"Call me a reckless wrecking ball" Sparring (open)


Not your alibi.
Mar 17, 2023
It was a slow morning to say the least and with nothing to do and the need to prove herself, the four moon old apprentice made way for the center of camp.
There was an itching in her paws, she wanted to be challenged, she wanted to overcome and she wanted to be seen as strong. That's all she'd ever wanted as long as she could remember and now she was finally an apprentice. Surely now her clanmates would take her seriously. That's what she hoped anyway, her amber gaze swept the clearing searching for an opponent.
Eyes narrowing, she fixed her gaze upon a twig that had been left behind by someone. Wiggling her haunches, she flung herself forward, claws outstretched.
The deadwood flew through the air, endangering anyone not paying attention as she rolled after it.
Realizing how silly she looked she'd make way towards the apprentice den. Her expression was brave but something about it seemed faltering, as though she hadn't quite thought out what she had planned to say.
Hey, anyone want to practice some battle moves? No that sounded stupid. She shook her head and body, removing dust from her brown and white pelt. Poking her small head through the opening to the den, her maw would open. "I'd like to spar if anyone wants to help." Ew, that sounded way weaker than she had intended and the molly visibly cringed."Ahem, would anyone care to share battle moves?" She'd try again, using a paw to subconsciously smooth her fur. This really wasn't as easy as she'd imagined when she'd thought it up in her head. Realistically how hard could it be, surely any apprentice was as eager to prove themselves. That's the hope that held her interest in any case.
Everyone else seemed to be good at making friends and training, she hoped that her efforts were in the least acceptable.

[Open to anyone, sorry I've got a bit of a cold or something so this may not be super polished, apologies in advance <3]
where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— The silver tortoise shell had been ripping old claw off her, well her claws. Hardly any attetention was being paid to the outside world, this was her time. She was getting primed for any coming challenges. That meant all her tools had to be well polished and she had to be look as gorgeous as ever. Some cats may say it didn't matter how you looked as long as you could defend yourself, she begged to differ. Knocking an opponent off their feet with incredible hygiene was the first step to getting in their head and winning.

"Ahem, would anyone care to share battle moves?"

She finally heard that. And with a stretch and one last glance at her claws she voiced her desire to share battle moves. "Uhm, yeah I would be like totally down!" She said with a smile as she walked past the younger apprentice, into the clearing.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey
To her surprise, a very well composed torbie answered her first. While her own pelt was dusty and slightly disheveled, on the other paw this apprentice seemed to have painstakingly maintained every part of her pelt. This was going to be awkward though, truthfully she'd yet to even have one session with her mentor. There were no moves of her own to share but she hoped that she could fake it well enough to get along. If things went well, she'd have learned something she could share with her mentor. They'd be so impressed if she already knew a couple battle moves.

Realizing now that she'd completely spaced out in dreams of grandeur, the molly would turn her attention to the other apprentice. At once the torbie was moving past her, and she followed after, thoughts racing.
This was going to be really hard to explain. "The-" She cut herself off as they came to a stop in the clearing.
It was obvious that she was indeed younger than her fellow apprentice and so she gave a quick nod.
"Why don't you start since you know more moves than me?"

The bicolor apprentice would put herself in a ready stance, looking determined but unsure all at once.
Crisp morning air nips at her nose as she settles outside of the medicine den. She's sprawled out along her side, shaded tail curling carelessly around splayed hind legs. She watches the camp with a half-narrowed gaze, letting the warmth of the partial clouded sun warm her side and back. Thrushpaw's childlike voice causes velvet ears to push towards the way to the apprentice's den, barely able to decipher what she said before another peppy voice answered. Soon they both mingled about the clearing, facing one another and Cindershade knows all too well what was happening. A sparring match between the young life of RiverClan, the WindClan raid still lingering upon their minds and giving them the motivation to push themselves to be better. The lead warrior shuffles around, tucking front forepaws beneath her chest to get situated before focusing back upon them.
Her eyes trail upon Thrushpaw for a moment, sizing her up. She was still so young, newly apprenticed and a decent bit smaller than Catfishpaw. She takes her defensive position and waits for her opponent to make the first move. The rosetted warrior watches them both with a twitching tail, ears craned forward eagerly to see what each would bring to this match. "Good luck to the both of you."
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The past few days have been painful. Gloompaw is gone. Clearsight is gone. Crappiepaw still looks up sometimes, expecting to see Gloompaw in the temporary medicine den alongside Beesong. But… no. The scarred form of the healer seems bare, somehow, without Gloompaw at their side. And Koipaw seems… lost, without Gloompaw. If Crappiepaw could bring her back, he would. He wishes there were some way to do so, but he’s only an apprentice—and not even a good one, at that.

He sighs as he settles nearby Cindershade, sniffling heavily. Two apprentices face off against one another, clearly about to engage in a friendly sparring session. He doesn’t know either of them too well, but is eager to watch their fight. "I think that Catfishpaw will win," they say to the lead warrior at their side, flicking their mostly-white ear toward the two other apprentices.