she is not chosen to attend the gathering this moon. there is a simmering disappointment obvious in her, even as the chosen patrol begin to stretch their legs for the long venture towards fourtrees. in her apprentice months, she'd had the honor of attending each one, should her health allow . . tonight would be different. tonight, she was a warrior, and no longer had a place at her mother's heel. it's a strange feeling, a turn of near - rejection in her belly, expression still as ever despite the way her eyes layer heavy gaze upon the gathering cats. she doesnt understand how the curiosity does not kill them, the burning intrigue she is sure would keep her awake until their midnight return.

shellpool hovers near her cousin as he prepares to venture into the deep dark, watches the treeline as it dims from a heated orange to a cool, bruised purple - blue and feels the sting of it grow beneath gently curled pelt until finally, her head lulls towards loveburn. nearly resting on his angular shoulder, amber eyes gleaming damp and doelike in the moon's harsh glow, " you'll tell me everything, wont you? " flutterbeat murmur, imploring, " i want to know if flamestar . . made good on her promise. " how was shadowclan faring? the thinks of gigglepaw and worries, albeit distantly ; outsiders so often would face a miserable fate, especially those so far removed from the stars.

apprentices run, tumble about at her paws, excitement sparking their paws enough for a smile to twitch the serene edge of her maw. they are nearly ready to leave -- the anticipation is palpable, even through her own selfish grief. it makes her think of pebbletails apprentice, of gladefrost's aging daughter . . and after a beat, she seeks to find her amongst the little patrol. she'd always been shier than the rest, and should she spot her, the molly leans her swanlike neck down towards her with a whisper of, " are you excited, ryepaw? before you go, i have . . something for you . . " shellpool tilts her head back, takes a smooth bundle of lotus petals from her own fur, and aims to place one gently in the lilac fur at her ear. settling back after a moment, heavy lidded eyes would blink slow observation down at her, warm with nostalgia, " there . . pretty as a peony. be good for pebbletail, promise? " as if she wouldn't be. her mother . . would be so proud of her. she prays the molly would walk alongside her tonight, to be able to hear her name cast to the moon before the clans ; something she'd been so robbed of in life.

  • ooc. talking to @Ryepaw and @LOVEBURN but no need to wait < 3
  • 94808822_mcogFDxtA9gXnmZ.png
    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted eiderdown fur conceals a body worn thin by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with stubborn baby fat in others. her face is delicately constructed as the rest of her ; heart - shaped, fragile, tendered with warmly shadowed eyes. beneath the languor of lapis - veined lids, her gaze brims a rheumy, rosen tinge — ruddy like a pulsing bruise, curtained with heavy lashes that keep her serenely half - lidded.
    LIVING WITH LONGTERM ILLNESS ; always exhibiting the symptoms of a lingering cold, most notably a runny nose and eyes. not contagious unless specified otherwise.
  • Love
Reactions: Ryepaw and LOVEBURN
✦•··········•✦•··········•✦ All he can think about while the cats for the Gathering ready themselves for the trek is how terribly he wishes it would be Cicadastar up with the other leaders. Not for a lack of respect for his other father's reign, or a dismissal of Lichenstar's. No, he just— it was the greatest theft. Across all the battles waged for territory, for pride, for vengeance, none have managed to steal quite as much as the death of Cicadastar. What future might RiverClan have known if he were still here? If Loveburn and his siblings were not orphans? If— if Loveburn had another name, the very same first given to him at birth. If there was someone he could trust with the reality of StarClan's meddling, tricksome possession of their medicine cats.

And so while there is some excitement for an adventure, there is grief, and fear. How many shadows will find a home beneath the canopy of Fourtrees? How many would see Loveburn and his siblings bleeding a river of their own into the dirt?

He swallows and blinks, then realizes there's an approaching figure. His cousin, dipping her fragile head close, nearly touching, and her murmuring light as butterfly wings. "Of course," he promises, probably not as dulcet-soft as he tries. "I'll remember every word. Well, most of them. Probably." He coughs, then tries his best winning grin before she turns for greener pastures. He watches her gift the young Ryepaw with lotus petals. She'd planned this, and he wonders at that— at what it's like to be preparedly kind, instead of impulsively.

loveburn (formerly lovepaw and starlightpaw) — currently nineteen moons old
son of cicadastar & smokestar — brother to cicadaflight & beefang — he / him
single & not really looking — peaceful/nonviolent actions may be powerplayed
please note that loveburn has persecutory delusions & sometimes personal prose
will make patently untrue assumptions and mischaracterizations of other people.
  • Love
Reactions: shellpool
Her paws pressed anxiously in the sand in light kneading motions as she could imagine the swarm of clanmates from all over meeting in one area. The idea of not being able to vanish into the nursery or into the darkness with her tail between her legs like the coward she was makes her throat tight. The mimic of Gladefrost closes her eyes as mental preparation before the journey to the fourtrees as she distantly stands to the side of her new mentor, Pebbletail. She stares at the ground while Shellpool and Loveburn converse among the other voices until she hears her name being mentioned in a question. Her heterochromatic gaze flicks up as she looks at her mentor's sister as her ears flatten in nervousness as she stumbles on her words. "A-ah, u-um.... I guess..." Ryepaw would murmur as she skittishly watched the fellow lilac tabby. Shellpool takes some of the lotus petals from her delicate fur and places them behind her ear that instictively flick at the touch as her face heats up. "U-um.... I-I will.... thank you, S-Shellpool..." Pretty as a peony? What would Mama Willow and Ma Poppy think about her new decoration? It probably didn't suit her, but she didn't want to make Shellpool mad or upset at her for thinking otherwise. "I'll be good..." The lilac-rosette tabby would whisper as she could sense the gaze of Loveburn and probably more on her due to Shellpool's attention on her.

࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The lead warrior tends to most of the gatherings when she's able to considering that she's curious of the other clans oftentimes wondering who had died, whose born, and ranks or promotions seemed to interest her. Although, last moon's gathering made her think of Thunderclan warning Shadowclan about relenting the territory that they had taken or the oak forest dwelling group would be keen in taking it back by force. It makes her think briefly about how Riverclan had rightfully claimed Sunningrocks as theirs once more and that the Thunderclanners had suffered plenty injury if they went against their neighbors for the strip of land, that it had taken the attention off of them even if its for a brief heartbeat. Shellpool asks that Loveburn reports back to her that she wishes to know if Flamestar had been true to her threat and her littermate responds that he would or at least, try to before Beefang decides to chime in "If he doesn't remember, I'll tell you. Sometimes, he has fluff stuffed in his ears unless its something real juicy." A toothy grin pulling at her lips as she bumps her shoulder against Loveburn's as she teases him and she watches the exchange between her younger cousin and Gladefrost's daughter.

The scrap of fur trembles if anyone with a sharp gaze even glances her way and Beefang knows that Pebbletail's a nicer mentor that could really help coaxing Ryepaw out of her shell or at least, Beefang hopes so anyways. Shellpool had always been sweet and kind but sometimes, the black smoke worries about that bleeding heart of hers though she makes no comment at that only to blink at the lilac bloom gifted to the younger lilac apprentice and allows a few more words to slip from her jaws "How lovely." She rumbles thoughtfully only to stare at the molly's mismatched gaze for a heartbeat and nods approvingly only to glance towards her brother once more, "I suppose we should all get ready to head out soon, huh?"


ㅤtrans female (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤasexual homoromantic, taken by moonbeam
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 10th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 6 moons
smokestar x cicadastarㅤ/ㅤolder sister to cicadaflight & loveburn
ㅤmentoring roepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by smokestar & houndstride
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, fights dirty/unfair, and will end/start fights
a short/curly-haired black smoke moggy littered in several scars, missing a toe on one of her paws, and has a lone amber eye w/low white
〕Bubbleburst still gets that same kit-like excitement every time she is selected to attend a gathering. From the first time she had been named as an apprentice and sent by Smokestar to this moon's selection by Lichenstar, the excitement has never worn off for the energetic molly. Everything about it is thrilling. The news from the other clans, getting to see lots of unfamiliar faces, getting all pretty to show off at the gathering... What isn't there to enjoy about them?

And so too, Bubbleburst watches Shellpool give petals to the vibrating form of Ryepaw with a warm smile. And with a start, she realizes that she also has something to give. "This is for you, if you want it," Bubbleburst holds out the feather of a crow towards Beefang. It hadn't been an afterthought, but she feels her ears burn slightly at the thought of how rushed it seems to be trying to hand the lead warrior a feather moments before they leave.

She lets her offer hang in the air and turns to Ryepaw. "Are you excited?" Bubbleburst asks with a smile "Gatherings are just the best. You'll see!"

  • ooc.
  • BUBBLEBURST —— warrior of riverclan , mentoring twinklepaw . mudjaw x breezeflower . littermate to swanpaw ✦ penned by carat
    she/her / 16 moons & ages every 13th
    single / bisexual / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— not a strong fighter, often prefers diplomacy and strategy over strength and battle skills

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 73218862_HIq0jsq1uXx9fZd.png

    a mediumhaired silver marbled tabby with moderate white and blue eyes
  • Flustered
Reactions: BEEFANG
loveburn promises. or, promises to try, and shellpool can't help the way her eyes squint, ruby depths gleaming amusement. beefang shoulders him from the side, flashing a toothy grin that pulls at the ribbons of scar tissue that cut across her speckled face. sometimes he has fluff in his ears, unless it's something real juicy. shellpool laughs, tucking her maw quickly into the plush waves of her pelt, " i'll be holding you to it. " she begins, as bubbleburst approaches her side. she gasps, as if she had just remembered something . . and pulls from her fur a sleek, night dark feather from her fur. this is for you, if you want it.

she watches the exchange without a twitch of serene expression, warmly crinkled eyes, though they've grown a glimmer mischievous if beefang looks back to her, " but i won't . . blame you, if there end up being fluff in your ears too. the company can be . . overwhelming. " she eyes the feather for a beat, then looks to bubbleburst with a phantom smile ; the molly is too sweet, lingering on the border of nativity if she'd not tumbled over it. she was a dear friend . . but there was no harm in trying to goad the wide eyed attention that the molly had been laving on her cousin, what she only assumed was a crush on the lead warrior. it's sweet . . she wonders briefly how moonbeam feels about it, but that, blessedly, isn't her problem.

bubblebursts asks ryepaw if she's excited, again, and shellpool almost can't fault her for it. the girl was even softer spoken than she was, tempered vocals and all. so she leans forwards, interested, " it is a lovely feather, bubbleburst. " she muses, or . . pretends to, maybe. her tail rattles playfully at her paws, " it really will compliment her curls, won't it? you've . . a good eye. " her eyes drift to ryepaw then, slow blinking a kind you're welcome despite the torment she was attempting to cause.

  • ooc.
  • 94808822_mcogFDxtA9gXnmZ.png
    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted eiderdown fur conceals a body worn thin by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with stubborn baby fat in others. her face is delicately constructed as the rest of her ; heart - shaped, fragile, tendered with warmly shadowed eyes. beneath the languor of lapis - veined lids, her gaze brims a rheumy, rosen tinge — ruddy like a pulsing bruise, curtained with heavy lashes that keep her serenely half - lidded.
    LIVING WITH LONGTERM ILLNESS ; always exhibiting the symptoms of a lingering cold, most notably a runny nose and eyes. not contagious unless specified otherwise.