in a perfect world, beesong would've been able to hold out hope that gloompaw would return to them safe and sound. he would have been able to wait for her homecoming, biding his time until his apprentice was found. but to do so in the real world would be foolish. despite the ache in his heart that wars with his brain, he knows. gloompaw would be missed—she is missed, very dearly. the empty spot where her nest once lay in their shared den reminds him of the pang in his chest— and beesong prays for a reality where she is alive and well. however, riverclan needs a medicine cat apprentice now more than ever. on the brink of war with two clans, uncertain if the alliance with skyclan will hold after blazestar refused to aid riverclan in the sunningrocks battle.

beesong can only hope that starclan understands why they could not wait for gloompaw.

"riverclan," beesong raises their voice, standing in the midst of the beech copse. it feels wrong to speak so loudly, too accustomed to their soft, impassive tone. but they need everyone to hear this. the cinnamon tabby keeps their expression level as they rake their gaze over those listening. "with gloompaw gone, riverclan is in need of another medicine cat apprentice..." if their clanmates have an ounce of common sense, they'll recognize why. beesong doesn't particularly feel like drawing out this announcement longer than it needs to be. a better mentor might've dwelled on how much they missed their apprentice in words for everyone to hear. but beesong is not one to bear their wounds for others to see, too afraid of the thought that they could be taken advantage of. "i've spoken with an apprentice who's shown interest in learning, and he's agreed to train underneath me. from this moment on, riverclan's medicine cat apprentice will be ravenpaw." they seek out the black-furred tom in the crowd, humming to themselves to distract them from the stares piercing through their skin. will anyone object? will starclan object?

beesong glances towards the sky, frowning at the thought.

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(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡ The she-cats gaze flickers upwards at the sound of the medicine cat. A fish laid slanted against her paw, its scales broken around the fin where she had taken a bite. It was unusual to hear the Tom address the clan like this, has StarClan sent him a sign?

RiverClan’s medicine cat apprentice will be Ravenpaw.

Darterwing’s heart drops to her chest, she flashes a look around camp in complete confusion. Was this some sort of prank? She’s not gotten under Beesong’s claws recently, has she? But there was no glint of humor in his eye, the Tom would not joke about something like this neither.

Her appetite is thrown out the window, she rises to her paws and a stunned look burns in her eyes. She looks for the dark pelt of her apprentice, was this true? Had he agreed to this?

//CONGRATS!!!!! :D so excited to see raven in the role
I plan on posting again where Darter will question the choice, but nothing too angsty nw
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It has been a while since Gloompaw was last seen. Ravenpaw was not particularly close to her—but that was the truth with most of the cats here. It had been a moment of vulnerability for the Clan, as they were caught between two other Clans who wished to tear them apart and take their territory. He could accept the practicality.

Another thing he could not deny was his own pull toward that mystic role. He was too impassioned to fight methodically, too frightened of water to hunt properly, not born properly into the wild mindset, he saw things in ways others did not, and in many ways he envisioned himself a failure of a warrior. Darterwing had been one of his closest adult figures. She had proven to him that one did not need to be a wetpaw to become a warrior. But still, those other insecurities built up and Ravenpaw could never tell her but he did not think he would get a warrior name.

He was twelve months now, and he had already privately accepted Beesong's offer. Now all that stood before them was the publicization of it to the Clan. Ravenpaw for the first time could feel like his life had purpose. He would no longer concern himself entirely with things that happened on the ground, but what happened in the heavens. For the outcasted orphan, that was all he wanted. He was barred from claiming identity to his father. This was his next change.

Desperate, of course, but just as eager. His long, angular ears pricked at Beesong's announcement—knowing what it would entail. He kept his head up, uncertain of what the reaction would be. Or, if StarClan found it unpleasant, he might die on the spot. He wasn't sure. Ravenpaw's eyes look up to Beesong and he dips his narrow head softly in agreement, unaware of Darterwing's seeking gaze.

