pafp BY ANY OTHER NAME ♕ daylight warrior questions

Mar 3, 2024

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Having watched the competition between her denmate and the fearsome lead warrior, Hollykit finds her curiosity sparked. He knows of the half-kittypet cats who vanish in the night, of course, but he doesn't know enough. And Johnnyflame makes a suitable target, with that baseline familiarity."Johnnyflame, Johnnyflame! One cat name and one two-leg name!" The kit sings in a shrill sort of chirp. A nursery rhyme of her own invention. She strides towards the lead warrior on wobbly, overeager kit legs.

Hollykit addresses him formally, with an air of importance, before moving straight to questions. "Snakecatcher Johnnyflame! Is it hard? Is it scary? Venturing --" (that's one of her favorite words) "allll the way to where the twolegs live?" Her eyes sparkle as she looks up to the tom, catching on the red collar that decorates his neck - a sign of his other allegiance. "What's it like? I've never seen it," she adds, as though the daylight warrior wouldn't know. Cocks her head, a troubling thought occurring to her. "Do you like it more?" What if he left one day and didn't come back? What if all the daylight warriors did, because the twolegs got jealous? There's an urgency to the question, narrowing her eyes at the tom suspiciously.

  • @Johnnyflame
  • 78595156_PHu3ouPV70uRxD0.png

  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, three moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


"Johnnyflame, Johnnyflame! One cat name and one two-leg name!"

White muzzle parted in a fond chuckle as the small voice sung out to him, sunny eyes landing on the smallest, green-eyed child of Bobbie nd Blazestar as he turned to heed the cheery call with a questioning rise of his brow.

As always, the bobtail was fast to fall into whatever role he was assigned by the kits, and upon hearing the formal title of Snakectcher Johnnyflame, he fought off a grin and straightened up just a bit to look the part of the legendry warrior he was meant to be, preparing to be pulled into a game or questioned about the clan or his scars or hunting techniques. And questions they were- many, one after the other- but not on the topics he'd been expecting.

"Ah, sharpenin' up on your knowledge of daylight warriors, aye? We'll be calling you Hollykit The Wise in no-time." he mused, buying himself a moment to think over his answers. His position as a daylight warrior was... complicated. Between the clans and the humans a line had been drawn, and cats like Johnnyflame who walked back and forth over that line weren't always looked upon well. There were no doubt cats in the clan who wouldn't be happy with him spreading 'twoleg propaganda' among the kits, and the last thing he wanted to do was upset Bobbie by filling her kids head with talk of twoleg place.

But he wasn't about to lie or slander his other home either, nor would he be ashamed of it.

"Let's see- is it hard or scary going down to twoleg place? I suppose in the beginning it was a bit hard- my paws weren't used to all the work or climbing so they ached something fierce having to make the trip twice a day, but it was more scary coming into Skyclan than it was leaving it. Most daylight warriors like me are born in twoleg place, so it's familiar to us. We know how it works and what to expect. But the forest? That was new. And I'd never met a clan cat before either, which was a bit scary. he began, trying to put it in a way that would make sense to such a young cat. Johnnyflame wasn't afraid of twolegplace. He didn't flinch when cars went by. He didn't run from dogs barking on the other side of fences. He didn't mind letting strangers pet him if he wasn't getting a bad vibe off them. But that didn't mean it wouldn't scare the tail off another cat.

"It'd be a lot scarier for a cat who'd never been there before. Twoleg place is nothing like the forest. It's noisy and crowded and there's something going on almost everywhere you look." he explained, trying to figure out how to convey something to a child who had nothing to base it off of. How did you explain roads or crowded sidewalks or rows of houses to someone who had no idea what those things were? He couldn't, so he settled for the next best thing. "It's dangerous if you don't know what your doing- even if you've lived there your whole life. Same as Skyclans forest, or Windclans moors, or any other place, but because there's more everything there you have to be twice as sharp."

That was one position Johnnyflame would never waver on. As much as he would advocate for daylight warriors and their twolegs, he would never be so blindly foolish as to tell a kit that it was a world full of sunshine and rainbows. A forest cat in twoleg place could easily get themselves killed or captured, especially one as young as Hollykit.

"Do you like it more?"

He supposed he should have expected that one. While nobody had ever asked it so bluntly before - most preferring to just outright question his loyalty to the clan- it wasn't a question he was entirely unfamiliar with.

"I like 'em both equally, just for different reasons." he answered slowly, because that was the answer he'd always given before, but... the two weren't really the same question, were they? 'Do you like them more' and 'how can you be loyal to two places' just didn't hit the same way in Johnnys mind. "Skyclan has things that Twolegplace can't give me, and vice versa. Choosing one over the other would mean losing something I care about on either side." This much he *was* certain of, that no matter what there would be loss if it ever came around to having to choose between the two.

"Any other questions for me, Truthseeker Hollykit?" he asked with a with a fond smile, addressing her with a title of her own.


The twolegplace has brought little good to Figfeather. It had given her the sight of a disappointing father, a monster and a shattered limb, near death. The only thing the place has ever blessed her with was her kits and Fantastream, but with each passing day the latter seemed less and less like a blessing… The mate’s could hardly stand each other these days. One could only hope it was a phase they’d pass, but with each day that passed Figfeather grew less certain the gorge between them would ever mend.

Safe to say, she’ll never understand what daylight warriors saw in twolegs and the place they inhabited. Yet she’ll forever respect them, at least cats like Johnnyflame and her late mentor, Tallulahwing. They proved that not all kittypets were merely plump and lazy. It was good that Hollykit had chosen to question the best among them, she’s afraid not all of the daylight warriors in their ranks would’ve been able to give the most thoughtful insight.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Wherever Lionkit's littermates are, he is sure to never be too far behind. Not always, in the way that an incessant fly would keep pestering someone, but in the way a duckling followed its fellow hatchlings. Hollykit was far more outgoing than he was; she always asked interesting questions, ones that Lionkit would have never thought to inquire. While he partly followed Hollykit because he wanted to know what she was doing, he was also intrigued by Johnnyflame's storytelling. The lead warrior was good at telling him, in his opinion.

Lionkit listens as the daylight warrior details his own perspective on the Twolegplace and how it compares to living in a clan. Blue eyes shone with awe as the tom spoke as if it were some sort of dangerous mission to navigate that place; Lionkit tried to picture it in his head. Did twolegs live in clans, too? Did they climb trees and patrol the borders just like SkyClan did? He hoped not. He definitely did not want to meet a twoleg... although maybe not all of them were so bad, as Johnnyflame lived with one after all. "Mama used to be a kittypet." Lionkit whispers to Hollykit, as if she had never heard the fact before. "So did Papa."

Then, an idea forms in his head. Johnnyflame had been in SkyClan for a loooong time, right? Maybe... he could tell them stories about Blazestar and Bobbie! "Um, Mister Johnnyflame, did you know our Mama 'n Papa when they were kittypets?" For some reason, the idea of learning about his parents before their lives in SkyClan was intriguing to him. Bobbie didn't tell them much when it came to her past, only the relationship that she had with Blazestar.