camp CALL ME FIGHTER ➼ string


Apr 24, 2023

A daylight warrior had brought it in and he kept himself in the corner of the nursery with wide eyes as he examined it from afar. For fun, they were told. For play, the warrior said. But no further explaination was given before they left to go off to their duties and Abysskit remained huddled for a moment longer before he finally grew the nerve to creep out towards it. His white hindquarters wiggled as he dropped into a crouch, mimicking the apprentices he had seen earlier in the camp, before he sprang forward to land upon the item and send himself rolling with it until it crushed him underneath. With a kick Abysskit sends it off himself, his limbs catching in the long, stringy remnants it left in its wake like a spider's web and he rolled in a panic to free himself only to become further ensnared. The offending yarnball continues to roll to the exit of the nursery; a bright pink trail leading back to the kitten fighting for his life.
"UM-help!" His voice called out shrilly when he realized his thrashing only made it worse, pink twine tightening around tabby limbs and twisting them together, pinning his tail to his back and leaving a forepaw pulled up under his chin where he was forced to hobble on three legs after finally fighting his way back into a standing position. This is far from the enjoyable fun he had been promised by a possible new toy, if anything he was beginning to believe he had been tricked.
The nursery had it's fair share of kits and some where beginning to get a bit too big for the nursery. One of them would be Abysskit. Crowkit had heard the queens talk about how some of them would be leaving the nursery to become apprentices. He himself would leave to become an apprentice, which was terrifying, but his mother had explained that he was still too young. It was relieving because he didn't want to leave the nursery the upcoming moon. He hadn't been watching Abysskit, but his attention is caught when something rolls in front of him and he follows it out of the nursery. Ever the curious one, he rises to his paws and hobbles to the string. The kit follows it's path to Abysskit who is twisted awkwardly and covered in pink. Hazel eyes blinked slowly, watching Abysskit call for help.

Crowkit walks in front of Abysskit's line of sight and pouts. "Loud." Okay maybe telling Abysskit loud wasn't helpful. The reality is that Crowkit was quite sensitive and didn't particularly enjoy hearing Abysskit call out for help when he was relaxing. However, despite that he would help the other kit. Without any warning he got close and personal with Abysskit. The ink colored kits ears twitched as he stared into green eyes. He moved away slowly and proceeded to get up on his hind legs. Maybe having extra toes helped every once and awhile. He was able to hold the string and tug on it to see if it was free to pull at. Although he did need to look at the string quite a bit and move around Abysskit to help him.

As much as he wanted this to be fast, the other kit was just tangled all up in it. It was going to take time, even more so because this was not an adult helping him. The first thing he was able to free was Abysskit's forepaw slash leg, so the older kit would be able to be more comfortable. Well, as comfortable as being trapped in string could be. Wait.

Something just hit him after he set Abysskit's leg free. "Don't move," he orders. Little pristine claws unsheathe and without telling poor Abysskit what's going to happen or a fair warning, he proceeds to cut string. If the older kit moves away from in him in shock he would hiss, "Stay still." Help could come from anywhere, just... Maybe Crowkit was not the greatest kit to ask help from. Whatever the case this was much quicker and Crowkit made sure to pull the cut string to the floor. Abysskit would be free from his pink string prison, all that would remain was pink string in pieces on the ground that surrounded him.

Hearing a 'help' from the Nursery was rarely a good sign. There was always the chance it could be kittens playing a game, but recent tragedies made the spotted tabby more sensitive to sounds of a struggle within the den. Ears lurched forwards within an instant and the Lead Warrior pushed himself to his feet, odd-coloured eyes scanning the entrance. A few seconds later, a kitten hobbled past with something wrapping around its body, and another trying to free his denmate from the snakelike object. The fur around his neck bristled, the Lead Warrior storming over with a renewed sense of purpose. "Who in StarClan's name is giving away Twoleg trash, I swear I'm gonna..." Silversmoke cut off his own words - whatever he was going to do to the Daylight Warrior was imaginary, he reminded himself. A deep breath was talk, steeling himself against the wave of fury that spawned as a result of the fuschia assailant. He traced the mess of string as best he could until he saw a deflated ball of yarn tucked into the corner of the nursery's exit. Tentatively, he leaned down to give the object a sniff, trying to ascertain whose home it'd come from.

All he could smell was Twolegs, overpowering what he knew about each cat's individual scent. With a snort, the Lead Warrior recalled, redirecting his attention towards Abysskit and Crowkit. "Well done, for helping him," Silversmoke nodded towards the black smoke before his voice, frustration thinly veiled, travelled towards Abyss. "Who gave that to you? I will have a word with them." A long word about responsibility and not giving overcurious kittens things that they could choke on - he wasn't a parent, but in the absence of one, he would try his best to get the Daylight Warrior to be more careful. It was the least he could do.