backwritten CALL IT DREAMING // lightpaw's warrior assessment

// @Lightflower

With Roeflame in the nursery expecting her kits' arrival, Lightpaw is left to finish the remainder of her training on the heels of other mentors. From what Howlingstar has seen, she's been attending patrols and training sessions with other pairs of warriors with their apprentices, and from what she hears, the she-cat has been doing quite well. It's time, then, for her to take her assessment. With Roeflame's blessing, she leads the apprentice out into the woods early in the morning. They head south, towards the SkyClan border where it's safer from the dangers that lurk near Snakerocks. "Lightpaw, you will spend the entire day out in this forest," She tells her over her shoulder, continuing to pad through the trees. "I want you to use everything Roeflame has taught you to hunt as many pieces of fresh-kill as you can. I will be watching you the entire time, but you won't see nor hear me. When your assessment is over, I will retrieve you. Is that all understood?" Finally, she stops and turns around, facing the pale gray tabby with a neutral look.
Lightpaw followed her leader out into the territory, anxiety gnawing at her stomach. She felt like her lungs might explode. Howlingstar was the one watching her test. The Howlingstar. What if she did terribly? What if she froze up and looked bad in front of her leader? This was not what she had in mind. Curse Roeflame for being pregnant. It couldn't wait just a few more weeks?

The grey molly listened intently as Howlingstar explained the rules to her. "Uh yes, Howlingstar, I understand, She managed. And with that, she was off. Just catch prey, you can do that... She thought, taking a few deep breaths. Silently, she paced forward, scenting the air for any kind of prey. The crisp air held little to pick out, but to her left, she sensed it. A rustle, a scent. Bird... finch, maybe? She wondered. Nevermind that, she just had to catch it. She dropped low, quick and light on her feet. As she moved through the dry leaf-litter she made little sound. Then the bird was there in front of her. She was right about it being a finch, at least. She leapt forward, killing it swiftly. First one down, that's progress.
"Good," She answers, giving the other an encouraging nod before the apprentice bounds off. Howlingstar has given many assessments like this before; she falls into the same old habit. With her body low, she creeps into the undergrowth, careful not to step on any dry or brittle pieces of foliage. Her jaws part, her ears twitch, and she uses all of her senses to keep track of where Lightpaw has gone off to. She travels in her wake, silent in the shadows of the forest. Peering out from beneath a fern, she watches as the apprentice pounces on a finch and kills it swiftly. Nice job. Birds are difficult, She thinks, inwardly praising her mentor for passing on such a skill. But it's still early in the assessment - there is much to watch throughout the entire day.