butterfly wings and porcupine quills [butterflypaw]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


"Don't worry. If we find anything, I can do the catching part." he offered, as if sensing her momentary surprise at his suggestion.

It had become pretty noticeable after training beside the other apprentices that Butterflypaw wasn't exactly... interested in actually catching the prey. He was sure she would have done it if the wriggling, squealing prey didn't make her feel paniced and disgusted, but if she couldn't then she couldn't. Quill wasn't about to make her feel like shit about it. After all, there was a difference between not wanting to do something, and being emotionally traumatized by something, and the chimera tabby had a feeling that in Butterflypaws case, forcing her to kill small animals on a regular basis wouldn't descensitize her, but scar her emotionally instead.

Sort of like how Quill couldn't do water.

Even the feeling of rain soaking into his fur made him uncomfortable, and if his paws touched anything deeper than his ankles he straight up panicked.

With that, he turned and began to lead them away from the bulk of the patrol, off toward the houses of twoleg place. They were still hidden safely within the treeline, but beyond it once could see the fences of the twoleg gardens and hear the distant rumble of cars driving by, muted by the snow covering the land. "This should be a good place to start. Twoleg place has its fair share ofstuff like birds and rats and squirrels, so maybe some of them are out here looking for food."

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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Butterflypaw isn't a talented hunter; practically everyone in the clan knows that by now. Wriggling prey makes her squeamish, and she's far too skittish to try and wrestle down most larger pieces of prey. At this point, she attends hunting patrols just because she's supposed to when her mentor's out hunting, not because she's actually helping. So when Quillpaw, one of the few friends she's managed to make in the clan, asks if she wants to try closer to the Twolegplace, she's surprised. He wants to hunt with her? "O-Okay, good idea," She stammers softly, caught off-guard. Ears angling backwards, she follows his lead, but not before casting a quick look over her shoulder to be sure she knows where Blazestar is. After the fox incident, she doesn't like to stray far from the giant tom.


OOC- once again, in an attempt to grab my template from the original post I editted over it. Please ignore this :D

"Don't worry. If we find anything, I can do the catching part." he offered, as if sensing her momentary surprise at his suggestion.

It had become pretty noticeable after training beside the other apprentices that Butterflypaw wasn't exactly... interested in actually catching the prey. He was sure she would have done it if the wriggling, squealing prey didn't make her feel paniced and disgusted, but if she couldn't then she couldn't. Quill wasn't about to make her feel like shit about it. After all, there was a difference between not wanting to do something, and being emotionally traumatized by something, and the chimera tabby had a feeling that in Butterflypaws case, forcing her to kill small animals on a regular basis wouldn't descensitize her, but scar her emotionally instead.

Sort of like how Quill couldn't do water.

Even the feeling of rain soaking into his fur made him uncomfortable, and if his paws touched anything deeper than his ankles he straight up panicked.

With that, he turned and began to lead them away from the bulk of the patrol, off toward the houses of twoleg place. They were still hidden safely within the treeline, but beyond it once could see the fences of the twoleg gardens and hear the distant rumble of cars driving by, muted by the snow covering the land. "This should be a good place to start. Twoleg place has its fair share ofstuff like birds and rats and squirrels, so maybe some of them are out here looking for food."

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
His offer brings her some comfort; so he knows she's a sorry hunter and wants her to come anyway. That somehow makes her feel better. She nods, a small smile on her face as she follows him through the pines. When they reach the border to the Twolegplace, she peers out at the homes with pricked ears. Daisyflight had taken her and her siblings out past here to show them where she came from; stars, show them where Butterflypaw came from as well. She doesn't know which nest is hers, but she knows she began life as a kittypet and she somehow ended up here.

"Let's hope so," She trills, casting a light-hearted smile back in Quillpaw's direction. Imagine how proud Blazestar would be if they brought back a fat bird from a garden! She's waiting for him to lead the way, because of course she's not stepping foot out there first. But before they can even move, a thunderous roaring sounds out, loud in their ears and the tortoiseshell lets out a yelp in terror. She shoves Quillpaw towards the first shelter she can see: a fallen tree. She's not sure if he makes it in with her, but she huddles within the darkness of the log, trembling in fear. "Wh-Wh-What is that?" She cries out softly, voice wavering.

// lawn mower time B)