sensitive topics call it a girls night // sick

Mar 25, 2023

stalkingpaw & 12 moons & polygender & any pronouns & riverclan apprentice

She should've known this would happen - really, she should have. It'd been surprising enough that her clanmates were getting sick, but when it was otterpaw's turn to join the medicine den, well, it had really cemented her reality. She'd thought for a moment, that she'd managed to escape her fate - they'd been hanging out together quite a bit when she'd noticed how friendly boneripple wa with him, an idle curiosity and her excitability getting the best of her. Things had petered out a bit when her mother had vanished - and well, the rest was history. She'd thought she'd managed to avoid it, this yellowcough - her sudden aversion to her clanmates only helping her chances. But that morning, when she wakes it is not to the usual chill of leafbare, but the fiery heat of greenleaf. Eyes barely open to a blurry world before she realizes something is wrong, a rumbling croak leaving her throat when she tries to speak. Everything hurts - from her limbs to her joints to her tender throat, all of her burns and aches. Legs tremble as she hauls herself to her paws, tilting woozily as she blinks - she- she needs to- to - oh, what had she been doing again? Emerald eyes blink slowly, wide and unfocused as she stands in place, swaying and absent-minded.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: currently fevered and delirious, feel free to notice and/or help her to the med den
    tw/cw: sickness related symptoms
  • a beautiful white furred apprentice with a black face and stripe down her back, and starlike freckles upon her cheeks. emerald eyes are wide and expressive, by far her most stunning feature. stalkingpaw is an emotional feline, quick to act and react before she really thinks, but you know that whatever she says and does is always honest and well intentioned.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=crimson]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


Ravensong was sick. Ravensong was sick and they had more cats getting sick by the day. Not that Ravensong would have been able to cure anything without the lungwort the clans had sent their clanmates out to get but with every day that went by with no sign from them he felt more and more hopeless. Their medicine cat could not aid the ill, could not ease them into nests to rest for he took up one on his own and Smokethroat knew something needed to be done; it was why he kept assigning Snakeblink to help, it was why he kept trying to keep cats from wandering into the medicine cat den unprompted and it was why the second he saw Stalkingpaw wobbling and swaying like a leaf in the wind in the middle of the camp he knew what was happening.
They had seen it often enough now that any cat could recognize the signs, Flutterpaw dying so suddenly had been enough warning to be mindful, to keep eyes and ears open for any indication of the sickness.
Smokethroat rises from where he was sitting, enjoying a meal with Beepaw before they headed out to train and he flicks his tail so his daughter stays back - his approach to Stalkingpaw is light and careful as her name, "...Stalkingpaw. You're not feeling well are you? Come with me, we're going to get you to the medicine cat den..."
Where she can what? Sit there and fester away in illness and confusion with no healer to aid her? Alongside Mudpelt? How many cats would they lose?
Was it worth going to another clan and asking for their medicine cat to help Ravensong? Smokethroat didn't know, he couldn't figure out what to do and so he focused on the now and the small things he could do in the moment. Get this apprentice onto a nest and isolated from the rest of the clan and hope, hope, hope to the stars something gave...
Apprentice Tag - @BEEPAW.
It’s different, watching someone go through the same symptoms you went though, being on the other side of it. Aspenhaze can only imagine just how out of it they must have seemed, walking through camp on unstable paws. It’s an uncomfortable sight, to be sure. Even so, they feel a moral obblogarion to help those who show signs of Yellowcough now. Especially with Ravensong out of commission…the cat that quite frankly needed to stay healthy the most.

Aspenhaze approaches Stalkingpaw’s side slowly, opposite to Smokethroat.
“Let me help.” Their voice is softer than usual, but still serious in tone. Losing Smokethroat as well to this evil disease would be devastating for the clan. They doubt they could convince him to just let them handle this on their own, but hopefully he wouldn’t push them away, at the very least. This is the least they could do, having to spend so much time in the medicine den, now healed while the others will have to continue to suffer.

The thought of asking another clan for help also crosses their mind, but they try not to focus on it for too long. Keeping RiverClan’s pride, or keeping cats alive…Aspenhaze hates to admit that it’s a harder decision than they’d like. Not to mention that there’s no certainty that the other clans would give them anything, much less have what they need. But they don’t have any authority, so there’s no reason to think about it further.

Sablepaw returned to camp just ahead of Cindershade empty pawed from their hunt. Much to her worry, prey was beginning to become harder to find. But the thought fled from her mind upon noticing both Aspenhaze and Smokethroat assisting Stalkingpaw to Ravensong's den. Soft blue eyes widen in dismay, dark paws moving briskly to catch up with the group. Fear plunges an icy stake through her heart leaving her ears to droop against the ivory stripe of her helm. Wolverinefang was dead. Boneripple had vanished. Now her sibling was plagued by a sickness that could only be cured by a herb they had no access to. Threatening to pluck her away from what little family she had left. The two of them were all that remained. "Stalkingpaw..." Her voice trails, dying on her tongue as she observes her sister's weakened state. "You have to fight it. You have to stay strong until they come back with the lungwort." Easier said than done, she knows. Yellowcough seemed to choose its victims and sap the very life from them swiftly.
≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw had been sharing a meal with Smokethroat having been picking off scales from her prey before letting her teeth sink into the fish where blood had began to bead over its scale covered body. She had been hiding the scales behind her arm in hopes of sweeping it into the small fish scale pool before heading out for training, she considered it luck in a way and the memory that she had shared with her other father being one that she was keeping close to her heart. She skillfully takes off another scale when Smokethroat isn't paying attention and feels rather content with her small pile though realizes what he had been looking at. Stalkingpaw. The smoke molly sitting up from where she had been laying ready to assist but with a flick of her fathers tail it signals her to stay away from the feverish apprentice.

