BUTTERFLY FLY AWAY ✶ squirrelpaw

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  • GHJ1V6V.jpeg

    9 moons


    She / Her
    A perfect mix of both her parents, Squirrelkit boasts a beautiful rich blue torbie coat. As a kitten her fur is quite fluffy and wild, making her look much rounder than she actually is. This will eventually change as she matures, smoothing out to a lovely silken texture. She is evenly painted in the cool blue shades of her father and the warm fiery red of her mother, with a heavy splash of white extending up her sides and covering a large portion of her face. Her eyes are a vibrant shade of green that almost perfect matches Flamewhisker's, and her skin is a delicate shade of pink. Her tail is a solid red, bushy mass of fur that bears an uncanny resemblances to that of her namesake, the red squirrel. When she is young her physique will be rather short and stocky, but as she grows she will stretch and become more slender, with graceful long legs and an agile build.
    ⤷ carries solid / toyhouse

    KITTENHOOD: As a kit, Squirrel is extremely outgoing and energetic. She loves to run and play pretend, and is often the one dragging all the other kittens into playing games or going on adventures with her. Her curiosity seems boundless, and she loves bothering the adults in the clan until they tell her stories or answer every one of her 1000 questions about the world. She does tend to be a bit gullible and will likely take anything someone tells her at face value and believe it to be fact until she's told otherwise. She's the kitten in the nursery that the queens can never keep track of, and has a habit of escaping her kit-sitters to wreak havoc on the camp. She is, however, an exceptionally loving creature and will always go out of her way to bright someone's day. She is a fierce protector, not just of her family and friends but anyone she thinks needs sticking up for. She absolutely despises bullies (though she can at times unintentionally become one herself) and is never afraid to speak out against mean attitudes.

    APPRENTICEHOOD: As she begins to mature into apprenticehood, Squirrel becomes quite the 'tomboy', so-to-speak. She begins wanting to spend all of her time climbing trees, catching bugs and sparring. She develops a fierce competitiveness with the other apprentices, especially those her age who she was brought up with in the nursery. She always has to have the last word, and is desperate to prove that she can be just as good, if not better than everyone at everything she does. This somewhat childish competition will ultimately end up getting in the way of her training, and she'll likely become the instigator of one or two poorly-planned schemes into which she'll drag her fellow apprentices. With a strict guiding paw from her mentor or her parents, she will eventually settle down and begin to understand the severity of what it means to be a warrior.

    WARRIORHOOD: Transitioning into warriorhood sparks a change in Squirrel. She grows tired of constantly getting into trouble and being scolded by her elders. She sees the grace and nobility that her parents both carry themselves with, and strives to mimic those traits in her own self. No longer does she allow petty rivalries or competition drive her to recklessness. That competitive quality instead transforms into healthy ambition and a desire to be the absolute best she can for Thunderclan, and for her family. She has big shoes to fill, and while she knows she'll likely never overcome the shadow of her parents' success, she tries to follow in the same path to leadership and excellence as they themselves have tread. She maintains her protective nature all throughout her life, and will always be the first to look out for those she thinks cannot look out for themselves. She becomes an optimistic champion for her clan, but is also open-minded and empathetic towards outsiders, until they give her reason not to be.

    SIBLING TO Bugpaw, Sunpaw, Ravenpaw, Falconheart, Stormfeather and Sparrowpaw
    PARENT TO No one
    MENTORING No one
    MENTORED BY Lightflower
    —— ADMIRES Howlingstar, Flycatcher, Flamestar, Roeflame, Gentlestorm, Falconheart, Stormywing
    —— NOTABLE FRIENDSHIPS Bugpaw, Hopepaw, Orangepaw, Eveningpaw, Lionpaw
    —— NOTABLE ENEMIES Skyclaw, Smokefur, Scarletpaw, Mottledpaw​
    BISEXUAL ♡ MONOGAMOUS ; How easily do they fall in love? How easily do they trust?
    SMELLS OF Autumn leaves and sun-warm earth
    SOUNDS LIKE Odette from The Swan Princess (1994) - [ ADULT VC ] - [ CHILD VC ][/URL]
    CRUSHING ON No one​

    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - pretend he has a playlist
    This scrolls!
    CREATED 03.25.2024 AT 0 MOONS. Ages every 1st of the month.
    —— penned by limerence
    —— speech is #FFC891

