Can’t stop thinking about it ✶ Softpaw


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

Despite Softpaws reassurance that she hadn't been injured when she was tripped over in the den, Owlpaw worried. Something didn't sit right with her, she feared that maybe Softpaw was embarrassed, the tabby would be embarrassed herself if she had to admit such a thing. Perhaps it was truly nothing to be so worked up about, unfortunately Owlpaw was the kind of feline to work herself up easily. The easiest way to settle her concerns was to shadow the apprentice that day, just to make sure that she was okay.

She wasn't trying to hide the fact that she was following her by any means, besides, it would be difficult to try to hide it even if she wanted to. Wherever Softpaw went throughout her day Owlpaw was there too, a few respectable metres behind her but it was pretty obvious that she was following her. As soon as anything involving labour was involved she would volunteer herself in Softpaws place. This whole time she hadn't said a single word to her other than "goodmorning."

It hadn't dawned on her that what she was doing might be off-putting until she had committed a couple of hours into this self imposed task of hers. Realising this, she closed the distance to now be walking beside Softpaw, trying to think of what would be the right way to say I wasn't trying to be weird by following you around, I'm just worried. Instead the first thing she decided to say was "how are you feeling today?" internally she kicked herself, maybe it would be better to turn around and hide away in the apprentice den for the rest of the day. No, that would be a cowardice act and she was definitely not a coward. Instead she decided that the ground they walked on was a great place to look she cleared her throat in an attempt to say something that was better
"I mean- with being tripped over. You're still feeling fine?"