Calamity Fortune / Swimming (Intro)

Mar 8, 2024

Tigersplash had a deep hatred for leafbare, sure she could still theoretically swim even in the coldest of the seasons days by finding a weak spot in the ice but not without the cost of winding up with icicles in her fur at best and at worst her body locking up from the freezing temperatures. She delights in the warmth Greenleaf is bringing, it makes those miserable moons almost worth withstanding. Ever since she'd first learned how to swim the river had been her first love and a true one at that. The waters were still chilly but far more welcoming, the gentle ebbing and flowing of its banks creates a sound akin to music to her. She saunters over until the water laps against her paws, a chill runs down his spine at the touch but she would get used to it, she had her ways. Regardless a toothy grin stretched across her face as she catches her reflection in the surface "Helloooo beautiful" she purrs loud enough to be utterly shameless.

The muscles in her hind legs begin to bunch up as she prepares herself and like a springboard they push off and she's sent launching forward with a loud enough splash to send any fish that may have been beneath zooming away. Her head goes under but not for long, it breaks through the surface a guffaw of laughter rumbling out of the tabbies throat like thunder. "Now that hits the spot", there was no better way of easing oneself into the water then by shoving away all that pretense away and jumping right in there!

  • tigersplash_wiki_sprite.png
    Tigerplash She/He, Warrior of Riverclan, 17 moons
    A chocolate/cinnamon chimera she-cat with high white and amber eyes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​
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Reactions: FOXTAIL
。 ⋆🕷⋆ 。 One eye opens, then the other in slow succession. He has hunted already today and sunbathes for a short break, which explains his passing irritation— as opposed to a far greater, long-lasting disdain had he been fishing when Tigersplash threw herself into the river. Even without her very loud exuberation, her delight would be as clear to Bogspider as the dawn, and perhaps he would envy her enthusiasm if he thought jealousy was at all productive. Swimming is purely practical for him; providing for RiverClan is easiest within its namesake, but he does not laugh or smile or sigh in relief.

He closes his eyes again and returns their head to his paws. "You live up to your name. As always."
⸻  a tall torbie with perpetually disheveled, thick fur and mire-gold eyes. while slightly taller than average, he lacks a noticeable presence. they are a peripheral creature, and one that is quite rangy in build, as though a slim yet sturdy mangrove root has taken feline form. not unlike his namesake, he is capable of an eerie stillness waiting for just the right stimulus to strike.


If every RiverClanner were named for their prowess in the water he would run out of unique titles for them, he had never been clever with names in the beginning - not even naming his own kits in any kind of interesting manner, but he'd eventually gotten to a point where he viewed naming a cat less as a stressful task to dwell over and more something to be spoken of on the spot and from the heart. He no longer sat in his den musing over soon-to-be warriors and fretting they would dislike what he'd chosen, instead they came to him now as if spoken in whispers from the cat's very soul themselves. They spoke of journeys had and to be had, things to cherish and memories to never forget, skills mastered and spirits uncrushed. Splash was a favorite if he was being truthful, there was something carefree about it in a way most names associated with the water lacked - most leaned more to eloquence and grace, splash was clumsy and untamed. It fit Tigersplash, as she quickly proved, sending water lapping across the pebbled shore as he approached to sit alongside Bogspider's mud patched pelt, "It is nice to have the river back." He says with an amused glint in his lone amber eye, "Well, with warm water...that is."
It had not frozen this season thankfully, but it had still been too cold to swim.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.






Golden-brown tabby ears perked up as the young warrior heard splashing from where she lay. Ice-blue eyes fluttered open, revealing Tigersplash, Bogspider, and Smokestar in front of her. Blinking away sleep from where she had been dozing in a patch of sunlight, Shellwhisker got to her paws and stretched, her tail curling towards her back.

The younger warrior padded forward, nodding respectfully to Smokestar. ''Greetings, Smokestar,'' She mewed, then turned to the other two. ''Tigersplash, Bogspider.''

''The weather really is nice today,'' Shellwhisker added onto Smokestar's statement, turning to him. ''Swimming is bound to be nicer now.'' The golden-brown and white tabby blinked warmly before slinking gracefully into the river in front of her, strong muscles rippling beneath her sleek pelt as she swam. The sunlight dappling Shellwhisker's fur made her pelt glow somewhat amber.

