sensitive topics Cafe 1930 // Blaze


Keeper of Stories
Oct 22, 2022

The birth of a new star had shook every corner of the forest, from the pebbles on the farthest riverbank to the eldest pine trees that called the marshes their home. Yet here, in the place where great needled giants met skeletal oaks to the north, was where it had been felt the most.

Keeper of Stories, thats what his role was, and yet...this was never supposed to be his story to keep. It should've been someone else's to keep alive, perhaps his granddaughter, or the kits who would come in the next generation, but not him, older than the story's protagonist by too many seasons. Morningpaw died too young, from foolishness that should've never been hers to try and fix. Now, her father stood a shell of his former self, the guiding star of Skyclan rendered a flickering ember from not only the death of one kit, but the essential loss of his love and some of his remaining children. Crushed under the weight of outliving your child when no parent should ever have to feel that grief.

Yet, Morningbird too, had felt it, knew the gaping hole that felt like it would never close, had endured the rain that never seemed like it would let up, he had endured it alone, as any elder would.

'But...Blazestar should not be alone.' He thinks, leaving Mushroomkit in the care of her dear friends, feather-flecked tail trailing behind him as he pokes his head into the leader's den. "Blazestar, how about we go on a little walk? Just us two, like we did back then?"

Alone, outside of camp, because if Blazestar should cry, he should be able to do it without prying eyes and ears, he should be able to do it in the comfort of someone who was too old to idolize him and the lives he was gifted.

header by lleafeons on DA, fancy via chérie​
( * ˚ ✦ ) His den is as much a prison as it is a sanctuary now. He has forged his own shackles, and he knows this, even as he hurries away from the pitying eyes of his Clanmates to rush into the stale, shabby moss that serves as his nest. Still faint with the scents of his kits, damp with tears and snow blown haphazardly through the entrance of his den, so that his bones ache when he awakes every morning -- but he can't get rid of it, he doesn't have the energy to.

And always, someone comes to disturb him. He shifts in the nest, preparing to dully tell whoever it is to go find Orangeblossom and bother her, but the cat who pokes his face in is Morningbird. "Blazestar, how about we go on a little walk? Just us two, like we did back then?"

He sighs, feeling deflated, defeated. He doesn't want to talk to Morningbird -- and a small part of him acknowledges that it's because he's afraid.

But he shoves himself to his feet, ungainly and staggering, scraps of old moss clinging to his ungroomed cream fur. He only nods to the older tom, ambling from the mouth of his den and into the weak leafbare sunlight.