CALLING AHEAD [ moving dens ]


Mar 14, 2024

Was he sad? What, sad that he was leaving his mother behind, to be able to move into a nest where he belonged at his age? No. Not really, anyways. If he was lying to himself about that, that was for him to know and nobody else. Nobody. If it got out and stupid Mottledpaw heard it, he might just die on the spot. A hot breath left him as he retrieved his moss, his small trinkets (which was mostly the bundle of twigs and dying flowers from his sibling,) and tugged them into the apprentices den.

"'Scuse me." He grumbled through the wrapped bundle in his teeth, ducking past another apprentice who was lounging near the mouth of the den. Stepping into the den, eyes quickly adjusting, his nose wrinkled. It didn't smell like milk and moss in here but... moss, and sweat, and non-herbal flowers and feathers. He supposed it wasn't a bad scent just... different. That was going to take getting used to. The second thing he noticed was the structure of the den. Ferns arced over his head from where he had slipped past a tree stump, surrounded by roots and dirt.

A soft breath left him. "Well? Guess it's home." Beetlepaw said to mostly no one- maybe his siblings, if they were near him while he moved his nest over. He stepped towards the side of the den, where the nest scented stale and empty. He settled his nest down, and once it was situated (an odd feeling, making a nest where Roeflame had made it so comfortable every time,) all but fell into it.
  • "speech"
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  • BEETLEPAW he/him, apprentice of thunderclan, six moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. growing into a very broad and built tom-cat, mirroring his father's build. of average height, with a shit-eating grin more often then not.
    being mentored by burnstorm / / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovepaw and littlepaw, adoptive sibling to hopepaw and coalpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Today was the BIG DAY! The biggest actually, until she became a warrior that is. Today was the day where she would have independence (kinda) ! Freedom (kinda)! And most importantly…. her own nest! Sharing with her sisters could be nice, it was a reassuring sort of comfort when she was having a bad dream and she could reach out in either direction and touch their slumbering forms, scooch a little closer so that they were pressed up against one another when she felt on of them shudder and twitch or heard one of them cry out. But on the flip side, it could mean a foot in her ribs or limbs thrown haphazardly over her face and smushing her nose, snores roaring right in her ear and making her think LionClan themselves have jumped straight from the stories to swallow her whole.

"WE MADE IT!" she squeals, forgetting to use her “inside voice” as she ducks into the apprentices den behind Beetlekit with her own nest in tow. She had spent a painstakingly long time weaving it to perfection and placing petals throughout but it was SO worth it because her nest was going to be the best looking one in here she just knew it! "Isn’t this SO cool?" she asks as she turns to her cousin, eyes shining.

With a few good tugs, she hauls her nest to a spot that was not too great a distance from his own, plopping it down with a satisfied look spread across her features. "Im putting my nest here!" she declares then looks around to try to take stock of who would be her new nest neighbors, hopefully she was near someone cool! And hopefully her sisters would come claim spots near to her! Not because like she would miss them or anything, but yknow in case they needed her.

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    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
There was something rotten about it all. The mixed emotions that had suddenly attached themselves to apprenticeship, a step in his life that Coalpaw had previously thought would be immovable in its importance to him. In a way it still was, but that wasn't to say that the transition had come along unmarred. His pelt had been prickled with discomfort ever since the meeting had wrapped up, fleeing from his brother's side in a desperate attempt for some peace. Some alone time, as impossible as such a thing felt in the middle of Thunderclan's camp.

In the end, his paws had carried him to the nursery. A home he was no longer wholly welcome in, though he knew thinking of it that way was foolish. It wasn't as if he had been banished, and he was sure he would return many a time in the future to bring queens and their kits alike meals. Yet there was still a certain ache in his chest as he attempted to gather up what moss and nesting supplies he could. Part of the moss he latched onto still smelled of Roeflame, a fact which urged his paws even faster towards the apprentices' den.

It was there that he encountered Beetlepaw and Meadowpaw, ears flattening back against his head at the latter's shrill squeal. His voice was muffled when he spoke up, tone scolding as always. "I think we get it. You don't need to blow everyone's eardrums out to celebrate." Though, at least she actually seemed excited, in a stark contrast to the heaviness on his shoulders or the malaise that had taken over camp. Thinking about Howlingstar's last announcement made his head hurt, so he instead focused on forming his own nest, placing it a distance not too far from where Beetlepaw's was. The placement seemed like the best choice, considering he and his adoptive brother were sharing a mentor.

Yet, as he stared down at the blank space in between Beetlepaw's and his own nest, he couldn't stop his head from cocking over to one side curiously. "Do you suppose Hopek- Hopepaw might like it there?" Coalpaw's question was directed towards his brother, his other brother's name stumbling clumsily from his muzzle. Some time would need to pass before that came naturally.

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    a new apprentice of thunderclan, coalpaw is currently one of the youngest of his rank at six moons. he is being mentored by burnstorm, and is on track to graduate alongside his brother. an abrasive and intensive rule follower, he is fiercely loyal to thunderclan and working to honor his fallen parents.