pafp CAN I TRUST WHAT I CANT SEE | prey low


i wish i could stand without stumbling
Aug 31, 2023

tags. ↟↟↟ He had heard the whispers of warriors around camp. They claimed the territory was thin with frogs and mice. Patrols were having dirt luck hunting. The freshkill pile was noticeably smaller and cats ate less. It hardly affected a kitten like himself. The new addition to the code made sure kits were fed well. He had all the food he needed. Even then the rumors of and the evidence of less food made him nervous of being hungry.

His pale green gaze watched the limp body of a fat toad. It was the last remaining prey where the freshkill usually was stocked. No one had touched it in two whole hours. He knew it was perhaps out of politeness and also because perhaps no one wanted to see the pile completely empty. No doubt warriors were out patrolling for more prey this moment.

They would find some more, he assured himself. He needed to grow big. He was getting taller and bushier each day. Finally he was shedding his newborn looks. He wanted to get bigger and stronger so he could be an apprentice - so he could have the strength to walk the thorny path out of camp.

It was these desires that drove him to sneak over and grab the toad when he thought no one was looking. He dragged the dead toad away from the center of camp to a quiet spot beside the bramble wall at the edge of camp. Here, he began to chew at the tough and bumpy skin of the toad.

// wait for @STUMPYSPOTS to post first :3
+ mobile post so sorry for errors



Unknowingly, a few moments into Pinekit digging into the toad, came Stumpyspots. She looms right behind the brown and white kit, her mouth salivates at the smell of toad blood, what she'd do for a bite right now. Yet, regardless of how prey aggressive she was, maternal instincts from previous litters always prevailed. The little ones were safe from having to scrap with her... and well- it was the code now after all.

"Mmm, yes, toad is good for a kit to grow." Stumpyspots sounds rather suddenly, potentially startling the kit. "My ma, oh- way back when she was 'round... told me to feed my kits as many toads possible. She said it gives 'em resilient coats." What Pinekit needed this knowledge for only StarClan knows, but Stumpyspots enjoyed giving unsolicited facts and advice.
  • » Halfmaw . Stumpyspots
    » ShadowClan Warrior
    » She/her ․ Twice Widowed
    » Calico she-cat with rounded features.
    » ”speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy hitting foe capable of standing her ground
    » Excels in slow, but powerful blows and kicks.
    » Fights to defend and protect
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

with the journeying cats gone, and the rest working overtime to keep the sick cats fed and hydrated, it wasn't a surprise that a few cats didn't get to eat this week. less and less was the prey pile filled and it was giving the leader a sense of deja vu. they weren't hungry, so it wasn't them they were worried about. kits and elders got to eat first now, and so they weren't too bad either. but... queens and warriors needed to eat too. starlingheart needed to eat more than they. they stand near stumpyspots, offering the older molly a flick of their tail over her flank before looking at pinekit.

"suppose i should eat more. i could do with a shiny coat."

they chuckled quietly.

A carefree attitude could only take one so far, and with everything going on it seemed Wheatpaw had reached the limit. The wanderer was used to an empty stomach from her time alone, but it was worse now that it represented something. Before, her suffering was solitary. Now a growling belly symbolized Shadowclan’s dire straits. She considered herself a good hunter, but had no luck in procuring any prey.

Amber eyes had been watching the toad for a while, narrowed into slits as she made silent bets about who would take it first, all while resisting the urge to do so herself. Eating it would have been the smart move, but it was also selfish. Wheatpaw considered herself a dead woman walking as far as Shadowclan was concerned, and she didn’t want their last memories of her before she left to be tainted by such a self-interested action. So, when Pinekit snatched it when he thought no one was looking, the Somali lookalike breathed a sigh of relief as temptation was taken from her.

The autumn-hued cat stood and approached, a weary look in her eyes. A small nod to both Stumpyspots and Chilledstar, devoid of any sass. Usually Wheatpaw was more than willing to trade barbs with their leader, but she just didn’t have it in her right now. “My parents said something similar about squirrels” she mused quietly, responding to the other she-cat’s story. “They said if one eats enough, they would get a beautifully bushy tail. I suppose they were correct.” The apprentice swished her long tail to-and-fro with a soft smile, looking at Pinekit with hints of nostalgia sparkling in her eyes​