BY THE RIVER'S EDGE | patrol assignments

Jul 8, 2022
buck does not have control over much, but the patrols are her's. she chooses who goes where, and she operates it with the upmost authority. something that cannot be challenged. it's a bit pathetic, to be so controlling over something so small. but it's all she has so far. and with her eyes glaring upon the outsiders in her camp, she will make sure the entirey of riverclan knows her thoughts. knows that she does not welcome them. it doesn't quite matter if they are in her camp, stealing their resources. not now.

"@Smokethroat , you will be taking @iciclepaw and ashpaw to windclan's border. ashpaw, i hope you understand why i won't let willow accompany you. @apricotflower will be in their place for this patrol." she excludes lightningstone, and by extension, that damned moor-runner. lightning has been her most trusted, and why she often sends him to mark the border between windclan. but she feels that hyacinth should not see her abandoned clan. she'll remain in camp.

"@MUDPELT, you'll bring @FERNPAW with you. @DogTeeth will accompany you as well. you'll be heading to the skyclan border. be kind to them. " the warriors she is sending don't even have a rude bone in their body. gentle, kind-hearted cats. she feels it is only appropriate after what the skyclan leader has lost. she does not need to send cats who will show their judgments.

"@Snakeblink and @frogpaw, you'll see to thunderclan's borders. @HAILFROST, i ask you take @RAVENPAW. with you and accompany snake. if you see the thunderclan deputy, do tell her i say hello." she'd go herself, but fear she may break down if she sees that poor mother. she doesn't want to think about it. not now, not in front of a crowd.

"that leaves @CLAYFUR and @Gobysun for guard duty. you two should go and get your rest now. i'll awake you when it's time. me and @STORMPAW ! will be leading a hunting patrol, all are welcome." a final look over the gathered cats. some sent away, others having the luxury of staying in camp. she's satisfied enough with it, and therefore she has nothing left for them.


// tagging @tinyleafs for ashpaw <3

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Guard duty? Hell yeah. He was stoked. "ALRIGHT!!! GUARD DUTY!!!!"

He wasn't actually stoked. He was crying inside. Guard duty was boring.

But at least he was going to be with Clayfur! Maybe they could eat moss to pass the time.