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gloompaw had been known to run amok. a reckless molly, ever excitable — cicadastar had not been close to her, exuberant personality and youthful, boundless energy enough to keep him at a tails length. life pulsed within her, bright and bountiful, for it to be extinguished without so much as a hint to her whereabouts. he’d held hope. hope for those close to her, for beesong’s sanity, clawing at the chances of an easy out. to pluck her from the tangled undergrowth of their sprawling meadows, to scold her as they take the walk back to their sand - floored camp, their tongues loose with relief. sunrises pass, gatherings pass, and moons have gone by without so much as a glimpse of familiar blue mink fur and brilliant sunburst eyes. in the dwellings of his mind, he knows the position must be filled. a position wrought to aid beesong in his herb collection, to heal where cinnamon paws were too busy — it was as important a duty as the medicine cat had themself.

it’s why when the tabby pulls themself from the darkness of their temporary den, his attention is drawn. long steps take him through the reed entrance only moments before the scarred feline casts his voice aloud, their words tapering the humdrum of everyday mutterings, conversations amidst those lounging amidst the clearing.

there is a still quiet in the wake of beesong’s announcement and the mottled leader does not break it, pallid luminaries instead drifting to where ravenpaw stands tall, expectant. gloompaw’s replacement, to smell of herbs and pain the rest of his days. dark pupils narrow, slit to a fine line amidst pools of glinting icewater. he’d be better beneath the scarred healer, his fear, avoidance of water inclining him to believe less in his ability to do anything but. the fresh - caught trout in his maw is dropped delicately atop the growing pile, hearty and full with newleaf, before his paws aim to stride him closer towards where beesong calls. his pace is slow, gaze never leaving the obsidian - coated apprentice despite the way he aches to gauge darterwing’s expression. water dripping from the re - curling ends of bicolored fur, droplets landing to dampen the sand aside the monochromatic molly.

ravenpaw dips his head, tall ears angling forward and — they’d already discussed. " did you know about this? " it’s a simple murmur, despite the way his eyes never move from the young tom. will he listen? will he remain within eyesight of his mentor, will he be safe? too - recent memories of begging eyes and words of plea for a tom that had abandoned him in youth — before memories could shape of him, resemblance in the slope of his face. an ear twitches, finally lifting his gaze to settle heavy upon beesong, unwavering. he hopes his doubts do not show, lifts his chin in their direction. how had they chosen him? in dreams, prophetic like the stag that had traversed their lands — one that brought only hostility and anger. his stare does not waver, but he does not interject further, does not voice the thoughts that shadow his expression. ravenpaw seemed to know already, eager and facing the cinnamon tabby in a way he’d not faced this initial mentorship with. a poor excuse for a riverclan warrior — with hope and stars at their side, he would be a better locked to the position of docility, and graced a better fate than gloompaw.. but the phantom would not hold his breath.

  • i. ic opinions ofc ofc CONGRATS FELI!!
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
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The announcement doesn’t come as a surprise, as much as it sucks. And it does, really. It sucks. Clear’s loss isn’t the only one they’ve faced recently; Gloompaw still hasn’t been found, and with all the conflict lately, RiverClan needs another healer desperately. Still, that knowledge doesn’t do much to soften the blow. Gloom is being replaced.

The healer’s choice is Ravenpaw, and hazel eyes quickly seek out the apprentice’s dark form amidst the gathered cats. Being happy for such a change seems insensitive, feels a bit like brushing the position’s true holder under the rug. But if Gloom never comes back, then they need someone to fill her pawprints, at least until she does return. And if Ravenpaw is the tan tabby’s chosen one, then Clay’s response is pretty clear. "Ravenpaw!" He cheers, a broad smile plastered across his muzzle.

"Congratulations," he continues, though his gaze does flick off to the side, where Darterwing stands. Suddenly, the choice doesn’t seem like such a good one—he can’t imagine the feeling of one’s apprentice being ripped away is a good one, especially for a cat like her. Having ann apprentice was probably a dream come true for the dry-land cat, and he wonders whether her aversity to water will affect her chances of being reassigned a different apprentice. And didn’t Bee mention that they’d spoken to Raven in private? Did Darterwing know at all, or has she been just as blindsided as the rest of them?
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It had been difficult enough to accept that the baby-tooth Gloompaw had given him was gone for good, never to be seen again. The thought that Gloompaw herself might never again show her face to RiverClan was... perhaps a difficult reality, and one Fernpaw was not ready to accept. No matter how dire it looked, how heavy the dusk over that particular horizon became, the ginger tom would not give up on her. One day- somewhere, somehow, he would see her again.

Though, the Clan- Beesong, particularly- probably couldn't hold on forever like he could. Beesong needed a student, and though it wasn't up Fernpaw's alley he was admittedly curious to see if a new medicine cat apprentice would be chosen. As horrible as it was to think about anything befalling Beesong, the possibility was... certainly there. And if something terrible did happen to them, and there was no-one in the Clan with any herbal knowledge to speak of...

