt her own soul leave her body as she turned to stare at Lichenpaw, eyes-widen in surprise as she backed up a bit. "Y-yeah...M-Mothpaw, a-and n-nothing" she said lightly before trying to lick down her fur in embarrassment, another clan-mate, nothing to be worried about. Blinking a bit she stared at the other with wide eyes.

"W-what about you?" she would asked the tom, slowly forcing herself to calm down, her heart beating like that of humming bird's wings as she continously tried to remind herself that it was another apprentice, who...accidentally startled her. Perhaps she should pay more attention to her surroundings instead of being trapped in her own mind.
A moss ball had been brought to the nursery. Stormkit just had to try it out. She did not feel too good, but the toy was tantalizing enough. It was fresh and newly-made, perfect for ripping apart. The kitten batted at it, and pounced quickly after. She rolled onto her side and battered the ball with her hind-legs. Take that, and that, and that! She thought mischievously.

She jumped and swiped at it again. The ball went rolling into the area of the two apprentices—Lichenpaw and Mothpaw. Stormkit perked up and trotted over, tail wavering in the air. "Oh! Sorry!"