private CACOPHANY ✧ reunion, meeting?


manu de vortes, aeria gloris
Jun 20, 2022
She’d picked her way through the Horseplace, nervous steps taking her through the reek of horse dens to hopefully better disguise her scent. One of the mousers had warned her about WindClan’s increased presence on this border, and the last thing she wants is for the wrong cat to recognize her trail. She knows Brightshine and Lilacstem’s place in the Clan is precarious, and the last thing she wants is to cause trouble for Echolight’s kits, who aren’t even aware of her existence.

Pollenfur wouldn’t have come at all, really, except for the deep ache in her heart, the thorn of longing piercing her every time she thinks about her kits. Her belly is noticeably firmer now, though she’s only just beginning to show her pregnancy. Before long, she’ll be too wide and precious to make this journey. She must make the most of the time she still has.

There’s a fresh line of markers along the gorse bushes. She tenses, amber eyes full of fear as she examines the hills for receding patrols. There’s nothing here—nothing but the wind raking breezy claws through her fur. She sits, her tail twitching impatiently, waiting for her sister. When at last a calico figure appears through the grass, she rises to her paws, smiling—but her expression turns to surprise to see she isn’t alone. “Brightshine?... Oh,” her voice turns into a squeak of alarm. Her family—all of them—they’re here. “Heavy Snow! Lilacstem!” Her voice quivers with emotion, honey-jeweled eyes flicking to three unrecognizable young warriors.

They’d been squirming kits at their mother’s belly when she’d left, and she does not even remember the names Echolight had given them—but she recognizes them immediately, seeing her niece in their features. Two of them resemble Echolight, their pale tortoiseshell pelts gleaming like the heather under the moonlight. The third is dark-furred, his blue eyes guarded. “I’m Pollenfur,” she whispers, but then she hesitates, looking to Brightshine and Lilacstem. “Do they… do they know who I am?

// @BRIGHTSHINE! @Lilacstem @HEAVY SNOW @Larkfeather ! @sparkspirit @Morningsong~

optional: @hyacinthbreath in case she made the journey with Pollenfur!

  • pollen . pollenfur
    — she/her ; loner ; windclan warrior
    — pansexual ; taken by Hyacinthbreath
    — long-haired chocolate calico with amber eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — pixel by Birdman

Her grandmother’s behavior was odd, the urgency in her voice when she asked Larkfeather and her brothers to accompany her out to the Horseplace- to meet an important cat, apparently.
Larkfeather is careful to stick herself close to Lilacheart the entire walk, her injuries a sore reminder of the current bad blood between her and Sparkspirit.
He was fine, of course- cold, as he had been for some time now, Larkfeather supposed.
She doesn’t spare him a glance when the grass finally parts to reveal an unfamiliar she-cat, instead hazel optics would float to Morningsong in a moment of confusion.
She calls her kins names in rejoice, a moment of silence settling before the lilac warrior even realizes brilliant amber optics have now glued themselves to the youngest trio.
I’m Pollenfur.
The name is achingly familiar, the strings on the tip of her tongue- but all Larkfeather can manage in the moment is a friendly smile. If Brightshine, Lilacheart, and Heavy Snow trusted her, so did she.
”My name is Larkfeather, and… are we supposed to?” Her tone is genuinely confused, looking to Brightshine now.
The calico had said this molly was important- did she bring news of her mother? Her father? Had she come to bring them back?
Larkfeather is hopeful, despite what Sparkspirit had tried to throw in her face, she is spitefully optimistic.

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He knows Pollenfur the way that he knows war. He had trained for it his whole life. When he was little and the wounds of childhood were still fresh, he dreamed of her coming back. A family, whole again. They would prove themselves loyal to WindClan, or beg for reentrance. They could be a family again. Looking back now, he knows how pathetic that is. Pollenfur had made her choice when she ran away. Sparkspirit had not even been born then, but it still felt like a personal slight. She couldn't have stayed long enough to meet them? She couldn't have stayed, for them? Like everyone else in this family, Pollenfur had cracked under pressure. She was never going to be a WindClanner. Sparkspirit alone had proved himself worthy. Morningsong and Larkfeather were...passable. His grandmother, the sister and mother to traitors.

He looks at Pollenfur.