Spotting a carp swimming past, Shellwhisker dove beneath the water, reappearing above the surface a moment later with the plump carp between her jaws.





@SMOKESTAR // @Tigersplash // @BOGSPIDER


{ this marks shell's third in-character roleplay if you'd add her to the census, please, smoke :3 }

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Foxtail couldn't agree more with his littermate, he too hates leafbare. But it wasn't exactly for the same reasons. The harsh, cold weather of leafbare freezes some rivers, and those that are not frozen are frigid cold. He hates leafbare as the ground gets covered in snow and prey is more difficult to catch, but it also reminds him of his accident when they were apprentices. Water can be dangerous. Drowning is a silent killer, if one doesn't know how to properly swim, the river can easily sweep a cat underneath it's currents. But water in leafbare also throws hypothermia into the mix.... He remembers how could the water felt when he plunged into it that fateful day. It was paralyzing, he felt like he could barely move, and that he couldn't breathe. In a way, perhaps he does dislike leafbare for a similar reason after all: they both dislike how cold the rivers get. Though their reasons are not the same, not in the slightest.

Out of his littermates, Tigersplash is the one who is most connected to the river. Sometimes he wishes he could be like her. The dangers of swimming doesn't seem to bother her; she lives up to her name sake. She was named Tigersplash for a reason, after all. His paws still shake when he swims— he refuses to be a dry-paw. The fear of silently drowning is always in the back of his mind, he hasn't been able to shake it off. But despite the fears that live in Foxtail's mind, he finds himself padding to the river. The irony from all of this is that the tom is quite the hunter. He loves to hunt fish, he honestly prefers it over land prey.

His olive green eyes land on his littermate, as she saunters over the moving current. Despite the fact that he wishes he could be as confident as her with the water, that doesn't mean he holds any jealously towards her. He's happy that she can jump into the water so freely... maybe one day he'll be in the same boat as her. She seems to jump into the river right as Foxtail pads up to the bank, and he barely gets to blink before what happens next. River water splashes onto his fur, soaking his long, thick fur. He shakes his fur out, and lets out a laugh.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" He meows at his littermate, shaking his head in a joking manner. He takes a glance over at the other cats who have gathered— Bogspider, Smokestar and Shellwhisker— and gives them all a nod in greeting. His ears prick up at Bogspider's words, and he couldn't help but give a nod of agreement— she really does live up to her name sake! Quite literally, he's soaked to the bone! "Y-you must be pleased the river isn't freezing anymore, huh?" He mews, as he stands at the bank of the river, wishing he could jump in with him.

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to rai for the mini & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    17 moons


He and Tigersplash shared kindred spirits and kindred names- both given their titles for a prowedd in the water, particular and eager. Where Ferngill already paddled, from downstream he heard a bursting splash, a little flurry of voices- they beckoned him toward the scene, his grin shiny-bright, his eye an emerald refracting joy. Surging toward Tigersplash in the river, Ferngill attempted to swat a playful spray of water her way. Some attempt to put her on equal footing with Foxtail... even if she was already soaked through. Out of all his clanmates, he was quite sure Tigersplash wouldn't mind.

A fiery ear flicked Shellwhisker's way. "It is! I'm thrilled that the water's warm again," he chimed. In early life he'd thought he wasn't cut out to be a warrior at all- had worried that he wasn't worth a RiverClan name, wasn't faithful to his purely RiverClan blood. But the connection he felt to the river- the deep, cutting loss he'd felt at not being able to splay himself in starlit waters over the colder season- and his name, yes... all of that had given him the security he had so lacked in apprenticeship.
penned by pin

He and Tigersplash shared kindred spirits and kindred names- both given their titles for a prowedd in the water, particular and eager. Where Ferngill already paddled, from downstream he heard a bursting splash, a little flurry of voices- they beckoned him toward the scene, his grin shiny-bright, his eye an emerald refracting joy. Surging toward Tigersplash in the river, Ferngill attempted to swat a playful spray of water her way. Some attempt to put her on equal footing with Foxtail... even if she was already soaked through. Out of all his clanmates, he was quite sure Tigersplash wouldn't mind.

