camp CALL ME WHEN YOU WANT | day dreaming


She is almost idle, settled right up against the mouth of the apprentices den with a brittle twig shuffling between her forepaws. Though, her attention isn’t focused on the cracking twig, her chin is titled up to the sky as if she was desperate to soak in the rare sliver of sunlight that barely poked through the trees, leaving golden pools of faint warmth freckled along her chest, her nose.
Behind partially closed lids however, she isn’t in the middle of camp, but a rippling creek. The warmth isn’t just from small golden dapples, but it’s spread across her back as she splashes through the crystal surface, reminiscing in her memories of green-leaf.
Yet, in her dreamland she isn’t alone, gray and white ombre paws thunder beside hers as she splashes, a snow freckled grin matches her shrill laughter.
She isn’t sure how Snowpaw got there, but she doesn’t find herself minding the Skyclan apprentice intruding on her daydream.
Someone lightly nudges into her, and Roepaw lightly blinks back to reality with a yawn.
What’re you doing?
"Just wishin’" Roepaw replies with a bittersweet smile, fluffing her silky pelt out against the cold. At the others confused look she shrugs, "for green-leaf, of course. Aren’t you ready for the warmth and sunshine?"


Despite the aftermath of a dog attack still looming over Toadpaw's head, the young apprentice still notices a change in his self-proclaimed sister.

Nothing for the worse, like it seems a lot of the oak forest is going these days, in the child's eyes. No, Roepaw seems... happier.

And, though he's not the one to ask about her sudden happiness, and her strange way of showing it, he's still intrigued by her answer. Just wishin' for green-leaf. Cerulean eyes blink at that, the thought of warmth and sunshine. Toadpaw only knows of the cold and snow, and these most recent of days have been the warmest ones he's experienced, with a chill still lingering in the air. No, the most warmth he'd ever felt was his brief time against his mother's fur, before he'd even known of Roepaw's existence.

"It gets warmer than this?" he asks in disbelief. Good, he thinks. Toadpaw will be glad for the day cold weather disappears from the oak forest. He'll wish for it too, especially if it keeps Roepaw happy.

Squeak Squeak

Mothpaw's head peered out of a bush as she made her way to join Roepaw and Toadpaw, one wishing for green-leaf's return in wish, Mothpaw couldn't agree more, to feel the warmth of the sun once more and the plenties of prey that scattered the forest's floor, none went hungry or was desperate for food, their ribs did not puncture out of their skin and no sickness ran throughout the clan... Toadpaw's question made her nodd softly before she would speak up gently. "Y-yea, and... prey...there's more prey...too" she said softly as she tucked her paws underneath her check looking between the two apprentices nervously.

The dog attack that had recently happened had not helped the young apprentice much at all, and yet here she was trying to make soft conversations with two others, her ears pinning on the back of her skull as her soft blue-green gaze dance on the two of them nervously, wondering if they even had heard her soft piping voice, tail softly sweeping on the ground wondering if more would join in.
If anyone asked, Duskkit would say that she didn't quite know how to wish yet. She knew of ambitions and dreams, but not wishes. Perhaps in her mind, if she thought and thought and thought some more, it would stop being a theoretical. If she focused hard enough on the path before her, it would simply come true. The world was not so well-behaved as that, but how would she know? She's just a kitten, after all. She has a long moons of that before her, and maybe with time she'd grow to understand. Wishing. It is not a soon-to-be certainty, but a hope. Is that what this wishing was like? No, it couldn't be, because as far as Duskkit knew, that was something that would always happen. Whether they wanted it or not.

She joins the apprentices like she belongs there already, butting into their conversation quite brashly. "Why are you wishing for that?" Confusion pitches her voice a little higher. "It's already gonna happen, right? You don't have to try for it. You should wish for other things! Like a really cool pebble. Those don't always happen."

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskkit. kitten of thunderclan. she - her - hers.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of her father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of her tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"