Then, jaw tight, to his paws. His head turns away from the entirety of them and towards the moors, stubbornly there even as the greetings begin. Larkfeather leans into it. Of course she does. Accepts it, probably with that smile on her face. He doesn't look. He won't look. "I know you," is all he says.

  • ooc:
  • sparkspirit, sparky. dmab male, he - him - his.
    ──── moor runner warrior of windclan; is very loyal to his clan.
    ──── 09 moons old. born on 12.15.22, and ages 85% real time.
    ──── echolight x elmbreeze, adopted by yewberry. brightfam?

    a long-limbed, trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.

    his apprenticeship has treated sparkspirit well. a newly-named warrior, he is lean and well-muscled, with paws accustomed to long treks throughout the moorland. he is deceptively sturdy and heavier than one might expect.
  • "speech"
  • Sad
Reactions: Marquette
Morningsong will always follow his family on an outing. When Brightshine asked for them to come with her, to come meet someone important, he would not refuse. He was curious. Who was it, he wondered? There were few cats he could think of. Mostly his wayward family members. The thought of any of them being so close gave him knots in his stomach. He would love to see them again, but it isnt safe. Should this meeting be caught by another Windclanner, they were all in trouble.

And he would be forced to make a choice, his family, or his clan?

A choice he isn't sure he wants to think about.

Bitterly, he thinks to himself about knowing what Sparkspirit would do. He can only hope that there is still a sliver of love for his family left in him that he wont rat them out.

The cat he meets at the Horseplace isn't one he recognizes, but he does know of her name when it is spoken.

"Pollenfur...? I've heard your name a few times." He says, lightly tilting his head. "My name is Morningsong. It's....Nice to meet you." He continues.

He shuffles his paws nervously. He only knows her name, nothing else. He wonders what she's like, but he eases his anxieties with the knowledge that his grandmother trusts her, so she must be okay.​
Hyacinthbreath is close by her mate's side by the time they make it to Horseplace, the familiar tinge of WindClan scent putting Hya on edge- her fur rising along her spine as cats arrive to greet Pollenfur. She had to remind herself that this was family to Pollen, that they were important to her. That just because they were WindClan, doesn't make them enemies on sight. Her fur lies flat on her spine soon enough as the cats begin to greet her love, and Hyacinthbreath sits patiently beside her as they all make themselves known. With Pollen's stomach beginning to firm up from their kits, she would soon be unable to venture long distances like this again. Hyacinthbreath would have to take over feeding the both of them, not that she minded. She was an excellent hunter on these farms, it seems. She's lucky the stick the humans used on Sootstar hadn't been used on her yet, in fact.

Silent as she watches the interactions, Hyacinthbreath's eyes wander to her mate's stomach in thought. How many would they have? Would they be healthy?​
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When Brightshine had asked her to follow, Lilacstem was wary. She was even more wary when Birghtshine invited the whole family along. Lilacstem wasn't sure this was entirely wise on a number of fronts. Although she had not seen Pollenfur in some time, she had known of Brightshine's meeting with their lost sister, the secret escape in the middle of the night. It was easy to cover for one cat or potentially play the fool if anyone asked for her whereabouts. But the whole family...that would be a hard one to explain if they were caught.

Lilacstem hates to admit it but she's also wary of how the younger members might react - Sparkspirit especially. She loved her great-nephew dearly, as she did all her kin, but she can't help but wonder how he'll react to this situation.

Despite her worries, Lilacstem's mood shifts when she sees Pollenfur again. Her heart swells with a deep affection for the sister they had been forced to part with, driven from her home by the tyrannical ways of WindClan and its leader. "Pollenfur!" Lilacstem cried out, practically skipping over to her sister to greet her once again. "It has been too long. I have missed you, sister."
Brightshine had been beyond happy that everyone had agreed to come and see Pollenfur. She knew Lilacstem and Heavy Snow would say yes - she’d been slightly more concerned about what her grandchildren would say. Fortunately, they all agreed, Sparkspirit a little more reluctant than the others but cooperative nonetheless. As she leads the way, prancing across the moonlit moor, she is sure to hype up the situation. “You guys will be so surprised!” She promises the three young warriors, “But you have to promise not to tell anyone, ‘kay?” She’s placing all of her trust in them right now. If even one spills, the entire family is in trouble.

