can i call you tonight / intro


pocket the sunshine ´ˎ˗
Dec 15, 2022

Shes been in a pretty good mood lately but its obvious that Morningpaw's death had sent multiple people in to the deep end with grieving. She didn't personally know the tortoiseshell kid but she did know she was sincerely loved and Cove thinks thats beautiful, honestly, for the families memories of her will keep her alive in their hearts forever. In grief there is something special, something tender.

She just feels bad for the family and so she does something she thinks would be good. She had spent all day either hunting (at least trying to, she kept getting distracted) or collecting shells at the border between them and Riverclan, making sure they were shiny and clean so when she returned they were in pristine condition. Now she sits in camp, dumping them all off of her back and shivering slightly due to the cold. She had to go very slow to ensure they stayed on. "Hi guys! I got shells if anyone wants them." Cove beamed, immediately beginning to shuffle through them. She hopes this helps cheer up her clanmates.
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Shells? What were shells?

Wildpaw twitched a single ear as he made an approach so he could investigate Covecatcher's collection. They reminded him of bones, but not quite. He reached a paw forward and he gave them a curious prod, marvelling at the texture. "Do they do anything?" He queried with growing fascination as he batted his chosen shell about, savouring the sound it made when it scraped the ground.​

In his messages from StarClan the previous night he had seen great treasures. Trufflepelt had at first believed it to mean a bountiful hunt, or his destiny to free another from their suffering would finally come to fruition- but it seemed his answer came more literally! How wonderful the Stars were, speaking their Truth in riddles and prosaic both! A glad gilt gaze befell the figure of Covecatcher as she trilled a cheery tune, grin on her maw shimmering like a sunbeam. How lovely, to see others who wished to rid suffering. He hoped the extreme of his destiny would not be, he hoped truly- and Covecatcher was among the cats who would ensure it.

"Lovely," Truffelpelt chimed. Morale might be raised with these, though he did worry how heavy Morningpaw's death weighed on some souls. Howling Wind, Little Wolf, the rest of their family... their suffering may only be fixed by his hand, his destiny. A nice thought, though, shells were. "You seem proficient at gathering these!"

When he thought of shells Flycatcher often thought of RiverClan. Mostly because he could recount such items littering the riverbank, and as a young tom, when the clans did not exist, he could remember being fascinated by them. He liked how different they all were and how some could be very similar to one another too. His father had told him of how some creatures lived in the shells sometimes which had amazed a young Flycatcher. Or at least it had until Cricket had joked about how one was like to pinch his ear if he put it close to one. Poor Flycatcher had gotten frightened at that and ran off to the comfort of his mother, much to the amusement of his elder sisters.

He pads over and casts an appraising glance over Covecatcher's shells. "These look nice," He mused softly. "Do you have one I might gift to my apprentice to cheer her up?"

The scarred warrior has been busy healing from the border skirmish. Though his wounds are healing well, it is his mind that struggles. If it weren't for him, Morningpaw might still be alive - a fact that will be ever-present.

Finchcatcher doesn't know if he'll ever be able to eat another squirrel. A constant memory of what happened finds shelter in the critters' form.

He's off by himself at the edge of camp when the call comes. Cove brought shells. Ears twitch at the word, a reminder of ThunderClan's short time in RiverClan. Though short - though his burns were fresh, back then - Finchcatcher can't help but remember the time fondly. He likes RiverClan. He hopes they're doing well.

The shells bring a much-needed distraction to his mind. And as he looks over at the she-cat - at the shells she shuffles through - he decides he wants one too. So, he rises, and pads over to the cream tabby. "Can I have one?"

As shes sorting the shells (by color and sheen, anything else and she may cry), there are cats coming up! Oh, how perfect! The first one to walk up was... Wildpaw, she thinks! Shes not the best at names but she hopes shes right. "They're magic! And very pretty too, sometimes they glow in the sunlight," she excitedly starts, eyes wide before she scrunches up her nose. "And just between you and me, sometimes you can hear waves in them... I like to think theres a tiny little world trapped in certain ones, wouldn't that be cool?" she leans forwards, watching him bat his shell around with growing satisfaction. Oh, her little plan had worked!

