by the open window !! joining

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Sitting with a small, stubby tail, the small kitten peered out at the expanses of land with skeptical, eager eyes- the wind that drifted through in the hot summer was not of much relief and made them sorely miss the cool comfort of their home. They had some many hours left before they could expect their Twoleg home and so, as their bored mind had wandered, it had at long last gifted the swift-footed heart of excitement to spur this exploration. Peering up at the shifting clouds with steely eyes, they wondered briefly where up those cloud these sky cats even lived... when the clouds move did that mean they did too? Were clouds soft? Did it get really hot up there with no trees to protect them from the sun?

Shifting slightly as they started absently scratching at the itchy spot under their collar, they thought with a stubborn certainty that they would find a way to talk to those flying kitties or whatever they were... They came around here kinda often according to some of their neighbors around the Twolegplace! It smelled absolutely gross not too far off from here- they'd have to make sure these guys knew that so they could avoid the rancid stink!!

Realizing that, they sat up straight suddenly, tail waving in anticipation as they puffed out their chest proudly-

Eden had to make a good impression!

"helLLOOOOOO!!!!!~ skyyyy kitTIESSSSS~?" A squealing voice that rose in volume as their excitement got the better of them, practically a screaming song by the time they finished.​
❪ TAGS ❫ — A piercing voice rang out across the pines, causing the Maine Coon to wince and pin his ears against his head. Well, so much for a hunting patrol.

Once Slate had peered over at whoever was causing the ruckus, he immediately noticed the accessory clipped around the kit's neck and felt repulsion stir in his gut. Ugh, a kittypet. The house cats were usually decent at keeping to their gardens and not bothering the clans, but this youngster was loud and obnoxious. Must all kits be this annoying?

The hulking tom stormed over in the direction of the pipsqueak, amber eyes burning with the ferocity of a wildfire. He is scarred and muscular, looking more like a rogue from the streets than a graceful and tree-climbing SkyClan cat. "Ey, cut that out, will ya'? You'll scare off all the prey in the forest." Slate grunted, narrowing his eyes at the kitten. "Whaddya' want?" He snorted, patience obviously as thin as the hairs on his pelt.

Not placed on hunting patrol with Slate but still in the area, the spotted tabby was next to peer through the winding forest trees, glued to the shade as he was trapped in it. Thick fur did little to help with the heat that battered SkyClan more and more by the moon, he was supposed to prefer it for all the prey and kittens it brought, but a silent, selfish part of him longed for the rainy days again. Eyes lingered on the kitten's form, around its neck a collar that clamped on like the vice grip of a river crab. Silversmoke exhaled louder than usual at the sight of it, long limbs coiling like the body of a snake as he moved closer to the kittypet. His narrowed glare shot towards Slate as the rusted Maine Coon first opened his mouth, the lynx-like cranium of the Lead Warrior shaking left and right in disapproval of his peer's mannerisms. Being young overruled being a kittypet, it was only when one chose to live amidst the Twoleg monsters did they forsake SkyClan - but how would a child know any better? "Positively charming," he remarked under a sarcastic whisper. As if he were any better.

"SkyClan, not sky kitties," he corrected with a staunch nod, expression neutral as he peered down at Eden. A tufted ear idly flicked at a mosquito, the corner of a dark brow twitching as he felt an uncomfortable pinch in that same appendage. StarClan, not another reason to long for Leaf-fall. Eden seemed excited, a kitten on an adventure as opposed to one lost in the dark woods - whatever stories they'd heard about wildcats, they either hadn't taken them in or they knew them to be nothing more than the selfish striking down the selfless. "You're far from home." He thought about how crowded the Nursery was and let his claws casually sink into the soil below; he'd always advocate for taking young away from such a horrid environment that Twolegs provided, yet... could SkyClan support that at the moment? 'The sooner Orangeblossom is back on duty, the better', he thought, finding the responsibility choking him like ash. "Is there a reason for that?" The corner of his mouth twitched upwards, in an attempt to smile, before he fell back to his usual guise of neutrality.


Placed on Slate's hunting patrol- short-lived as it was- Twitchbolt was gifted with piercing racket as well, a noise that yanked him by the neck away from any subtle rustle of squirrel-paws he might have heard before. Olivine eyes shot wide, glancing frantically in every conceivable direction- more on reflex than rationality. Why- why had he looked up? Birds couldn't mew. Hadn't started mewing, last time he'd checked. Fur bristled with the aftershocks of startling, he followed the lead warrior; though Twitchbolt's reaction was not much akin to Slate's. Bewilderment was written across the brown-and-white warrior's face instead; that such a noise could come from something so small. Someone, not a thing, not a creature, not... welkin, but a kitten...