    [slide=‎‎ooc][/slide][slide=✶][quote][img]https://i.imgur.com/jre5mPI.jpeg[/img][/quote][/slide][slide=info][fleft][img height=120px]https://i.imgur.com/ADzwRhe.png[/img][/fleft][size=5][url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/butterfly-fly-away-%E2%9C%B6-squirrelkit.13204/][color=#FFC891][b][font=book antiqua]SQUIRRELPAW[/font][/b][/color][/url] [color=#FFC891][b]✶[/b][/color][/size][color=#B3E6B1][i] she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, 9 moons[/i]
    ⭃[/color] lh blue torbie with low white and green eyes // slender but fluffy
    [color=#B3E6B1]⭃[/color] single, bisexual, crushing on no one // flamestar x [s]flycatcher[/s]
    [color=#B3E6B1]⭃[/color] sister to bugpaw, ravenpaw, sunpaw, falconheart and stormfeather
    [color=#B3E6B1]⭃[/color] mentored by lightflower // adoptive sister to [s]sparrowpaw[/s]
    [color=#B3E6B1]⭃[/color] peaceful powerplay permitted // [u]underline[/u] and tag when attacking
    [color=#B3E6B1]⭃[/color] penned by [url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/do-it-all-in-the-name-of-love-%E2%80%94-storage.10921/][color=#FFC891]limerence[/color][/url] ↛  [color=#FFC891]@limericks.[/color] on discord, dm for plots[/slide][/tabs][/justify][/box]
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  • [ KITHOOD ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce hendrerit congue metus, eget tristique velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla volutpat vehicula egestas. Donec ac orci risus. Nam ultricies, lacus pharetra vehicula tristique, enim dui vulputate justo, in pulvinar arcu tellus ultrices nisi. Ut interdum lacus varius, porta justo sed, hendrerit mauris. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

    [ APPRENTICESHIP ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ultricies sed odio non volutpat. Nullam sed turpis at eros molestie hendrerit. Mauris tincidunt congue ex, in accumsan neque volutpat quis. Cras sit amet cursus nulla, a imperdiet urna. Mauris laoreet tempor leo, a elementum turpis volutpat sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc ligula libero, vehicula in condimentum sit amet, bibendum sit amet ligula. Suspendisse laoreet fringilla sodales.

    Phasellus blandit nibh in sapien varius lobortis. Pellentesque auctor varius magna vitae pretium. Duis malesuada suscipit sapien ut sodales. In quis pellentesque nisi. Ut vitae laoreet augue. Nam a leo consequat, facilisis nunc vel, commodo nulla. Cras laoreet risus ut libero tristique, in consectetur sem gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet suscipit tellus. Integer auctor ante enim, id posuere quam finibus vel. Aenean facilisis est ante, eu varius orci gravida ut.

    [ YOUNG WARRIORHOOD ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur accumsan lorem vitae suscipit scelerisque. Fusce ac neque in ex ultricies viverra sagittis eu ligula. Ut luctus diam facilisis nibh iaculis, sit amet egestas lacus accumsan. Quisque id nisl at nisi hendrerit accumsan vel eget lectus. Aliquam felis nisl, suscipit quis purus sit amet, varius luctus ipsum. Vivamus sed pretium enim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam porttitor auctor elit, non tincidunt augue auctor vitae. Quisque ex orci, vehicula nec lobortis non, dapibus vel turpis. Vivamus aliquam ut nunc sit amet iaculis. Curabitur at tortor odio. Proin fermentum turpis ac gravida vestibulum. Ut volutpat arcu eu enim tincidunt, a sollicitudin purus posuere.

    Vivamus viverra lectus justo, ut porta metus imperdiet in. Donec lorem urna, dictum sed aliquet sed, lacinia a ante. Aliquam cursus ligula ut justo consequat, quis eleifend justo porttitor. Maecenas vehicula commodo fringilla. Suspendisse posuere pellentesque neque. Vestibulum ac mattis dolor, et egestas nisl. Nam sagittis, nunc rutrum elementum convallis, sapien justo accumsan orci, venenatis posuere nibh tortor vitae augue. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed lacus est, imperdiet nec rutrum at, rutrum ultrices magna. Donec mollis sit amet metus id sagittis. Nam porta tortor eget arcu varius feugiat. Mauris feugiat congue tristique.

