private calm after the storm || flamewhisker


forever a wide eyed fool
Mar 27, 2023
What Sunnyday did to Sandpaw is a terrible thing. The mere thought of the young apprentice's half-lidded eyes and pained expression brings a twinge of discomfort to Crowflower, but it is Flamewhisker's outburst that keeps the skunk-molly awake at night. At first, it seemed completely out of character. That raging, hurt creature seemed nothing like the warm, green-eyed warrior who always had a soothing word or kind word to share. After some reflection, Crowflower realizes that the real Flamewhisker is not just a sweet friend or brave warrior, but a volcano. Crow had noticed the change in Flame after pulling her from the river; the faint limp and the sudden jumpiness, and now this... There is only so much tolerance a creature can have for stress before the pressure builds to bursting and every withheld emotion explodes outward in a rain of ash and smoke. The heat of Flamewhisker's outrage was impressive to witness, but it is also a little concerning. Sure, she has the support of her mate, but has anyone else thought to check in on her?

Crowflower had woken with the dawn. It took some time to find what she was looking for, but she is nothing if not determined. Satisfied with her efforts, she returns to camp just in time to catch Flamewhisker as the molly is finishing her breakfast. "G'mornin'!" Crowflower greets, her voice muffled by the primrose held gently between her jaws. "I saw this and it made me think of you." Carefully, Crow places the primrose behind Flamewhisker's ear and offers a smile. "Would you like to go on a hunting patrol with me this morning?"

( ) It was no secret that she had not been herself lately, nor was it a well kept one either. She hadn't felt herself since the battle...for the first time, she hadn't wanted to leave the Medicine Den. Hunting hadn't given her a thrill, she hadn't laughed for weeks, she had a panic attack in front of Dewfang, and the topper of it all...she had threatened death upon a clanmate. She had felt so distant from her clanmates...but it was probably because they were afraid of her. How could they not be? She had been feeling better since snapping, but she had also been thinking about the incident a lot lately, and even though he deserved to be chewed out, she felt bad for going that far. Would she really have killed him if it had been one of her kits? She couldn't answer that...and that scared her...Was she turning into a monster?

Strong teeth crunched the bone of a squirrel that she was making her breakfast. She was eating alone, but as she was nearly finish, she spotted a familiar pelt padding towards her. Her eyes brightened, and she quickly swallowed the rest of the prey. She would lick the stray furs from her muzzle and greet, "Good morning." The ebony and alabaster warrior had a pretty flower in her mouth, and then she tucked it behind her ear. A soft purr rumbled in her throat, and she smiled happily. "Awe, thank you! I love it, these are my favorite!" Had Flycatcher told her, or had she guessed correctly? Either way, she really appreciated the gift. "I would love to! As long as we are back by sun high, I have a training session with Cloudypaw, it's almost time for her warrior ceremony."
Pleased that her gift had the intended effect on her friend's mood, her shy smile blossoms into a sunny grin. Lucky guess! Although asking Flycatcher about his mate's preferences would have been a genius idea, she had made her selection based on whimsy. The delicate yellow of the petals simply reminds her of Flamewhisker, whose gentle demeanor often gives Crowflower the obscure feeling of dappled sunlight. Suddenly bashful, she glances at her paws for a moment before returning her friend's gaze. "'s almost time for her ceremony, already?" Time passes far too quickly. Soon, it will also be Duckpaw and Cherrypaw's turn, but they have a little more time. It hasn't even been an entire year since Crowflower got her warrior name. She feels a little dizzy just thinking about it. "No worries, we can be back before then. The morning is still young." The mist keeps the air crisp and cool, but the forest is already alive with birdsong. "Where do you wanna go?" Crowflower got the idea to invite Flamewhisker before she even picked a destination. She was too excited to waste time by thinking ahead.​