BUTTERFLY FLY AWAY ✶ squirrelkit


you can always dream
Mar 25, 2024

She / Her
0 moons
    LONGHAIR BLUE TORBIE W/ HIGH WHITE & GREEN EYES A perfect mix of both her parents, Squirrelkit boasts a beautiful rich blue torbie coat. As a kitten her fur is quite fluffy and wild, making her look much rounder than she actually is. This will eventually change as she matures, smoothing out to a lovely silken texture. She is evenly painted in the cool blue shades of her father and the warm fiery red of her mother, with a heavy splash of white extending up her sides and covering a large portion of her face. Her eyes are a vibrant shade of green that almost perfect matches Flamewhisker's, and her skin is a delicate shade of pink. Her tail is a solid red, bushy mass of fur that bears an uncanny resemblances to that of her namesake, the red squirrel. When she is young her physique will be rather short and stocky, but as she grows she will stretch and become more slender, with graceful long legs and an agile build.
    ⤷ carries solid / toyhouse.
    outgoing / playful / enthusiastic / loving / naive / guillable / insecure / competitive.

    KITTENHOOD: As a kit, Squirrel is extremely outgoing and energetic. She loves to run and play pretend, and is often the one dragging all the other kittens into playing games or going on adventures with her. Her curiosity seems boundless, and she loves bothering the adults in the clan until they tell her stories or answer every one of her 1000 questions about the world. She does tend to be a bit gullible and will likely take anything someone tells her at face value and believe it to be fact until she's told otherwise. She's the kitten in the nursery that the queens can never keep track of, and has a habit of escaping her kit-sitters to wreak havoc on the camp. She is, however, an exceptionally loving creature and will always go out of her way to bright someone's day. She is a fierce protector, not just of her family and friends but anyone she thinks needs sticking up for. She absolutely despises bullies (though she can at times unintentionally become one herself) and is never afraid to speak out against mean attitudes.

    As she begins to mature into apprenticehood, Squirrel becomes quite the 'tomboy', so-to-speak. She begins wanting to spend all of her time climbing trees, catching bugs and sparring. She develops a fierce competitiveness with the other apprentices, especially those her age who she was brought up with in the nursery. She always has to have the last word, and is desperate to prove that she can be just as good, if not better than everyone at everything she does. This somewhat childish competition will ultimately end up getting in the way of her training, and she'll likely become the instigator of one or two poorly-planned schemes into which she'll drag her fellow apprentices. With a strict guiding paw from her mentor or her parents, she will eventually settle down and begin to understand the severity of what it means to be a warrior.

    WARRIORHOOD: Transitioning into warriorhood sparks a change in Squirrel. She grows tired of constantly getting into trouble and being scolded by her elders. She sees the grace and nobility that her parents both carry themselves with, and strives to mimic those traits in her own self. No longer does she allow petty rivalries or competition drive her to recklessness. That competitive quality instead transforms into healthy ambition and a desire to be the absolute best she can for Thunderclan, and for her family. She has big shoes to fill, and while she knows she'll likely never overcome the shadow of her parents' success, she tries to follow in the same path to leadership and excellence as they themselves have tread. She maintains her protective nature all throughout her life, and will always be the first to look out for those she thinks cannot look out for themselves. She becomes an optimistic champion for her clan, but is also open-minded and empathetic towards outsiders, until they give her reason not to be.
    GEN 2. FLYCATCHER xx FLAMEWHISKER. SISTER TO mothkit, scorchedkit, and sunkit
    YOUNGER SISTER TO falconheart, stormfeather. ADOPTIVE SISTER TO sparrowkit

    MENTORING no one
    MENTORED BY no one
    ADMIRES flamewhisker, flycatcher, falconheart, stormfeather, howlingstar


    how easily do they trust?
    SMELLS OF autumn leaves and sun-warmed earth [ PINTEREST ]
    SOUNDS LIKE Odette from The Swan Princess (1994) - [ ADULT VC ] - [ CHILD VC ]
    speech is #ffdcb6

    Blah blah blah blah.
  • yb7us4c6-png.1622

    [slide=‎‎ooc][/slide][slide=✶][quote][img]https://i.imgur.com/elcoAEr.png[/img][/quote][/slide][slide=info][size=5][url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/dancing-like-were-burning-in-paradise-%E2%99%A1-tags.11129/][color=#ffdcb6][b][font=book antiqua]SQUIRRELKIT[/font][/b][/color][/url] [color=WHITE][b]✶[/b][/color][/size][color=#d3eccf][i] she / her, kitten of thunderclan, 00 moons[/i]
    ⭃[/color] lh blue torbie with high white and green eyes. round and fluffy. good at climbing.
    [color=#d3eccf]⭃[/color] single, too young for relationships / / flamewhisker x flycatcher // mentored by no one
    [color=#d3eccf]⭃[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / [u]underline[/u] and tag when attacking.
    [color=#d3eccf]⭃[/color] penned by [url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/do-it-all-in-the-name-of-love-%E2%80%94-storage.10921/][color=#ffdcb6]limerence[/color][/url] ↛  [color=#ffdcb6]@limericks.[/color] on discord, feel free to dm for plots.[/slide][/tabs][/size][/font][/justify][/box]