    In ullamcorper ante et orci imperdiet, ut pretium mi viverra. Vestibulum eros odio, semper ac massa ac, tincidunt commodo diam. Nullam hendrerit dui vitae blandit aliquam. Phasellus a nulla sem. Etiam arcu risus, lobortis id lobortis ut, pulvinar at odio. Curabitur nec mi dictum tortor pellentesque porta vitae quis turpis. Etiam gravida auctor facilisis. Pellentesque eget velit a justo sodales tempor. Mauris quis nunc interdum, dignissim est vitae, fringilla ipsum. Nam suscipit lobortis velit non congue. Curabitur fringilla quam vel congue vestibulum.
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Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused by / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

FLAMESTAR / hearts
write your character's opinion on them <3

write your character's opinion on them <3

write your character's opinion on them <3

BUGPAW / hearts
write your character's opinion on them <3

SUNPAW / hearts
write your character's opinion on them <3

RAVENPAW / hearts
write your character's opinion on them <3

write your character's opinion on them <3

HOPEPAW / hearts
write your character's opinion on them <3

ORANGEPAW / hearts
write your character's opinion on them <3

write your character's opinion on them <3

write your character's opinion on them <3

LIONPAW / hearts
write your character's opinion on them <3

write your character's opinion on them <3

ROEFLAME / hearts
write your character's opinion on them <3

write your character's opinion on them <3

SKYCLAW / hearts

write your character's opinion on them <3


write your character's opinion on them <3

[color=white][b]CHARACTER NAME /[/b][/color] hearts[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote]
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(alt names: daisykit, cricketkit, maplekit)



A perfect mix of both her parents, Squirrelkit boasts a beautiful rich blue torbie coat. As a kitten her fur is quite fluffy and wild, making her look much rounder than she actually is. This will eventually change as she matures, smoothing out to a lovely silken texture. She is evenly painted in the cool blue shades of her father and the warm fiery red of her mother, with a heavy splash of white extending up her sides and covering a large portion of her face. Her eyes are a vibrant shade of green that almost perfect matches Flamewhisker's, and her skin is a delicate shade of pink. Her tail is a solid red, bushy mass of fur that bears an uncanny resemblances to that of her namesake, the red squirrel. When she is young her physique will be rather short and stocky, but as she grows she will stretch and become more slender, with graceful long legs and an agile build. [ REFERENCE ]

As a kit, Squirrel is extremely outgoing and energetic. She loves to run and play pretend, and is often the one dragging all the other kittens into playing games or going on adventures with her. Her curiosity seems boundless, and she loves bothering the adults in the clan until they tell her stories or answer every one of her 1000 questions about the world. She does tend to be a bit gullible and will likely take anything someone tells her at face value and believe it to be fact until she's told otherwise. She's the kitten in the nursery that the queens can never keep track of, and has a habit of escaping her kit-sitters to wreak havoc on the camp. She is, however, an exceptionally loving creature and will always go out of her way to bright someone's day. She is a fierce protector, not just of her family and friends but anyone she thinks needs sticking up for. She absolutely despises bullies (though she can at times unintentionally become one herself) and is never afraid to speak out against mean attitudes.

APPRENTICEHOOD: As she begins to mature into apprenticehood, Squirrel becomes quite the 'tomboy', so-to-speak. She begins wanting to spend all of her time climbing trees, catching bugs and sparring. She develops a fierce competitiveness with the other apprentices, especially those her age who she was brought up with in the nursery. She always has to have the last word, and is desperate to prove that she can be just as good, if not better than everyone at everything she does. This somewhat childish competition will ultimately end up getting in the way of her training, and she'll likely become the instigator of one or two poorly-planned schemes into which she'll drag her fellow apprentices. With a strict guiding paw from her mentor or her parents, she will eventually settle down and begin to understand the severity of what it means to be a warrior.

WARRIORHOOD: Transitioning into warriorhood sparks a change in Squirrel. She grows tired of constantly getting into trouble and being scolded by her elders. She sees the grace and nobility that her parents both carry themselves with, and strives to mimic those traits in her own self. No longer does she allow petty rivalries or competition drive her to recklessness. That competitive quality instead transforms into healthy ambition and a desire to be the absolute best she can for Thunderclan, and for her family. She has big shoes to fill, and while she knows she'll likely never overcome the shadow of her parents' success, she tries to follow in the same path to leadership and excellence as they themselves have tread. She maintains her protective nature all throughout her life, and will always be the first to look out for those she thinks cannot look out for themselves. She becomes an optimistic champion for her clan, but is also open-minded and empathetic towards outsiders, until they give her reason not to be.

