Their limbs threaten to shake, even if the early evening air cannot possibly get past all that plush fur. A scoop of determined self-discipline is all it takes for Mirepurr to still themself... after all, they're on a mission, and it'd be most un-warrior-like to fail before they even get ready to start.

The roots of the iconic oak tree spread around them, beckoning them- hopefully not into a false sense of security, but into a sincere one. A large, plump rat dangles from their maw; it's a source of pride for them to find something different than the frogs that became ShadowClan's number one food this moon. They must all remain thankful for all prey, yes, but slimy skin has become a bit stale. It's time for something new.

Mirepurr lets themself take one more deep inhale. It's not that they're scared of Chilledstar, even if that gaze and voice can certainly become intimidating at a moment's notice... it's simply anyone's guess if they'd take lightly to Mirepurr's advances or kick them out of their den.

But, they tell themself, they deserve a try. A leader's fate is to carry an entire Clan on their shoulders and more, as much as StarClan and this world expects, but that doesn't mean the star-blessed cannot feel the privilege of some rest. Some care. A moment of quiet that makes everything just a tiny bit easier.

Or at least, that's what Mirepurr hopes to achieve here. They finally enter into the dimly lit room without giving themself another chance to hesitate.

"Evening, Chilledstar. I was hoping you'd be up for some company?" Despite their voice raising at the end to indicate a question, Mirepurr does not wait for an answer. Their pawsteps are kept soft in their approach as to not make too much of a ruckus. "Everyone's so busy-" they have the gull to lie while pleading for Chilledstar not to peer outside the den and find their Clanmates mulling about, "-and I felt like sharing this with someone, since I can't possibly eat it all by myself."
  • Wow
chilledstar often wonders how far a bird can fly with a broken wing before it plummets to the ground. does it die upon impact? does it know that it's wing no long works and aim for something soft like a bush, or tall grass? does it try to soften the fall by trying to still fly until it simply cannot anymore? and does it ever heal? if after all of that, the breaking of the wing and its crash to reality– if it somehow survives all of that, does it heal? does it learn to live with a broken wing or does it eventually succumb to its injuries? they don't know. birds are not like cats. cats overcome. they still keep going. and cats have clans. friends. family. things to keep them going to help them when they break their wings. they even have those who help heal those wings. parts of them wonder if it's the same for birds. or mice. or even frogs.

they are jarred for their thoughts as they tilt their head with a slow blink. they know when a cat is coming to their den and they happen to know most every pawstep of every clanner around. they listen to them often, and these paw steps belong to mirepurr. they push themself up in their next, sleepless gaze looking at the rat then to the feline who's just offered their company. they have half a mind to say yes. but the part of them that sulks within a cold den says no.

"sounds nice. unfortunately, I was about to just get up and change my nesting."

great lie. they watch their face for a moment before closing their eyes.

"is there anything you need before I go do that other than this... sharing of a rat?"

// fksndkskdksieje they need a little tough love <3

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

At once, Chilledstar rises. It's only born out of politeness, out of respect for one another; all of the Clan get to their feet the moment their leader calls for their attention... it's only natural that they respond the same when Mirepurr walks in, but secretly, they wish Chilledstar would just stay put for once.

And of course, surprising absolutely no one, Chilledstar uses that moment to try and wriggle out of the situation. Perhaps that's why they're always amongst the first to move when anything happens. It's like their body is wired to go, to do, to never rest.

But Mirepurr is not about to let them go so easily.

"Really?" They feign surprise. "Okay, that's perfect! Here-" Maw opens to let the rat plop right in front of Chilledstar, "-you get the first bite, and in the meantime, I can freshen up your bedding." Eyes spark with innocence; that part about this whole she-bang is not a lie, but they certainly exaggerate it a little to their own benefit. They like to think they appear similar to someone like Gigglekit right now; too cute to be told no.

Chilledstar tries dismissal, but Mirepurr has already worked up the courage to be here. They're not above playing a bit of a fool if need be. "Just need your attention, really! I think the last time we ever shared tongues was when you were deputy... just sit back, I'll take care of whatever pops into your mind."