private CAMPFIRE STORIES + prank


Mar 21, 2024
Things in the territories had been tense as of late. WindClan being WindClan, RiverClan responding as RiverClan usually does, and ShadowClan being - you guessed it - ShadowClan. Ivytwist hadn't gone to the gathering this moon, so she didn't exactly have a decent grasp on what had happened. The only report she could wiggle out of someone was an over eager apprentice who couldn't stop talking to breathe! She also did not really press for too much information, either. That's Howlingstar and the rest of the lead warriors' problem. She was ready to go wherever she was asked to, but she had real no desire to share her input.

Besides, Ivytwist had recently appointed herself as "Lead Morale Warrior", in her head. It wasn't an official gig or anything, she just wanted to make sure that things stayed cool around camp. No in-fighting, no arguing, none of it. She didn't know how she would even handle that. So, she had a talk with @PLOVERHOP and they came up with a fun little plan for the apprentices. Something to giggle about for a while.

The bi-color warrior marched in front of a line of apprentices under the light of the shrinking moon. Their mentors were a little reluctant to release them to her care, but she had soothed them into submission by assuring them that a whole two warriors would be there to keep an eye on them. They didn't know that, though.

The apprentices were under the assumption that Ivytwist was giving them a special lesson on night hunting and it was Ivytwist alone. "Number one thing about night hunting you need to know is to look out for the Warrior Squirrel. Every warrior is trained in special takedown techniques if they encounter it." At several confused stares and opened maws for questions, Ivytwist feigned an aghast expression. "Your mentors have never told you about the Warrior Squirrel? Well, I guess they were waiting until you were ready. I personally didn't learn of it until the night before I was made a warrior." She thought fondly back to that night and how she was lying about it completely.

"The Warrior Squirrel is a squirrel of ginormous size! About as big as Gentlestorm or Bigfang. It has razor sharp teeth and eats prey just like us. It comes out at night and hides in the tree branches, waiting to jump down on unsuspecting cats." She looked warily into the canopy and dropped her voice to a whisper. "No one's ever killed it, only wounded it enough to scare it off." A rustle sounded in the branches and Ivytwist crouched low and flicked her eyes to the sky again. If all was going according to plan, the "Warrior Squirrel" was about to make its appearance to the apprentices.
[penned by muddly - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ FOR YOU, I AM A CHILD, BELIEVING

ooc: prank time! feel free to have your character either fully believe Ivytwist or be skeptical of her claim!
tags: @antlerpaw @Sproutpaw @bravepaw : ̗̀➛ @EMBERPAW. @Mintpaw
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After a full day of training with a cat he didn't exactly enjoy the company of at the moment, Sproutpaw was not eager to do the same thing at night. Ivytwist was an okay cat he guessed, but he didn't exactly enjoy some of her ideals, didn't like the warriors she hung around, and certainly didn't like her more chipper attitude. There was nothing to really be chipper about now, prey was scarce now that they had so many kits to feed, there was death after death while strangers began to seep into their home one after the other. He could only assume that StarClan hadn't intervened yet, hadn't struck down the cats that brought kittypets into their home due to them not being able to see through the thick trees that surrounded the territory for had they truly known where some of these cats came from, where their lineage and loyalties lied then truly the forest would have burned to the ground as WindClan's territory had.

They would not approve and he simply kept telling himself this.

When he'd been taken into the territory in the dark alongside the other apprentices he didn't even try to stifle the yawn that ripped through him, boredom and tiredness rushing through the apprentice as they were informed to sit down so that the warrior could tell them about night hunting. He leaned against Mintpaw during this, head nodding slightly in that way one would do as they were bored and simply not listening - something about a big squirrel? He wasn't really sure nor did he care - until there was rustling from above, and quickly head would turn towards the noise, eyes scanning as he tried to find the source.

  • --
  • 79619874_hcUKvDlxKSRuDI7.png
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    9 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Despite having napped in the middle of the day, Mintpaw was still exhausted. With the moon out, he would rather be sleeping, not out hunting. Why did he agree to this? The thought rattled through his brain. To help out the clan, obviously. To be good. Clearly that was his reason. But why with Ivytwist..? He supposed he could learn something from her. Always learning.

With that, he listened closely to Ivytwist's words. His tail lashed as he processed the warrior's words. A Warrior Squirrel, as big as the medicine cat, possibly bigger? "There's no way a squirrel cat get that big, is there?" He asked quietly, making sure not to scare off any potential prey or even the giant mythical squirrel (if it existed). Something felt off about this. Wouldn't the other warriors whisper about seeing the squirrel on their patrols? Maybe even hearing it? Mintpaw glanced to Sproutpaw, attempting to read the apprentice's body language about the words being spoken. He was right up on Mintpaw's side, not listening. Then, he looked to the others, trying to get a read on if they believed it. His attention snapped back to Ivytwist, tensing up as she crouched down. The branches above didn't help, his head raising to look up as well. Where could it be?
  • ooc ))

  • m2hPL8s.png
    - MINTPAW . tags
    - AMAB Male (he/him) - 8 moons
    - gen 1 . npc x npc . sib to none
    - speech . thoughts
    penned by doc
Emberpaw trails after Ivytwist, slightly bemused at the fact that she's traipsing after a cat she more than dwarfs with her own fluffy bulk. Such were the effects of her delayed apprenticeship, she supposes—if he had followed a standard track, he'd be a full warrior now, with a suffix well earned . . . somehow, though, he's not bothered by the fact that he still shares a den with the greenest of the six - moon - olds. Some of his more enterprising denmates, their blood thrumming with the ambition that seemed to suffuse the better part of the Clan—and while some may have attributed that to his kittypet blood, Emberpaw herself merely assigns it to a bone - aching exhaustion, a sore grief that was oft a burden held by much older cats.

" Warrior Squirrel? " the great golden tabby echoes in a soft baritone, shaking tufts of gilded fur out of his eyes. Her massive fluffy body is aglow with the light of the waning moon above, illuminating a sturdy build and the mass of fluff that covered it in white - gold, making Emberpaw appear to glow in the moonlight. The tabby smooths one heavy paw over his fur, trying to ruffle it out of his vision, all while suppressing a throaty giggle at the widened eyes of the younger apprentices.

Unwilling to spoil Ivytwist's innocent fun, Emberpaw watches with bemused humor as Sproutpaw and Mintpaw's heads turn this way and that, tracing the sound of the rustling above. She drops into a good - humored crouch in mimickry of Ivytwist, waiting for the " Warrior Squirrel " to make its appearance.
