private call me sweetheart // doepaw

"... and they moved my nest, like it was... nothin'." he settles in close to Doepaw, recounting the day's misadventures. Between them is a half-eaten squirrel, a remnant of the portion of the night they've already spent together. The tom grooms the cropping of fur on her head, his tail resting close to his body. He doesn't mean to make their sparing moments together so sad, but talking about it makes him feel a little better and... surely she doesn't mind? His slow-moving mind suddenly tips into worry, and he clasps one large fluffy paw over hers.

"'m sorry, Doepaw," he rumbles, and his normal smile fits to his face. "How was your day? I heard y'caught somethin' earlier...!" Sunshinespot grins, his excitement for his friend nearly beaming out of his eyes. Of course he would be enthused for Doepaw's successes - she deserves to have her wins, too.

@doepaw ࿔
As Sunshinespot talks, she finds herself lulled into quiet comfort with their pelts brushing... Sightless eyes remain closed while her tongue sets to work about the unruly nape of his neck, listening with rapt attention. It seems... not everything is sunshine and daisies for her friend, and with a small, disappointed sigh, she pulls back to stare at the ribbons of dilute fur, "That sounds frustrating." She can smell that, feel it in the way his shoulders tense beside her during his retelling.

It's interrupted by a rasp along the top of her head, drawing an amused purr from the fawn she-cat as they bicker about who gets to groom who between story-tellings. Warmth radiates from the plush press of paw against hers and when Sunshinespot offers an apology, the ThunderClan cat is quick to shake her head, "No apologies- I'm happy to listen to you talk," because what better comfort was there than this? To just... waste a bit of time in the sun, sharing a meal, catching up with a friend- one whose nest was now too far away to sneak into in the middle of the night when bad dreams stirred her.

"Yes! I did," a cheerful lilt, accompanied by the gleeful flick of a plummy tail, "I think I've finally got it figured out- just don't ask me to catch squirrels." Squirrels blend in perhaps too much still.. and her hearing had not quite become harmonious with her claws. "Some kind of bird... It was grey-ish and bigger than those tiny ones- finches? Maybe it was a dove- I didn't think to ask Fallowpaw."

Its mention is a suffocating squeeze in her chest, ears swiveling towards the medicine cat's den out of reflexive habit. No shouting... no shuffling grumbling of a sibling trying to escape its rest early. Good... at least there wasn't that to worry about. "Looks like I might not be far behind you- I'll move my nest close to yours, promise."
Sunshinespot hides his agreement with a particularly drawn out purr in his chest. It is frustrating, but it by no means compares to that of Doepaw's successes. He wants to cherish and celebrate with her - especially since, mere moons prior, they were in similar boats. Cats with little know-how on proper form as warriors. He firmly believes his graduation was a fluke that Mousenose and Howlingstar let slide. But Doepaw... she deserves it - the warmth of a smile and the soft trills of excitement - all of that, and more.

She shakes off his apology but leads the conversation away with him. Sunshinespot can tell it still bothers her, but similar to him it's easier for them to dwell on the positive. Some kind of bird, she says, and his ear twitches back as he wears his crooked grin. "A pigeon, maybe? Was it fat?" He should feel forlorn to think of his lost brother's namesake, yet all the same he cannot fathom leaning into sorrow so easily. His world constantly whirls with change and if anything, he wishes to remain stagnant in the here-and-now. It'll only last a few moments, but maybe those few moments will remain statements in his memories forever more. "Regardless, 'm super proud of you, Doepaw..."

He trails as her teardrop gaze floats past the medicine den. Just as they each had their stays there, so did her sibling now. His heart stammers at the idea that he's stealing time between siblings - time that, if he had the option, he would devour in moments. Fallowpaw is in well trained paws and yet Sunshinespot feels a sense of fear and dread - not necessarily for it, but for its sister in the case of its death or disappearance. Doepaw is... fragile, in the best way of putting it. And the warrior himself is already so fragmented that he's unsure if he's capable of fixing her, should she shatter.