Finally, they arrive at the border and the calico watches with a grin as Lilacstem rushes forward to greet Pollenfur. Brightshine bounces forward to stand beside the other she-cat, halting to twirl around and stare gleefully at her grandkids. “She’s your mother’s aunt,” She chirps, ears swiveling forward. “Mine and Lilac’s sister!”

Emerald eyes find her littermate’s mate sitting next to Pollenfur, and she offers her a kind smile. She…still doesn’t know what her sister sees in the ex-Sootstar loyalist, but she won’t say anything. Instead, she decides to switch topics entirely and tell them all why she’d wanted them to come out together. “So…Heavy Snow and I have some news. We wanted to tell all of you together, and Pollenfur…I wanted you to tell Mallowlark, if you get the chance.” She looks to her, eyes squinting with the sad smile she gives her. “Snowy?” She then trills, whipping her head towards him.
The first young cat to approach is almost heart-stoppingly similar to her departed mother. She calls herself Larkfeather. Pollenfur’s eyes bead with tears she dares not shed. “Maybe… not supposed to,” she offers weakly. Supposed to—in whose eyes, after all? StarClan’s, her mother’s, her grandmother’s—her leader’s? The calico’s spine tingles. She shifts her gaze to the dark-furred one, the one who must resemble the forbidden father.

His eyes are piercing blue. His expression is tormented. He does not offer his name to Pollenfur—all he says is, “I know you,” and then, coldly, shifts his gaze away. She stares at him, distraught, but—but she can’t be angry or sad, not when she knew it could be like this. “That’s… that’s good,” she murmurs, weak. She seeks Hyacinthbreath’s flank, needing her support. “I…” She turns to the last one, a tom with a similar pelt to Echolight’s, “I have waited so long to meet you all.

The stoicism is broken, though, by a familiar pale figure. Lilac—now Lilacstem—shoves her way to the front of the crowd, brushing her nose across Pollenfur’s. The calico’s eyes brim with tears, and now they overflow. “StarClan, I’ve… I’ve missed you,” she says, returning the affectionate nuzzle. “How are you? Have you… are you… are you okay?” She steps back, studying this sister, the one she has not seen in so long. She looks for new scars, new wounds, new nicks in that pale fur.

But Brightshine speaks again, and Pollenfur turns, attention diverted. Her eyes soften at the mention of Heavy Snow. “News?” Her tail begins to flick. “Is it…” There’s no perceptible difference in her sister’s figure yet, but a mother knows another, and Pollenfur’s smile becomes tremulous, though she dares not spoil the surprise for the rest of the family.

  • pollen . pollenfur
    — she/her ; loner ; windclan warrior
    — pansexual ; taken by Hyacinthbreath
    — long-haired chocolate calico with amber eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — pixel by Birdman

Heavy Snow does not believe this is a particularly good idea, but Brightshine had been so insistent, so certain and it was always difficult for him to say no to her. Besides, he misses Pollenfur too. Misses all of his found family who had found homes elsewhere. Still, his multi colored eyes flash as he occasionally looks behind them as they walk, searching both with his eyes and his nose for any sign of a patrol. His white pelt stands out in stark contrast to the moors, he knows. It made him incredibly easy to pick out in the barren landscape. He had found ways to hunt around it but this was something different entirely. If they were caught... well, he doesn't want to think about that.

When they get to the border he feels the tension leave his shoulder, though only a little and when he lays his eyes on that familiar tortoiseshell pelt his maw erupts into a wide grin "Its good to see you" he says, his voice warm despite his reservations about being here. He watches all of Echolight's kits, gauging their reactions though he makes no comment on their behavior himself. Their feelings on the matter were all understandable and it was not his place to tell them how they should react to their aunt.

His attention is drawn back to Pollenfur when she asks about the news they had to bring and he steps forward, his snowy white pelt brushing against Brightshine's tortoiseshell fur and a wide smile erupting on his features. "Kits!" he finishes for her, seeing the recognition already spark in her eyes. "Brightshine and I are expecting kits" he looks down at his mate with a gaze full of nothing but love and excitement. "We wanted you all to be the firsts to know" he explains. It was the reason for this trek after all.