The medicine cat's voice split the clamour, turquoise eyes flickered up to the scarred medic as he spoke. A new medicine cat apprentice- Ravenpaw's name graced the air, and immediately Fernpaw's attention swivelled, searching for his shadow-pelted friend in the crowd- and as soon as he found him, the ginger tom bounded to his paws. Barrelling over with such fervour it was a miracle he didn't knock himself over, the sun-striped tom screeched to a halt and grinned at his friend. "Wow, Ravenpaw!" Sunshine-bright cheer, the flare of missing Gloompaw was forced beneath the dirt, overridden by happiness. This was a great opportunity, wasn't it? And- well, he'd known how little Ravenpaw favoured swimming. "You'll be giving me advice soon," he joked, good-humoured. There would be knowledge bestowed upon his night-pelted friend that Fernpaw himself couldn't conceive of. A bit more useful than shaking your fur out, anyway!
penned by pin
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(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡ Dim green eyes find their target, they watch as the black cat nod an agreement to the medicine cats words. His head is lifted high and no shock glints in his blue eyes, Darterwing knows it is true, her apprentice had already agreed to this.

It was an honor to be chosen for this role. Darterwing wants to be happy for him but instead a heavy pit begins to rot in her stomach. Her eyes catch her leader’s curly fur, she looks to him, jaw agape. Did you know about this? ”No.”
The word has to be choked out, it felt as if there were thorns in her throat.

Clayfur, Fernpaw, and others of the clan yowl congratulations, meanwhile, she can do nothing but fix her medicine cat with a horrified expression. She’s put all she had into Ravenpaw’s training since Cicadastar entrusted him to her, he was growing into a fine cat, Darterwing had even began to plan his final assessment… It was wrong to call this a betrayal, their medicine cat had not backstabbed her, but the sudden news that her days of training Ravenpaw to be a warrior were over felt like claws scrapping across her cheek.

Finally, she speaks. ”Beesong, this cannot be so!” She objects with a shake of her head, slowly approaching the scarred feline. ”Ravenpaw is near ready to become a warrior. The clan could use his strength. Surely there is another capable cat in the clan?” She doesn’t even think about how much her objection could hurt Ravenpaw. Though she tells herself she is concerned for the clan, deep down this is grief for the apprentice she once had and the warrior she almost made. — tags
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ravenpaw steps forward, his angular head dipping in the silent agreement that they'd already come to in the shadows of the healer's den. but beesong is hardly focused on his new pupil; his gaze wanders the crowd, gauging reactions... most cheer their congratulations for the dark-furred tom. but one cat, in particular, stands out against the majority. darterwing fixes him with wide eyes that reflect anything but excitement. horror mars her monochromatic features, a twisted painting that nearly speaks of betrayal. cicadastar comes to her side, murmuring something in the shocked warrior's ear that beesong could not make out. it feels as if there's a moss ball being forced down his throat. what did cicadastar say?

in hindsight, beesong should've predicted that ravenpaw's former mentor might've had... less than positive feelings towards this change. but in all honesty, they hadn't spared her much thought during their conversation with ravenpaw. nor did they think to discuss it with her before publicizing it; darterwing was neither a council member nor the cat chosen for this role, so what place did she have in this decision?

but they see now the mistake they've made. the fear of objection comes to life in the form of darterwing's raised voice, demanding that this cannot be so. claws rake through the healer's gut, a singular curled ear flicking away from her as if that would stop her words from reaching them. "why not?" beesong counters cooly, in spite of the rush of anxiety that spreads ice through their veins. yes, it is a horrible mistake they've made. they should've spoken to darterwing in private, to spare them the trouble of being questioned in front of their entire clan.

beesong knows how it feels to lose an apprentice all too well, but he still couldn't find much sympathy in his heart for darterwing. he fails to see how ravenpaw changing paths equates to losing him; at least darterwing can still see him and speak with him every day. almost bitterly, beesong thinks, she can say that she knows ravenpaw is safe.

he doesn't allow a frown to twist his maw, fighting against the downward pull on his lips. "riverclan needs a medicine cat apprentice just as much, and ravenpaw has expressed great interest in the role. there will still be more warriors for riverclan; iciclefang's littermates will follow her into the warriors' den next meeting." beesong levels darterwing with an unmoving expression, trying his hardest to ignore the drumming of his heart in his ear. "i'm sorry, darterwing. but this isn't your call to make." the apology feels stiff, a lie slipping past his teeth. he sees it as nothing more than a formality to try and smooth her fur, rather than a genuine attempt to make amends with her.

beesong truly believes this is what's best for riverclan.

