pafp CALL YOU OUT ♥ mishap

Another hunt successful, a salmon was clutched in her jaws firmly which would become a meal for one of their queens. A plan was settled within her mind to swap out from the pile, to feed her sickened mate as well. The new addition to code she took to heart, living by the rules she stood to enforce. The clan came first and it always had, it was all she knew at once and something she took to heart. A grumbling stomach and watering mouth would persist until she was satisfied in her chores for the day. Snappy it did make her, but she tried not to let anyone stop her as she flew in a quickened bound towards home in a rush. The scent of salmon overwhelmed her nose, eager to set it down in avoidance from stirring her hunger into further complaint.

Camp was a blur in the distance from her, slowly coming into view.

Then.. there was a sudden blur of fur. Something she did not want to risk a second of becoming victim to. The foxes were running rampant and Windclan were still quite tense and unforgiving. It had not crossed her within the moment of the possibility of a clanmate, reflex of survival already taking control.

Within a flash she threw a claw in the perceived threats direction, rearing up in preparation to throw another.

But she stopped. Slowly she let paws fall back down and dropped her prey to the ground. The fur along her body prickled from the rush of adrenaline, tail lashing as she stared down her perceived offender.

"Stars, Snakeblink! What was that!" She spat, "Don't come at me that way!" A hiss in scold, eyes glaring of irritation- although, there was concern that could be seen. Petalnose looked over his body in a sharp huff, lips held in a snarl as she stepped closer to examine if she had caused any sort of damage or blood loss, "How bad is it?" A demand more over a question as if she was wasting time. He was breathing wasn't he? Still lightly concerned and curious, she stayed. However, she had confidence the fellow brown tabby wouldn't be faltered as much.



In spite of what his constant stumbling over and walking into others would have you believe, Snakeblink is actually a very observant individual — he does see these living obstacles coming. Most of the time. It’s only that he so easily overestimates the amount of space that separates them; his body, like water running down a slope, seems to seek the contact of others with a gravitational pull that can only end with a collision or an awkward, last-second correction of his course.

As a result he doesn’t so much stride across camp as weave through it, dodging moving clanmates with the quick, shifty-eyed movements of a lizard across the exposed surface of a stone. It’s easier once he makes it out: his young tagalong is easier to keep track of than multiple cats coming and going at all times, for all that she’s small enough to remain a tripping hazard for now.

”Ah, here comes another hunting patrol,” he tells Carppaw, jerking his head towards the patchy figure of Petalnose some distance away. ”Seems they have been successful. Let us ask where they caught that salmon — most prey scatter after a few catches, but salmon are stubborn and where you find one, you may find many more,” he explains for her benefit. It seems there’s a never-ending amount of things to tell her, knowledge that is instinctive to him but brand-new to the apprentice.

He crosses the gap between them at a quick pace, opening his mouth to call out a greeting to his fellow lead.

The salutation comes out as a startled hiss as he himself is greeted not by words but a swift paw to the face and the tell-tale sting of unsheathed claws. He backtracks, flattening himself to the ground as Petalnose rears up for another blow before settling down, fur puffed out from her own surprise.

"Don't come at me that way!"

”Apologies,” he whispers. Glancing back at his apprentice, he clears his throat and straightens up. ”I see I took you by surprise — impressive reflexes, by the way.”

He flicks his ears dismissively when she enquires about the severity of the injury, eager to dissipate the tension. It stings, a short line along the bottom curve of his eye, but he can’t even feel blood dripping down the short fur there. A mere scratch.

”Would you believe that this is not the first time this has happened to me?” He asks wryly, tilting his head in a way that displays the long scar running down his face.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • apprentice tag @CARPPAW
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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