Next to approach... Oh she knew this one! Trufflepelt! He was really cool. "Yea! Shells are my favorite thing." she beams and then sheepishly waves her paw in the air as if to dismiss the conversation. Gah, she genuinely hopes they dont bring up the lack of prey. She had tried, truly! It's just... the shells... Were calling to her and then she missed a bird that had stayed behind (or maybe it hatched late, it was kinda small). "I'll grab you a shell, lemme... Hm...." oh, what if she gave him her favorite one from this trip? Spiral kinda shell, you could hear the ocean from it too! "Here! You can hear water in this one, try it!" she pushes it forwards, totally forgetting the fact that she had told Wildpaw 'just between her and him'.

Fly and Finch are the next ones, oh, what was Fly's apprentice name again? Slightly she begins to worry, Railpaw? No, that didn't seem right... Rimepaw...? "ROEPAW!" she nearly shouts in triumphant realization, hah! Her memory did not fail her as it mostly always did! "Yea! Lemme find one, I think this would work!" she slides forwards an oyster shell, something that gleams rainbow in the sun. Shes not sure how or why, only that it may have looked dull, but when exposed it shined more vibrantly than anything she had seen before! "And for you, Finch, hm...." a clamshell! It had red spots just like Finch, she thinks, and it was really pretty too. She slides it forth with a grin. "Everyone can take more if they want too!"
✦ ★ ✦
Inconsistent paper stars

Prey had become scarce, there had been a death in the clan and this leaf-bare looked like it was going to only go downhill from here. A red tabby shivered a bit at the snow against the nub of where a foot once stood. The tomcat flicked an singular ear a bit at a voice that called from the otherside of camp and a blue eye peaked up at the commotion. Seeing a few of his clanmates approach this cat with shells, and then he gave a chuckle to himself as he realized who it was with the shells; Covecatcher.

The cream she-cat was always out of the ordinary, collecting items and such, and it was amusing. At least the other cats in the clan were nice about it, but then again Thunderclan wasn't as harsh as the other clans were. The scarred cat moved forward to stan beside Roepaw with a tilt of his head, "Got anymore for me, sis?" He questioned with a smirk.
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silver eyes glide across the group that had gathered around covecatcher. it couldn't help but pique her interest. the cream molly had to have brought something good to camp if it had this many thunderclanner's swarming her.

the warrior limped over, silently wondering what it could be. perhaps there would be a large kill waiting to meet her gaze. a large rabbit or particulary fat squirrel maybe? her inklings were crushed as she noticed a pile of something being handed out. upon a closer look, she realized they were shells. all this, over some shells?

nightbird held a small frown of disinterest, but she had pushed her way too far into the group to leave wordlessly. "pretty," the compliment was muttered half heartedly before she left, taking a spot near the edge of the group to sit and observe.
[ ☾✩ ]



Huh? Magic? Wildpaw paused in what he was doing in order to narrow his eyes at Covecatcher. Did she think that he was a little kit who still believed in fairy tales? The apprentice gave a roll of his eyes before he returned to batting the shell about, that is until curiosity got the better of him as he flipped it over so he could lean down and bring his ear to it. The sound was... really weird! Wildpaw flinched away with a look of surprise.

Though any youthful wonderment was soon replaced with more... Wildpawesque trains of thought. "I bet I can use this to hurt my enemies." He murmured with a grim chuckle as he picked up the shell before hurrying away to StarClan-knows-where to do stars-knows-what.​

Flycatcher waits patiently to see what Covecatcher would pick out, smiling to himself as she tried to recall Roepaw's name. Eventually, she nudges an oyster shell towards him that glistens like a rainbow when it catches the light. "A fine choice," He comments, giving Covecatcher an appreciative nod. "I am sure Roepaw will like it." As he admires the suggestion she picked out for him, Covecatcher gives out a shell to Finchcatcher before she invites them to take any other shells they might like. Flycatcher is about to decline and take away his gift for Roepaw but a spiral shell with a reddish-brown stripe in it catches his eye. "Could I take this for Flamewhisker?" He asks politely, before gesturing with a paw to the shell he was referring to.