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Dovepaw was never one to miss a call for a meeting, an announcement, anything of the sort. It was not like him to simply let the world go by, completely uninterested in the goings-on of the society around him. It was a tense gathering from the moment it began, and Dovepaw could taste it in the air. It was almost enigmatic, how he could be so clueless and so keenly aware all at once. The truth was, he always admired the position of the medicine cat, the way they lived and operated. There was nothing shameful about it—it was a life dedicated to helping, to aid at all costs.

And that precisely made the news difficult to swallow, and he did not know why.

Ravenpaw was his closest friend. One could argue his only friend. And yet this came as a complete shock to Dovepaw. It would be a lie to say he had not pined pointlessly for the role, but that wasn't why he found himself so hollowly unhappy for such good fortune to fall upon his closest companion.

Scenes from the border replaying in his mind, Dovepaw stared wordlessly over at Ravenpaw for a few moments until the taste of bile in his mouth became too much to bear. He turned away in the middle of Beesong's rebuttal, head faced firmly forward.

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(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡ Darterwing is dumbfounded, why not? Surely Beesong understood RiverClan always needed warriors- why waste all of Ravenpaw’s moons of training? Why not pick a younger apprentice? Why not take someone else’s apprentice away from them? Darterwing thinks its unfair, yet she doesn’t feel malice, just an intense sadness and frustration.

The medicine cat levels that Iciclefang’s siblings will be made warriors next meeting, it takes restraint not to argue that Ravenpaw would be becoming one too, that even just one more was a great advantage for RiverClan- especially if they wanted Sunning Rocks back. They apologize to her, stating it’s not her choice to make. Darterwing’s gaze darkens but after a few heartbeats she nods, unwilling to disrespect her medicine cat.

”Very well.” Relenting, she glances to Ravenpaw and forces a smile and a nod of approval. She hopes StarClan forgives her for her selfishness, but she cannot rejoice further in his promotion, not yet. Turning tail she departs into the crowd of cats that has began to gather, back towards the fish she had abandoned.
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There could be no worse feeling than hearing mixed reactions from his Clanmates. He did not expect to be hailed as if he had gotten his warrior name, like the two who had recently been named. However, the unease prickled at his pelt when Cicadastar opens his mouth and it's a question Ravenpaw did not expect. He breathes in, makes sure his ears don't waver, and he nods. He wondered for a moment if this ascension was uncustomary, strange, perhaps even irreverent. Beesong would not do that to him, or to themselves, he was sure.

Clayfur and Fernpaw break the tension from his shoulders and he finds himself relaxing with a breath, looking down at his ginger-pelted friend. "Maybe," He chuckled, retaining his cool, although his toes still dug at dirt and ground underneath him. Now with his head not bent all the way up to Beesong, he could look around, and notice the dappled grey pelt of his mentor.

Then the worst could have happened. Ravenpaw's blood chilled and he felt the regret of not informing his warrior mentor earlier. At that moment, he wished StarClan would send a message then and there, proving to them all that this was where he was meant to be—even if it took longer than needed. Surely, his lesser strength could be used elsewhere. He hoped.

No such sign came—apart from Beesong. Ravenpaw's ribcage expanded and deflated in secret relief for the way the cinnamon tabby stood up to his promise. And although it came at the price of having to watch the betrayal hit Darterwing across the face, he was glad for it. He wants to say something, his mind races with the possibilities, but in every scenario, he can just see any words would only make Darterwing feel worse. Ravenpaw turns his head to meet his former mentor's gaze with a sympathetic glance—it was all he could do. His eyes pass by Dovepaw, his friend, who is silent unlike Fernpaw, and he can feel the bitterness rolling off the tabby in waves. He was stuck by the severity of Dovepaw's judgment. He finally had something he could do right in.

Ravenpaw let the moment dissipate and he spoke again, louder.

"I will do my best to train to become a full medicine cat of RiverClan under Beesong. I will not let any of you down."

Please show me it's right. He thought of the stars. But even if you don't, I will make it right. For myself.

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somewhere in the crowd, an apprentice storms off; beesong does not acknowledge them, does not even notice, too fixated on darterwing to see beyond her. her response to his declaration is all that he worries about now. a shadow falls over the monochrome molly's gaze. beesong's chest tightens not a moment after he catches the shift. there's an expectation of an altercation that sits heavy on his squared shoulders, his curled ear flicking down. but darterwing does not push any harder.

she nods, and beesong lets out the breath he hadn't realized had been caught in his throat. thank the stars. he doesn't know what would've happened if she'd continued publicly protesting his decision. nothing good, that's certain.