She rises to her paws slowly regardless but stays put where she is unable to help but frown at the thought of Stalkingpaw falling ill and potentially passing like Flutterpaw. She shakes her head leaving behind her scales and meal not wanting to stay back idly to do nothing "I'll clear out her nest from the apprentices den... Just to be safe," She informs her father with a dip of her head only to offer Sablepaw, her dear friend, a sad smile but does not spare a word now focused on getting rid of Stalkingpaw's nest... Who knows if it had anything that might infect the other apprentices, she hopes not. Beepaw wouldn't want either of her littermates to grow ill and her stomach tightens at the thought of it as she disappears into the den without another word.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
Ratpaw was finding it harder and harder to stay positive with all the cats getting sick. Even the ones that were being careful were finding themselves cursed with having to stay within Ravensong's den, and now that he was sick too it left no one to go out and point out the herbs that would be good to use in a time like this, and it only made her worry about how long it would be before everyone was sick and stuck in that den with no sign of help coming from the stores that was slowly dwindling down day by day. Lump rose in her throat as she neared the conversation, worried glance cast over to Stalkingpaw and then towards Aspenhaze and Smokethroat as they began to help the older apprentice make it to Ravensong's den.

"I'll uh, help Beepaw." She found herself saying, heading closer over to her friend as she made her way towards the apprentices den. They could clean out Stalkingpaw's nest and move some stuff over to the outside of the medicine den for Stalkingpaw to use for a nest in there if need-be. She couldn't imagine how many new nests there were in there now, or how many sick cats were potentially piled on top of each other. The thought caused her tail to puff in alarm for a moment before she looked over towards Stalking once again, casting a hopeful glance the other's way before she quickly scurried off with the black and white apprentice.

  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

Snakeblink is returning from patrol with his apprentice and meager catch — the prey scared away by clumsy paws in the river though, for once, not their own — when he notices the commotion surrounding Stalkingpaw. He slithers closer, catching the tail-end of Sablepaw’s plea, and his ears flick back in realization as he notices the apprentice’s shivering form, her bleary eyes.

Another one.

He nods to Smokethroat and Aspenhaze as they take charge of the younger cat. There’s still space in the medicine den for her; at the rate of contagion, who knows how long that will last. At least apprentices are small— Stars, it’s grim.

”Good thinking,” he tells the two apprentices who go to clean up Stalkingpaw’s nest from the den. To Carppaw: ”Do you know who sleeps next to Stalkingpaw? It might be worth it to ask whether they have been feeling off as well.” Flutterpaw’s rapid decline, gone unnoticed, is still fresh in his mind.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • apprentice tag @CARPPAW
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Carppaw hadn't caught anything while out with Snakeblink- she had been unusually quiet in the days following Flutterpaw's death, and today was no exception. She padded after him, and as the quiet murmuring of camp caught up to her, Carppaw's eyes lifted. She shifted her gaze between the cats present, and a soft noise of surprise left her. Another one. How many more will Starclan take?

Death was no longer unusual to her, and that may be a bad thing, she wonders. Snakeblink spoke to the other apprentices present- neither were Cicadapaw, but both were familiar. Her eyes watched them as her mentor spoke to her. Gaze shifting, she looked up at him. "I... No, I'm not sure." She murmurs in response, vision shifting back to the sight of those leading Stalkingpaw to the medicine cat den. "I can see if Beepaw or Ratpaw knows?" Carppaw asked Snakeblink, unsure of where to lead in this conversation.

I don't want to wake up to another dead clanmate.


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean

stalkingpaw & 12 moons & polygender & any pronouns & riverclan apprentice

She feels like she's floating in the river, strangely light and bouncy in spite of the painful heat and the ache in her bones. Green eyes link slowly, unseeing - ears unhearing, as though she has shut out the world around her. It is only when that voice speaks that she seems alert once more, head creaking slowly as it turns to meet a face she knows all to well. She blinks slowly, green meeting blue as she stares at her sister. It's strange she thinks, hearing such concern. They are not the closest of siblings - a gap in skills, an incompatibility between personalities, stalkingpaw's own jealousy, their mothers sudden disappearance. And yet - sablepaw is there, calling out to her. Telling her to be okay. To fight "Ok-ay," voice croaks dully, sounding nothing like her usual tinkling pitch, and she startles. The touch of another against her pelt finally has her moving, blindly and aimlessly waddling her way where she's pushed, until at last she's in the medicine den where she belongs. Sablepaw is right - she should... she will... she - oh, what had she been thinking again? Eyes feel heavy, as though she can hardly keep them open. Maybe she should take a nap.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: && out
    tw/cw: more delusional behavior </3
  • a beautiful white furred apprentice with a black face and stripe down her back, and starlike freckles upon her cheeks. emerald eyes are wide and expressive, by far her most stunning feature. stalkingpaw is an emotional feline, quick to act and react before she really thinks, but you know that whatever she says and does is always honest and well intentioned.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=crimson]action here[/color][/b] and tag account