call me fighter, call me lover [ apricot ]


seven weeks & three days
Jul 27, 2022
Shes been sniffling lately with the colder weather, he's noticed it when he goes to settle down for the night, first noticed it when he asked for a hunt. Shes really kind and Otter would hate to see his clanmate sick so he went out and did the best thing he could: caught a fish (though small, at least its a fresh meal) and scavenged for feathers to keep her warm. The the nastiest texture combo in his mouth but hes determined to get back to camp while not gagging.

It proved to be a really big challenge but at least hes back now, happily trotting to Apricot after spotting her. "Hey- Hey! I got you these. Sorry that the fish isn't like, uh... A lot." he dropped the feathers and the fish at her paws, rubbing his leg sheepishly and looking away. "I, uhm, you've kinda sounded- er..." how does he word this in a way that doesn't sound accusing or mean?! "Sick....?" he trails off awkwardly. "A-Anyways! I got you feathers to line your nest and a fresh meal, it kinda looked like the fresh kill pile was looking a little stale... Haha..." he awaits her response and hopes to whatever Stars were out there that he didn't come off weird (obviously he kind of already failed).

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Apricotflower isn't slacking off on purpose, she swears - it's just that her brain is a little sluggish, and her throat hurts and her nose is all stuffy. At least she's warm, even if she's currently lying outside their den in the chill -but by the way she's been treated since she woke up today, carefully like she was some sort of fragile kit in the snow, she thinks that her Clanmates might have caught on. They didn't say anything when she came back empty-pawed from the dawn hunting patrol, nor was she chided when she curled up where she is now. She hadn't even taken this nap on purpose, but Otterpop's quiet ramble rouses her from whatever weird dozing state she'd been part of.

"You caught a fish for me?" She meows after a long moment, maw slightly agape with surprise as her mind catches up with everything around her.​

  • apricotflower, warrior of riverclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 24 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with gold eyes. big scar on her left shoulder, little scars on her paws.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

Ah, shoot! He woke her up, he woke her up and now he's really done it! His breath hitches in his throat as his rambling quiets, dies out on the end as he stares at her with widened eyes. What if he had misread the situation and she wasn't actually sick? Or what if she was sick and she was gonna die or something- He shakes his head viciously to rid himself of the thoughts. She was fine, she was fine, she'll be okay and she wasn't dying its just the sniffles-

You caught a fish for me? His heart thumps wildly in his chest and his face flushes and he looks away, shuffling his paws against the ground in slight embarrassment. Was it... Was it bad? Stars, he knew he should have just picked something from the freshkill pile- "Y-Yea!" it tumbles from his mouth before he can stop it, an excited squeak. "And, and feathers, too. Uhm, shoot, sorry, er.... Uh, I can get a new one, if you don't like it! No worries." he offers a wide, shaky smile as his eyes dart back and forth between Apricots face and the fish. "Figured, uhm, we all kinda get sick around this time, haha." way to go, Otter! Making it worse than before!
As vague as her mind is right now with the haze of illness settling over it like morning fog, honeyed eyes crinkle at the corners with amusement at how Otterpop flounders. That's so sweet of him. As new as RiverClan is to all of them, comfort blooms in her heart with the knowledge that her Clanmates would take care of her if she's really sick. Just like she'd do with them, of course!

She sniffles. "That's really nice of you ... thanks, Otterpop. Can you help me put 'em in my nest, please? The feathers, that is. I'll have the fish in a bit, I'm not - achoo! - not hungry right now." Another sniffle, this time to clear her stuffy nose after the sneeze. "Sorry. That was kinda gross."

  • apricotflower, warrior of riverclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 24 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with gold eyes. big scar on her left shoulder, little scars on her paws.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.