even with darterwing standing down, beesong swears they can feel the uncertainty that floods the beech copse, the tension that crackles through the air like a lightning storm. it makes their hair stand on end, teeth finding the inside of their cheek. aqua eyes lift away from darterwing to meet cicadastar's doubtful gaze, and it takes every last ounce of strength in them to not flinch. was this a mistake? how could it be? beesong needed an apprentice. they wouldn't live forever, they wouldn't even live nine times over. tomorrow is not a promise, and riverclan needs someone to take over when they're gone... especially now that war lingers on the horizon like a nasty hurricane.

ravenpaw was willing to become that heir. beesong had only done what was best for riverclan.

his eyes narrow, glancing heavenward once more. there are no disapproving clouds, no roaring of thunder to condemn his choice. does starclan approve of this? then, stars above, why can't you get these clanmates to realize?

ravenpaw's vow breaks through his turbulent thoughts. beesong snaps his head in the direction of his new pupil, blinking. he won't let any of us down. a lofty promise to make, considering the reaction they'd received. beesong wonders, will he be able to uphold this promise? will those who disagree come to their senses and see why this decision was made? only time would reveal the answer, and beesong feels a surge of frustration at the doubt lingering in some of the eyes watching.

"that is all," beesong says, voice clipped. he dips his head— another formality— and retreats towards his makeshift den. away from those bothersome eyes. he doesn't gesture for ravenpaw to follow; if the dark-furred tom wants to follow, he will.

[ out! ]
you are the dancing queen

Catfishpaw certainly wouldn't be accused of being extremely close to Ravenpaw, but she did like the tom, he quietly put up with antics and she was grateful for that. So when she had gathered to hear what Beesong had to say she initially smiled at this step for Ravenpaw, it seemed like it probably fit his personality, and well his skill set a little better than a warrior. She was about to go and say a congratulations to him with Fernpaw, but before she can she feels the shift in the air.

The cool words of Beesong ring hollow even to her ears and she suddenly tunes into her sister. Darterwing slowly and seemingly begrudgingly makes "peace" with this new arrangement, and before Catfish can allow herself to congratulate Ravenpaw she quickly bumps a head into her sister's side. Looking up at the warrior she gives a small smile, trying to encourage Darterwing. Slowly she moves on from her sister's side and instead goes to Ravenpaw, "Congratulations! You know, there are so many herbs and flowers and such in the medicine den, I could probably find something decorate you with." she figured he may need a little bit of light hearted conversation "You will do great" she said that part a little more quiet.

young and sweet
A call to RiverClan that wasn't Cicadastar was certainly a strange one to her ears. She is curled within the grassy clearing, paws tucked beneath her muscular frame with remnants of trout decorating her muzzle. Beesong stands within the centre of Beech Copse, cinnamon fur gleaming under the sun as they call for RiverClan. The words that pass over their tongue are solemn, still grieving of Gloompaw and she can not help but feel the same. Gloompaw was someone that did her job with pride, always willing to do what's right. Cindershade had always liked her, but it was clear that the young apprentice would not return and so, a new apprentice needed to be held up for the task.
She listens quietly as Beesong speaks, finally revealing the name of someone she was quite surprised of. Ravenpaw? A salmon pink tongue swipes over her shaded muzzle, cleaning the last bits of her meal before ascending onto her paws. This was definitely not who she thought Beesong would pick, but given the circumstances—it seemed Ravenpaw wanted it. She moves towards the gathering crowd with piqued curiosity, ears pricking as Darterwing speaks up. An arched brow raises at the patched warrior—a remark tingling upon her tongue until it clicked within her mind.

Darterwing was Ravenpaw's previous mentor.

Cindershade settles herself and watches the ensemble between Darterwing and Beesong, the frustration becoming palpable between them until it finally ceases. Both sides had a point, but it appeared that there was a lack of communication somewhere within the midst of it all. She sighs, watching Darterwing and Beesong both depart until Ravenpaw amongst a few others were left. Her paws glide over towards the gangly apprentice, his height already overcoming her own and she straightens herself up to look at him more squarely. "Congratulations, Ravenpaw." She murmurs, her own green eyes meeting his own. "But I do think you owe Darterwing some explanation. Perhaps not now. But soon." Her gaze flits over to where the molly had disappeared among the throng of cats, making out her form to near the fish she had eaten. She couldn't blame Darterwing for feeling a pang of betrayal, and her mind flickers to a scenario of Sablepaw doing the same thing and not speaking with her about it beforehand. She'd have felt the same—if not worse. A brief twitch of dark lips etched into a smile, nearly invisible against dark festures but one is there nonetheless. "I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job." She adds, nodding to the tom before also disappearing to where she once came from.