Still, Doepaw doesn't bring up her sibling. Instead, she returns the conversation to its start. His tail twitches, looping around her form as he pulls away from their half tussle half grooming fits. He studies her, only for a moment, before casually saying, "Actually... I was thinkin', maybe we could share a spot?" Sunshinespot's tone mumbles, tilting into a space of uncertainty. His gaze, however, does not waver. "It's crowded in there, y'know. 'nd I wouldn't want new warriors pushin' your nest around next..." This time he does trail off. He shrugs, and his smile doesn't leave him yet. "It's 'kay if y'don't feel like it. I just.... thought I'd offer, is all."

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It's funny to measure prey in such a way, she thinks, based on the roundness of its shape or the burden it leaves on the jaw to carry... but there are few better ways for her to describe anything than through touch or smell... And well, you couldn't readily smell the difference from bird to bird, though the oils of their feathers had a distinct scent in their own right as opposed to land-prey. "It was certainly heavy! I'm sure someone got a lovely dinner out of it," she agrees, flushing at the proclamation of pride in her abilities. "O-oh stop," the fawn giggles, lifting her free paw to swat playfully at his face. "I'm much too grown to be catching my first," and though she jokes, the sting of her delayed success holds true.

It is not so delayed however, as to potentially ruin her graduation. Cobwebtail was as persistent as he was kind.

Gently, a feathered tail clings to the plush concave of her flank, sending her nerves into a frazzled sparking as wide, sunlit eyes turn to face him again. His face a mosaic of dandelion dust and evening clouds. It's easy then, to differentiate the pristine greens of new-leaf grass where his eyes might be... fixated on deer-like features as he suggests their nests could be more than just close.

"Sunny..." The wild flutter of her heart-beat is as embarrassing as it is powerful, the sensation of heat rushing to the skin under fluffy cheeks as if she might turn red from head to toe. She doesn't mean to leave him waiting on baited breath, hears the softness of his voice where an answer was meant to be as he continues with a gentle out in case she felt uncomfortable with the suggestion.

Awash with a swell of feelings, her voice struggles to find its footing and instead, she leans forward quickly to close the space between their noses, pressing her muzzle against his with a shy closing of honeyed eyes. "You're so..." A soft, nervous laugh, "Cute..." It absolutely isn't a no but realizing she hadn't said so directly, the molly stammers a quick confirmation, "Yes! Yes, I'd like that very much... I hate sleeping alone... and besides... you smell nice." As if to prove her point, she draws downward to tuck her head neatly under his chin, drawing in a deep breath to settle her nerves.​
Although he figures his smile haggard and unsightly, he does so freely with her. A cotton soft paw presses briefly to his face as she giggles, and if Sunshinespot is given the freedom to, the tom leans forward to touch his nose briefly to her ear, "'m serious." He wouldn't lie - at least, not to her. "ThunderClan is a better place w'you innit. Even if that's the last thing you ever catch -" he pulls away, leaning his head onto his arms before adding, "It won't be, but even if it was..." Words that he wished his Clanmates had for him. It places sorrow in his heart thinking of the transgressions he's faced thus far, but remaining so close beside the she-cat stomps the sadness into near nothingness. And so he smiles, and waits for her to gauge his offer.

It's a few beats, and he almost feels stupid for asking at all. Maybe she and Bravepaw had grown closer in his absence... Maybe he shouldn't have worked so hard to get out from beneath Mousenose's paw and remained an apprentice for a short bit longer. He would not begrudge Doepaw more than he would be frustrated with himself. He lifts his head again, a soft, nevermind almost leaving his scarred lips - but then she surges forward. Their noses hold close and she closes her eyes while he, in his surprise, widens his. She stammers a laugh and he softens next, his cheeks warming more than they had been moments prior.