A fiery ear flicked Shellwhisker's way. "It is! I'm thrilled that the water's warm again," he chimed. In early life he'd thought he wasn't cut out to be a warrior at all- had worried that he wasn't worth a RiverClan name, wasn't faithful to his purely RiverClan blood. But the connection he felt to the river- the deep, cutting loss he'd felt at not being able to splay himself in starlit waters over the colder season- and his name, yes... all of that had given him the security he had so lacked in apprenticeship.
penned by pin
‎‧₊˚✧[ Shellwhisker ]✧˚₊‧
Shellwhisker felt her ears perk up at Ferngill's voice, and she turned to face the lead warrior, blinking warmly. She flung the carp onto the riverbank and gave a purr.

''The fishing is certainly nice, too,'' The golden-brown and white tabby admitted. ''Especially this close to newleaf.''

‎‧₊˚✧[ Mentions ]✧˚₊‧
@SMOKESTAR // @Tigersplash // @BOGSPIDER // @FOXTAIL
[ carpspeckle shall be my next riverclan cat's name >:3 ]
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A purr croaks from her chest as she lets herself trust her own weightlessness, her legs only paddling to keep her head just above the surface. Her splash draws attention, she wasn't alone on the shore when she came to it but hardly paid attention to just how close her clanmates were before jumping in. A cheeky toothy grin points towards a Bogspider, one amber eye winking "You know it!" she agrees jovially. She remembered when she was still just a paw ruminating on all the possible names she could get as a warrior, funnily enough she'd worried over getting something lame. Thankfully she was granted a great name, she remembered how her chest ha puffed out when she heard the cheers of her warrior name. It had a undeniably ring to it, it tied her to the river and suited her perfectly. She respectfully dips her head to her leader as he comes to sit besides Bogspider, it served as a nod of agreement as well. Briefly she spots Asterpaw who before she can say anything has turned his back and padded away. It's disheartening, she's sure the apprentice needs some levity and she was always happy to help any of them with swimming or well just showing them there was more to clan life then work.

She frowns only for a moment before she catches the form of her brother parts of his fur soaked from her jump, in all honesty she'd been to distracted to notice if she splashed anyone but she knows if she had seen him she'd have tried to make the splash even bigger. She had to live up to her name after all. She laughs "You know it little brother!" they were littermates born at most minutes after each other but she'd been told she was first as a young kit and she took that to heart. She fretted over him so much after his accident just as she did for Hawkcloud - she knows they will always view the river different from her. That doesn't stop her from gesturing with one paw smacking the water "C'mon get your payback jump in!" she tells him trying to be encouraging. One day all three of them would be able to swim together again without any fear, that's what she wants. Her attention shift however.

She paddled idly her gaze flitting over to the familiar face of Shellwhisker as she approaches, they'd been apprentices together and now were fledglings into the warrior lifestyle. She opens her mouth about to invite her in to join but the molly is already lipping into the water, she watches intently admiring the other warriors physique and the way her fur glistened in the suns rays that reflected off the surface of the water. "Was hoping someone would join me, i'm getting woefully lonely all by myself" she puts on the dramatics playfully flashing a look towards the two toms still on dry land. By the time she looks back at Shellwhisker she finds the sight of blood in the water and a plump fish in her jaws, "Woah there Shell nice catch!" she mraows, she herself was a fine enough hunter not the best but her finesse in the water granted her many talents.

She's distracted when she feels water splash onto her head it surprised her, she turns to see a friendly face; that of Ferngill. Raucous laughter returns mirthfully to the air "Someone's looking to start a water war!" they'd been through horrible battles, there was some relief in trying to make something so horrible fun in her mind. A large paw would come out of the water before slapping down as hard as she could muster to try and splash the tom back playfully

A purr welled up in Shellwhisker's throat at Tigersplash's praise. ''Thank you, Tigersplash!'' The words came out of the RiverClanner's maw along with a friendly tone. She squealed as the force of her Clanmate's splash sent water spraying onto her face. Shellwhisker shook her head and twitched her whiskers with amusement, ice-blue eyes shining. The young warrior dived beneath the water and swam over to Tigersplash, grabbing her hind leg gently between her teeth and dragging her underwater, as well. The golden-brown tabby resurfaced alongside her Clanmate, purring.
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