CALLED TO A HOME &. cozy night

Finchcatcher finds an odd sense of comfort in the rain that trickles outside of the warrior den.

He's lucky to have settled in his nest for the night before it'd even begun, lucky to have kept his pelt dry. Had he not, Finchcatcher isn't sure he'd enjoy the rain's company as much as he currently is. No, the cooling sensation of wet fur would be far too much of a hassle, far too much of a distraction from being able to enjoy such weather.

Finchcatcher doesn't think much of his days as a kit, but he thinks the rain's coziness stems from his youth. The raggedy old barn he used to live in was crowded, loud in the daytime. Night gave way to an eerie silence, a quiet that gave way to unease now, as Finchcatcher thinks back on it. The pitter-patter of rain against the roof of the barn filled that silence, lulled the kit into a quicker sleep than what was usual for him.

He wonders if that's why the rain gives way to comfort tonight.

Someone steps into the warrior den, and Finchcatcher can't help but feel bad for them. Late to finding shelter in the warrior den, trapped in the rain.

"Quite the rain, huh?" he asks the warrior as he shifts into the warmth of his nest - the coziness of the night - before he peers up at the face. He hopes they too can find some enjoyment in it, at least, despite how soaked they may be.
Rain dripped down Crowflower's tangled black coat in thick rivulets, slicking down her back while the plush tufts of her belly remained comparatively dry. The downpour had washed her pelt of its usual dusty grime, though the wet earth muddied her four white paws beyond recognition. She was loathe to acknowledge that she would require considerable grooming to be returned to a decent state, but that was a problem for a future version of herself. For now, she was only focused on escaping the rain and showing off her interesting discovery which she carried in her may, wrapped gently within a large sycamore leaf.

"Could be worse," she mused, pausing beside Finchcatcher and glancing over her shoulder to look at the heavy clouds overhead. "At least I didn't get caught in a flash flood this time." Crow shivered at the memory. Sometimes her adventurous nature got the best of her. Sometimes she nearly drowned while looking at stones in a wash. Never again. "Oh!" she exclaimed, seeming to remember the treasure she had brought back with her. "Look at this!" Her movements were cautious as she unfurled the sycamore-wrapped bundle at her paws. Within was a small amphibian: it had a dark brown body and an orange stripe on its back from its two bulging eyes to the tip of its long tail. "It's a zig zag salamander! I'm pretty sure you can only find them in our forest." Not that she has ever gone beyond Thunderclan's territory to look for them. She would never do something so foolish. Definitely not.​