Sunshinespot finds that it's his turn to laugh - she dives her head beneath his chin and he holds her close, tucking his chin atop of her. "I smell nice?" The tom finds nervous jitters still, but they flutter in his chest, in his belly. He can't shake his smile even if he wanted to which, thankfully, he doesn't think he ever will. "Well, 'm glad your standards are low, Doe. If I only have t'smell nice, 'nd everything..." the warrior draws his tongue again over her fur. He almost wishes they didn't have to depart to their separate dens soon, but he doesn't suggest they do much more.

"I'll... I'll make sure our nest is pretty enough for y', too. Flowers 'nd everything," he says. "'nd I'll be there every night, so you're never alone. I promise, Doe," and the tom hopes he holds true to his promise.​
It's far too much kindness, really... The suspicious looks and nosy presences at the entrance of Gentlestorm's den would not easily be forgotten. It had been made more frightening, to roll uncomfortably in that nest squinting to try to see much of anything at all; having to come to terms with the reality of ever-blurry eyes and how they would inhibit her. Sunshinepaw had been a friendly, toothy smile then... And Pigeonpaw too (who remains sorely missed for each moon passed without him)- they were a family of kind-hearted souls, it seemed. Doepaw wasn't so sure such goodness ran in her blood, looking at the tattered first chapter of her life, knowing Fallowpaw to be unnecessarily stand-offish and rude even in the best of times.

It hadn't crossed her mind that while she was still young, adapting to her vision would be easier, would give her chances to catch many prey and more over the long expanse of her lifetime but the suggestion it could be her last conjures a worry for years further ahead than now. When muscles and bones ache with age, when she has surpassed even the wisdom of Howlingstar. "Hopefully the rest of ThunderClan agrees," she says with a skepticism that is normally reserved for the quiet of her own head. She could name a couple suspects that wouldn't.

Sunshinespot seems surprised to hear that his scent is something of a sweet reassurance, amused disbelief traced in the cadence of his words as he presses to tease at the ease of which her needs are fulfilled. "Wowww," she draws out, a grin firmly plastered on her face despite her feigned offense, "I'll have you know smell is very important once you stop being able to see things!" A doting grooming on the top of her head is leaned into with a rumbling purr, corners of her eyes squinting happily to receive such affections. Those do not matter to her half so much as the promise he makes in hushed tones against the thin furs of her ear- a promise of stability, of permanence and company...

Bitterly a part of her wonders for how long that'll last- she'd assumed Wolfwind wouldn't ever leave either-- but it's swiftly cast away in favor of relishing in this moment instead. Never being alone again... it sounds nice... She'd do anything to cling to that. "It's a promise then; to sweet dreams." She offers a few quick licks to the curls of fur at his chest, unceasing in her purrs even still, "I won't let you be lonely either."
Sunshinespot grew up differently than Doepaw. Her mother had been a terror - continues to be, in fact, if they revisit the matter of her sibling. But his parents were saints. Sunfreckle had been one of Howlingstar's dedicated council, a tom who's namesake shown in everything he did. He was full of warmth and love and dedication, especially for Rabbitnose who, although unique, did much of the same for his partner. The mottled tom grew up only knowing love and cherishment, whilst Doepaw seemed to know only fear and silence.

He isn't sure if he could protect her. The scars over her eyes, her teardrop pupils, express that she had gone through enough in her short life that being protected is no longer a dream of hers. But he thinks... he thinks he can give her what Sunfreckle gave Rabbitnose. Warmth, love, and dedication. He can be there in the night, when her nightmares stir her awake and spike the fur on her shoulders. He will be there, even, with new buds and blossoms to continuously make their nest desirable, comfortable.

The young tom doesn't quiet the purr that rumbles in his chest as he holds her close, tucked gently beneath his chin. A promise shared between them, one that he only repeats with, "To sweet dreams." Sunshinespot decides that he'll be there for her in any way he can. That's... what friends do, right? He thinks so. For the last moments of their night, before they must drift away to their separate dens, he lets them each live in blissful silence. ​
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