Incredulous, all he could do was stare for a few moments- frantic pupils flickered briefly to Silversmoke as he joined them, but he said nothing in terms of theorising. Said nothing at all, really- not for a few moments, at least, until the disbelief at last caught up with his tongue and he sputtered out, "Someone keeps- keeps leaving kittens out here." A muttered observation, and one rather entirely borne of paranoia. There'd been a lot of kittens at the border lately. Brought by someone or just left to simply wandering. What was with it? Some- plot, some... very misbegotten plot. What would a villain have to gain from swarming them with kits?
penned by pin ✧
His two more cantankerous lead warriors and young Twitchbolt have found yet another young kit wandering their territory alone. Blazestar shares the dun-and-white warrior’s sentiment—one kit abandoned is too many, but if it’s truly two, it’s nothing short of endemic. The Ragdoll gently eases his way between Slate and Silversmoke, hoping to cut fiery orange eyes from boring into blue-and-green. “He’s right. This is SkyClan, and we are SkyClan warriors,” he says, his tone gentle. “But what are you doing all the way out here? Don’t you have housefolk you live with?” Their black and white fur is fragrant with dusty kibble and Twoleg nest scents; there’s no mistaking where they come from.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

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Though their eyes remained full of wanderlust as they scanned the skies for a single hint of one of those cloud-bound cats, it wasn't from the flittering light between the rolling plumes of white that they found a gruff voice prompting them to stop their excitable shouting. Snapping to lock leafy eyes onto the grumpy black tom in question, their over-eager paws pranced in place as they gave a shrill squeal of delight. As if delayed in truly understanding the words barked at them, the kitten raised a paw to their mouth bashfully, cutting off their own excessively loud noise.

And as the youth dared to open their mouth to answer his question another sky kitty showed up! This was one silvery... less grouchy but still pretty plain faced in the child's presence. His correction was warranted, but quickly argued against, "I thought that the SkyClan was where you lived," and though they fully intended to give a complete tangent to all they'd learned from those neighbors who had shared stories with them in the safety of their garden, the brush gave way to even more friends!!!

Their bobbed tail twitched with the anticipation of having new buddies to talk to and wow they wanted to talk to Eden too?! Glancing between Twitchbolt and Blazestar impatiently, it was as if the kit could barely keep up with their own wanton desire to rush in and demand to play with them. Their brain moved faster than their mouth could articulate their wants and in the time it took them to draw a sentence together, the fluffy one decrees they are warriors actually. Giving a stubborn smirk towards Silversmoke, they took pride in knowing he was wrong, just as they'd suspected, "So that's what you're called!" A very interesting name... not very easy to identify between them if they were all called warrior though right?

Pointing a paw towards their own chest with a swell of pride, the little one introduced themself without fear, "I am an Eden! And I have come to seek adventure with the Sky kitties of legend!" Bowing their head slightly in a show of deference (one of their kittypet friends had told them it was 'polite' whatever that meant), they were surprised to hear these cats knew of housefolk too! "Oh, yes, I do! It's just one though... and they aren't there often so I thought maybe I could hang out with you guys sometimes? I'm sure I could be helpful, promise I won't squeal so loud! Pleasseeeee, please please pleaseee~"
A wide-eyed kittypet kitten eager to be a "wild cat" — that... sounded awfully familiar. Slate looks down upon the alabaster scrap, and he swears he can see a mirror of his old self in their place. He had stumbled out onto the streets at far too young of an age and had paid the price for it, fighting for his life against bigger cats and dogs at such a tender age. Life outside of a twoleg nest was more ideal, in Slate's eyes, but not for every cat. "Listen, kid, this forest ain't just some fun getaway for you when you're feeling tired of your housefolk. It's not a fun reality out here; cats get hurt. Get killed, even." The life of a house pet was bland and repetitive, a literal cycle of eating slop, dozing off in a bed, and staring out the window for seasons upon seasons until you keeled over. The life of a clan cat, on the other hand, could be brutal and harsh especially during leafbare. It was not a life suited for a soft-pawed kittypet who understood clan life to be fun and games.

Had this kit been lost with nowhere else to turn to, then perhaps the situation would be different. However, this kit didn't know what they were getting themselves into. They thought SkyClan to be a fun little escape, somewhere to play and "hang out" while their twoleg wasn't home. They didn't need some loud brat getting in the way of their duties and disrupting their way of life. They had enough clan-born kits to feed and take care of as it was.

While Slate supported the idea of house cats leaving their old lives behind in search of a better future, he wasn't confident that this was the case here. The Maine Coon glanced at the cats around him, giving a look that said Are we really going to waste our time here?