  • FAR LONGER THAN FOREVER: True to her faceclaim, I'd really like to plot out a long, slow-burning childhood rivals-to-lovers romance for Squirrel. As kittens they would really annoy each other, with Squirrel likely being far too cheerful / optimistic for the other. As they move into apprenticehood it would become more of a competitive rivalry as Squirrel enters her "tomboy" phase and has to be the best at everything, likely driving her to go out of her way to antagonize / taunt the other character into competing with her in just about everything. However, as Squirrel transitions into warriorhood, she has quite a glow-up, both physically and emotionally. She becomes more graceful and refined, more empathic and loving, and this change in dynamic will create a shift in her relationship with the other character. It'll be subtle at first, and they likely won't even realize that they've started to become closer; but eventually, the other character will become her closest friend and confidant, and she'll rely on them for nearly everything. A few months into their warriorhood, some traumatic event will take place wherein Squirrel either ends up being saved by the other character or vice versa, creating a traumatic situation wherein she's forced to finally acknowledge that she has genuine feelings for the other character. (whether or not those feelings are reciprocated will be entirely up to the player of the other character!)
  • PERFECT PRINCESS: As Squirrel gets older, moving into her apprentice days, she begins to realize the weight of the influence that her family carries in her clan. While no one ever intentionally puts any expectations on her, she begins to feel pressured by the responsibility of being born into one of Thunderclan's 'royal' families, so-to-speak. The importance of her image in the clan is likely entirely fabricated in her own head, but she feels it all the same. At first, it sparks a bit of rebellion in the already outgoing girl, and she begins testing the boundaries of the clan's rules and codes. In truth, even though she doesn't recognize it at first, her insecurity is brought on by a deep-seated fear that she won't be good enough. That maybe, she won't be able to live up to her parents' seemingly-perfect image. Most of her apprentice moons will be spent getting into (light) trouble and messing around with her friends; she won't fully understand the severity of what it means to be a warrior until shortly before her ceremony. An incident will occur, wherein she gets herself or one of her friends (or preferably a littermate) into real trouble, resulting in someone either being injured or almost injured in the process. This will shake her enough to wake her up to the harsh realities of survival in a clan, and destroy the sheltered bubble she'd been living in up to this point. She'll shape up and begin taking her training much more seriously, and will move into warriorhood with a greater appreciation for the example her parents and her family have set for Thunderclan.
  • AESTHETICS: soft greens and oranges, dense forests, grassy fields, sunflowers, red squirrels, autumn leaves, fawns, fireflies, golden hour [ PINTEREST BOARD ]
  • FACECLAIM / VOICECLAIM: Her faceclaim and voiceclaim are both Odette from the animated film The Swan Princess (1994) - [ ADULT VC ] - [ CHILD VC ] A small part of her character arc and a few of her plots are loosely based off of Princes Odette, who was my biggest inspiration for Squrrielkit (I honestly just adore this movie sm <3)
  • PLAYLIST: Butterfly Fly Away (Miley Cyrus), live more & love more (Cat Burns), Dandelions (Ruth B.), she's all i wanna be (Tate McRae), Bad Liar (Imagine Dragons)
  • Originally named for her bushy, squirrel-like tail but as she grows she will also develop an uncanny aptitude for climbing anything and everything she can get her claws on.
  • I'll likely leave her warrior name up to the leader to choose but some possible options: Squirreltail, Squirrelfur, Squirrelshade, Squirrelshine, Squirrelstep, Squirrelsong.
  • I'm hoping for her to have a very stern, tough mentor who has high expectations for her, so that she can eventually be wrangled out of her immaturity later in her days as an apprentice.
  • While I know that a lot of things that happen ic will likely alter some of Squirrel's development, and some of those things will affect her personality, I do want to follow what i've planned for her as much as possible. Ultimately i'd still like her to end up as the character that i've laid out, and not become too angsty or bitter regardless of what happens in her life! She is a kind, loving soul and will stay that way! I am keeping plots very loose as well, and apart from the two i've already planned i'd like to create any future plots based off of the dynamics she builds with other characters ic as she develops <3