cake by the ocean - intro


Sep 23, 2022

"Come and look what I've got!" Elmbreeze's confident voice would echo around the camp. The seal mink tom had just come back from what nobody could deny had been a very successful hunting trip. On the floor in front of his dark feet, was a large silvery fish, freshly caught from the river. It was rare that Elmbreeze caught anything worth boasting about - by his own admission he was a lacklustre hunter - but with the sheer size of the fish and the effort it had taken to catch the damn thing, he was going to talk about it until his clanmates grew sick and tired of him. He would pause to shake out his fur, soaking wet from where he had waded in to get the fish once he had killed it, and gave a few hasty licks of his chest to smooth his fur out some more. When he was aware of another cat approaching, he stopped and looked up at them, a prideful glint in his eyes. "You can thank me whenever you're ready."

Clayfur has been steadily getting better at fishing, helped by his daily practice and the tips and tricks offered by both Smogbreath and Clearsight. He isn’t awful at it anymore, but most of the fish that he catches are still rather small. But some others within RiverClan are much better at it than him—including Elmbreeze, who Clay notices when he approaches and is greeted with a look of unmistakable pride.

The tom has dragged a large fish from the water, and Clay offers him a broad smile. He’s a rather handsome warrior, although Clay thinks nearly every tom in the clan is attractive so it doesn’t really matter. He jerks his chin toward the fish at Elmbreeze’s paws, hazel eyes slightly wide as he takes in the size of it. Voice and expression both full of awe, the warrior asks, "Did you catch that?" He doesn’t give much thought to the other feline’s words, doesn’t realize that his question is practically already answered.

Crawlingroach wasn't necessarily a bad hunter, he was actually quite decent in truth, but he was prone having memorable incidents from time to time. Unfortunately it could be the negative things in life that stuck out the most. But in today's case it seemed as though Elmbreeze was determined to make his accomplishment shine above all else.

The black tom arrived only seconds behind Clayfur, having only been heading in the same direction by chance, and he wasn't disappointed by what he saw when his eyes zoned in on the fish. "Wow! That's a catch and a half! I bet that must have been a fight to get to shore." Crawlingroach had surprise and awe written right across his face as he sat back on his haunches. "Heh! Think you can give us a few pointers, Elmbreeze?"


− ♱ ABOUT : the man is lounging outside his den when the tom strolls back into camp, damp fur still barely dripping with cool river water. pallid luminaries slip open at the sound of rustling reed and he watches the mink felidae settle, pupils slitted against the sun where it casts golden rays over his bicolored features. he is proud — teeming with a smile as he tips his head back, announcing to the bustling clan come and look what i got!. as clayfur nears him, and an orbital ear twitches in amusement. the river leader finally lifts himself, stretching too - long limbs before making his looming approach. he comes up alongside crawlingroach, the ebony tom pouring praise upon his clanmate to which he would nod — it was a sizable catch, and though his eyes gleam with amusement, they catch elmbreeze’s gaze with a quiet smile, “ you’re certainly improving. “ accented vocals come, a murmur amidst his clanmates fervent words.

  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty seven months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and icy blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a thick german accent, former marsh cat, penned by antlers

  • none.

( ᴛᴀɢs. )  ❝  When Hound's shoulder jostles to Cicada's, there's no true answer to whether it's a friendly nudge or a search for stability on wounded limbs. He lingers there, though, a subtle lean into the taller tom's side 'til he convinces his body to right itself. Everyone's cheerful, pleased– full of praise, each and every word. He cannot say that he's entirely unimpressed. Through he's a fine enough fisher himself, that's still enough fish to fill several bellies tonight. (As someone who cannot provide in this moment, wistful jealousy spears through his stomach.) "You can't truly think he's caught it himself," the chocolate warrior stage-whispers to Cicada, head turned as if to hide it but playful voice loud enough for everyone's ears. "Someone else must've let 'im take the credit for it."

  • 50335651_ibz4tSApItgOjRI.png
  • ──── houndsnarl. trans male, he/him pronouns.
    ──── approximately 30 moons old, or 2.5 years.
    ──── bisexual with firm male preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"


Frostpaw approached next, an impressed look gracing her eyes at Elmbreeze's catch. While others praised him, Houndsnarl expressed his doubt and Frostpaw hummed a bit as she examined the fish with a shrug. "It is quite impressive, and I'm sure Elmbreeze got it himself, the fish are getting fatter and lazier now that its leaf-fall" she placed in pointedly before nodding and smiling at Elmbreeze "either way, its impressive nonetheless so good job Elmbreeze" she spoke with warmth in her voice as her tail swished gently. Mayhaps she would be the next to bring home a good sizable fish to show off to the clan.

It isn't long before his clanmates are surrounding him, coming to look at the large fish, as per his request. Clayfur asks whether he had caught it, to which Elmbreeze nods. Crawlingroach is quick to heap on the praise and his words are agreed upon by Cicadastar himself, who even compliments his improved skill. Nervous by the leader's mere presence, Elmbreeze scuffs a paw absentmindedly in the dirt, dipping his head in gratitude. "I appreciate your words Cicadastar," He mews, mustering up a bright smile. "Hopefully I will continue to improve." Time would tell if he had actually improved or whether the large catch was merely a fluke.

At Houndsnarl's little comment, Elmbreeze laughs out loud. "What kind of cat do you take me for?" He teases, giving the chocolate tabby a wry glance. "I caught this beauty all by myself and don't I know it. The damn thing nearly had me diving in after it!" He chortles.